Blak Starz

Ayo, August iz here & September next - a very important time 4 BLAK PEOPLE because Aug holds the birthday of the Most Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey & September borned out of her womb the same for Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. These 2 are the titans that pushed the AFRIKAN CAUSE way ahead of their time, 4 us 2 see AFRIKA & AFRIKANS as not just hewers of water but as a people of regalness, royalness & of a DIFFERENT type of INTELLIGENCE. There are 2 many whom already have given their life 2 the Afrikan struggle & we must remember that recently, the great Dr Van Sertima passed after a long illness. Our revered elders are going & they need 2 be replaced as we go along but is it YOU that can fill those shoes? Oh, you must believe that this thing is comin & what it is is not known yet but......will U be leading or will U be led? The blueprint is there already. Mr Garvey provided you with it. He implored you "To do what you will." We in the know, know that Dr Nkrumah said, "Our independence is meaningless unless it is hooked up with the total liberation of Afrika." I'm here in Ghana KNOWING that these quotes emenated from them seeing first hand what went on in the states with Afrikan Amerikans when they were there. Fela can aso be included in this equation. Blak Starz I would call 'em. Yeah, are U on this team? This team includes Carlos Cooks, Sonny Carson, Dr Ben, Keidi Awadu aka the Concious Rasta, Dr Welsing, Winnie Mandela, Phil Valentine & that 5% dude that watches everybodies children on the block. 2day, this 1 is 4 y'all Blak Starz. 4 those of U who visit Afrika or read/listen 2 speeches by Malcom or get flak 4 being DIFFERENT, this message is 4 U & U don't have 2 be famous or popular. At the end of the day, what matters most is that U love ya BLAK PEOPLE. Dr Ben always talks about how much he & Dr Clark would argue & when they seperated, would hug & say that they loved each other. That's Star Quality, a dose of what Blacks need worldwide! As an Afrikan Amerikan here in Ghana, I don't have a favorite group of people as I am not directly from them. I love my people based on character as MLK taught. I tell Ghanians that I am more than Ghanian, I'm Afrikan! I said in a prior post that this is the time 4 the faithful & those who look at this as THAT BLAK SHIT, y'all better know it's comin. I'm talkin 2 my Blak Starz!! Shine on like diamonds against the stars. Keep on KNOWING while those around U believe in that next thing. Keep on usin the internet 2 make it destroy the system that created it. Thank U 4 makin it possible 2 slam an 80something year old Blak Woman in Ohio who was holding a knife at Walmart. If U are readin this, it means that U have a computer & U can look at it 4 yaself. Thank U 4 makin me cry AGAIN!!! Anybody with a little care & MOVEMENT could subdue an old woman with a lot less FORCE!! FUKK DA POLICE & 4 y'all bellyachin about me cursin, chill out. This thing is gonna be great as societies will have to start from SCRATCH!! Break it down!! Don't y'all c it by now? That U revisit my site despite no half-naked chicks shakin they thang means that U care enuff or well at least I hope U care. Ayo, I want 2 include U on my team, the Blak Starz. Marcus made the Blak Star Line & more. Dr Nkrumah achieved independence & served as a catalyst for that Afrikan Independence Movement. Are U a Blak Star? Ansa that 4 yaself, ya dig????!!!PS. If y'all need 2 find me, I'll be looking 4 MMG in the WHIRLWIND! HOLLA BLAK!!!!


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