666 on 09/09/09 (upside down)

So my man comes from da US yesterday & he knows I'm here & he calls me up 2 greet him at the airport! I'm da Blaksmith & so I have 2 CRAFT a way 4 him 2 get where he gotta go outside of Accra. No sweat, da Blaksmith been here ALMOST a year & by now I kno plenty enuff of peepo 2 get dat done &....We got there fine & all & on da way blak.....The police stop me & my man, a Taxi Driver as we neared Tema which is part of da Greater Accra area. Anyhoo, they stop my man & he gets outta da car 2 sort things out & aint no problems. Now they vexxed bcuz they aint findin nothin & aint got nothin 2 do. As I partook of some Sticky Icky dat morn & finished it wit my arriving buddy, I didn't have anything on me(thank God), but they found Rizzla (equiv of EZ Wider or ZigZag) in my pocket. Naturally, I'm from da US & my instincts kicked in & I told him that I was rollin tobbacco. That proceeded 2 piss 'em off as Ghanian Kulture is in luv wit reverence 4 those in authority. They were vexxed & insisted that I was insulting them bcuz who uses Rizzla with Indian Hemp residual in the paper as they smiled. They cuffed me as I was considered DISRESPECTFUL & told that I would be taken 2 da nearest precint 4 possession of SI dust. As an Amerikkkan, I said, "Lets go!" but I kno da game & I saw them smilin as they have an Amerikkkan in they midst & they can get MONEY bcuz they equate Amerikkkan Peepo wit MONEY. Nevertheless, I was cuffed 2 da railin of they truck & after they searched me & my man the Taxi Driver, he pleaded wit me 2 BEG them 2 not take me 2 jail. He made numerous phone calls 2 try & free me 2 no avail. They left me sittin in the truck 4 about 20 minutes b4 I told said driver 2 give them HIS Money as he is Ghanian & they would have a lil mo sympathy on him bcuz he is poor & a native. After they kept comin around & SMILIN cuz they smelled DOLLARS, like they jus met da cat's meow, they freed me as if I didn't kno they would bcuz they would never jail an Amerikkkan as he can BRIBE them 4 his freedom. I didn't bribe them, da DRIVER did. Peepo were scared 4 me but I looked at it as another story 2 tell. I give dat story 2 U 2 tell U dat at no time ever did I feel frightened or afraid as I've been in the custody of NYPD & felt terrified even if they were coo! This story allows me 2 tell y'all dat despite Ghanians bein really shysty at times & slick, there is a luv dat can't b explained as they KNOW I am an Afrikan & at no time were they abusive in any shape form or fashion. Even tho I had 2 pay 2 go, would it b betta 2 go get processed 4 dust, jailed, sent 2 court, given a record & poss expelled 4 somethin even Kwame Nkrumah did DAILY? Mind y'all, they didn't find anything as I don't get down wit da Sticky Icky. I use dat 4 tobbacco & mayb my peepo rolled fatties dat I didn't see. What an EXPERIENCE!!! Ayo, come 2 Ghana if U wanna come 2 Afrika from da DIASPORA as it is a Man's Paradise tho by no means is it perfect. Hey I bleev in da motto of nothing ventured nothing gained. Have experiences everywhere U can. Live a little! Besides if U turn the date of 999 over U get 666 & we in da last dayz. My life is now upside down & blood b rushin 2 my head 2 make me.......THINK!!! Ghana is 1luv. There is a luv here dat U could never get there & I can't even explain it tho I feel it. Stop bein scared & com get som. I'm CLEAR!!!! HOLLA BLAK!!!!!!!!!!!


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