Disrespect at its Best

Something I hope every1 wants is RESPECT. I know that I do. So, now we seem 2 be livin in a world where respect is not all that important. How & why do I say this? Well, bcuz everyday, more & more, I see peepo disrespecting each other 2 the point of nausea. Hey, not that I really give a flying F but ya fave Prez was dissed by a congressboy who called him a liar as if Bush din't lie. We already know about Kanye dissing Taylor Swift & how about even Old Gal Etta James dissin Beyonce not long ago 4 singin her song at an award show last year. Who here readin this remembers the days when it was best left 2 say nothin bad about some1. What happened 2 declinin dissin ya bro/sis or at least confrontin 'em 1 on 1? I think I know what happened.....every Sue, Jane & Felicia owns a video camera 2day & everything is now INSTANT! Sex tapes? Reactions when peepo been drinkin/smokin/sniffin are instntaneous & everybody livin a virtual life. No time 4 respect when things are instant. Peepo are REACTIN instead of RESPONDIN & once in the air evrything is fair. How can U respect food that came 2 U in less than 2 minutes? It doesn't have high value but it sure does hit the spot, right? 2 me, this is how I know the last days are upon us & I also know that every ending is a beginning 4 something else so no doomsday predictions here. Do some of y'all listen 2 how our kids talk 2 each other? Suck my dick nigga! Fuck U punk! Yo bitch, U stink. Them niggas from the other side of town is soft, etc etc ad nauseam. What have we been reduced 2? Some of us ain't gonna make it thru as the time nears. I don't care who U are but if U are so lucky 2 be readin this or have some1 readin this 2 U, U better be makin some alternative plans bcuz shit gonna get really UGLY soon. What U talkin about gettin Swine Flu shots? http://www.google.com/ squalene & 4 y'all lazy asses, here go ya link bcuz if I say it, y'all might get offended. Oh I see, U allowin the fear 2 paralyze U. Will the federalizing of this law scare U more? I'm talkin bout MANDATORY shots 4 all! Does the United Snakkkes Gov gotta tell U 2 be scared with they color coded assessments? Are U a 14th Amendment & a good nigga? Did U wash ya ass this mornin? Did U get ya hair did? Are U afraid of what & how I write? U can only be offended if U are lazy & follow laws that are written in flowery language but nontheless, dangerous 2 U & ya fam. Is it offensive 2 read PURPOSEFUL butchering of a language that I mastered & hate the fact that I mastered it? What's goin 2 be important 2 U in 1 week/month/year? Will we be talkin 2 each other like this when we actively under fire? Will Obama & 'em still be ya leaders when stuff hits da fan? Who knows? I luv y'all 2 much & as Public Enemy said so eloquently not long ago, who fears a Blak Planet? ALL WE NEED IS LUV!!!! LUV is da plan as LUV=RESPECT!!! I luv y'all 2 much. Blak is 4 the peepo I come from & Smith means working man. I work 4 U my peepo!!! We don't need any other plan! Marcus, Nkrumah, Malcom & Amos Wilson all gave us 1 already as they loved they peepo as I do, 2 a FAULT! So hate me now bcuz I luv y'all knowin that some a y'all hate me bcuz I luv y'all! Come blak 2 da luv. U can find it here in Afrika. Afrika luvs U! http://www.black2afrika.blogspot.com/. PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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