Divine Intervention or.....

Just a shout out 2 alla y'all & don't 4get about our Haitian brothers & sisters. Keep them in ya prayers, meditations, thoughts & somewhere in da front of ya minds. I told y'all after dat disaster dat there would be more coming & if ya din't kno, there was 1 in Turkey jus last week. I told y'all 2 not send money 4 relief bcuz out of $250Million USD, THEY SAY dat only 80Million reached those in need & who do U personally know there dats countin dat money? I told y'all dat acts of GOD or natural disasters would increase so as 2 seemingly send aid & yipppeeee......invade away. Those of U faithful enuff 2 follow me onna regular basis kno da drill aleady & shit gonna keep on happnin. As da sayin goes, when white peepo catch a cold, we get da flu. Hey, I'm just sayin tho......
Ok, now dat we got those formalities outta da way, let's get into our article & talk about GOD! Lately, I be on FaceBook & YahooChat & all these interactive Networking Sites & peepo postin articles about shit whites do 2 Blaks dat ain't rite & I'm like.....SMH. Now 4 da uninitiated, this may be like, "wow, I din't know things were this bad but now dat I'm interactive & I like JimBob Lewy, damn, he always be postin some messed up shit THEY do 2 us at da same time blowin my high!" My point in sayin all this is dat da shit been happnin, is happin rite now somewhere & will continue 2 happen until U do somethin about it. 2 many peepo on these sites read up on shit like da Jena-6, da young lady in MO who almost got 15 years for skippin a line at Wal-Mart & GOD forbid if Monique don't win dat Oscar 4 her role in dat Precious movie. Now, in & of themselves, all these topix were newsworthy but WTF are U doin? Cases go 2 court with us obviously not deservin ANY prison time & we be thinkin dat GOD is gonna provide justice, blah blah, yakkety yak, yak yak yak. GOD this & GOD dat! Do U kno who U are? Da devil doin shit in real time as da Judge is da Father, da DA is da Son, da Sherrif is da Grandson & his lover is also screwin da wife in an incestuous family in law & they all Satan Worshiping Hatin Niggas. 2 many of us are REACTIONARIES & at this time in our lives at least 2 me, a REACTIONARY is a saboteur, whether it be purposeful or inadvertant. This is a time 2 recruit & not alienate those who may need more info. I have a sista who used 2 always tell me dat, we should have gatherings where no 1 talks or lectures. We should jus gather & MEDITATE as those who have been doin da knowledge kno wat must be done & jus do da work & keep it movin. Readin a book like Destruction of Blak Civilization or Blueprint for Black Power gives us all da ammo 2 do wat we should, but whom amongst us is really doin anything different? We & I include myself need 2 get offa dat I'm BLAKKER than U shit! Most of us still work 4 'em. Most of us still close our eyes & picture ya favorite dude, Jesus as white but notice how most peep's don't mention KKKlinton as da 1st Blak Prez anymore. Just about errytime I see KKKlinton nowadays, there's a bush nex 2 him & I ain't talkin about pussy. Y'all Talkin about GOD & if U ever stopped 2 think about who it is, U would slap yaself silly 4 allowin ya Mama 2 indoctrinate U without takin at least 2 or 3 looks elsewhere. U bought some BS hook line & sinker. I was once a vikkktim of shit 2 so don't sweat dat. Where U lookin now?
GOD! GOD! Oh GOD! Holy KKKrist! Oh Lord! Jesus, da notorious, Please us wi........don't front, U know I got ya open.....Blak 2 GOD. A few questions about GOD. Is God religion? If U say God is not known, how can U explain him/her? U say dat errything has a beginnin & end rite? If God was always there, where did he live as da bible says, in da beginnin, he created HEAVEN & EARTH. When did God name himself? Why would God create peepo & then make a copy of those peepo 4 US 2 be exploited by THOSE bastardzed sons of bitches? When & where did those Bastards appear & what is THEIR genesis? Wouldn't any peepo make religion stem from they culture? Why would peepo make a religion 4 da benefit of foreign cultures? If God is so GOOD, why are we not? Why doesn't his/her color matter? Why can't it be an androngynous God? Who is ya God? Ayo, U kno who my fave Wu-Tang Clan memba is? U-GOD
Stop worryin about defeatin THEM. We ain't gonna do shit but call on GOD when THEY come 4 us however THEY come & WHEN they come. Some will fight & live while others will cower & die & errything in da middle. Thru history, THEY are da only peepo who have sought 2 make weapons & da only thing THEY can do now is kill more of us faster & as quiet as kept, THEY just gonna take as many BELIEVERS with 'em as possible when they make they own abyss. We ain't gonna make nukes, create submarines or create Intelligence Agencies unless they fund it 4 us 2 snake each other out 4 pennies anyway. Stop talkin shit Blak Peepo! Those of U who KNOW in ya heart & mind dat we are ALL FAMILY & we MUST do 4 US, U already won & U don't yet know it. Da days quicken & evil lurks not 2 live much longer & U make dat decision between da red or blue pill. Stick it out, stay alive, luv ya peepo & do wat U can where U are as 2 da best of ya abilities. I can see clearly now da rain is GONE thru DIVINE INTERVENTION. DA BLAK MAN wit da highest morals & principals is GOD!


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