A Story!

Ayo, guess who's BLAK? It's me peepo & we BLAK up in the piece one mo time! Watitdo? Who U with? I been thinkin about this for some time & instead of bein outrite with it, today I gotta story to tell. Do ya like stories? I thought ya did. I'll even keep it short. So here goes to all of my peepo.

Picture a world where everything is PERFECT. As you look outside, you see nothin but lakes made of milk & honey. The MEN go to work every morning & the WOMEN raise the children while tending to the crops near home. The MEN bring home what the WOMEN need without the benefit of MONEY as the universe provides everything that WE need for FREE. The eatin of UNCLEAN ANIMALS stops and capilaries, veins & arteries clear up. Pedophiles could never line up afterskool as they are KILLED after bein caught the FIRST TIME. The elders are absolutely revered & respected. EVERY MAN absolutely respects the next MAN'S wife & dire consequences meet those who VIOLATE as in, OUTCASTING! Imagine a world where FOSSIL FUELS are used ONLY for industrial purposes. Did y'all know that the #1 ingredient in PLASTIC is OIL? Imagine NEVER havin to pay for water. Imagine just bein able to drink any water anywhere without worryin if it's contaminated. Everythin under ya soil is yours! Think about a REAL GOD that looks how YOU look. Think about a TRUE & LIVIN GOD! How about a place where everybody has their job accordin to the talent that they showed as a young child, nutured for that & more. Could you even think about a place with no CHURCHES as your temple houses the mind that lives a LIFESTYLE & not just in a building on any given SUNday? Imagine communin with the wild animals & they know not to TRESSPASS because what we got is ours & they got all that out there! Boy, they don't want it with us! No diseases & no made up diseases that peepo still wanna believe in just like religion; it's so hard lettin go of bad habits as we SIGH. No sperm from the sky deities & mos def, no bio engineered foods. Tobacco would be used ceremonially. Trees would be to MEDITATE & LEVITATE. No one would starve & no one is jealous because there are 3 women per 1 man & NOT every man has 3 wives. Some have 5 because some others JUST DON'T GET IT. Clean fish that jump into ya boat. Sun SPOTS aka solar flares. Look that up!!! All music made ORGANICALLY & no REFRIDGERATORS. Matter of fact, no electricity as ya senses get keener & keener. Pickin fruit up from the ground & bitin directly into it because the DIRT is CLEAN! You could walk anywhere BAREFOOTED. Guns won't work. Cocaine & Heroine are things of the past. Hospitals HEAL instead of makin you a CUSTOMER. Peepo live to be 110 on a regular basis with no trace of alzheimers or dementia bcuz processed foods are banned along with hydrogenalized oils, msg & aspartame. ALL FRUITS have SEEDS! No passports because all you gotta do is ask permission to cross the lands & as a matter of fact, we got peeps EVERYWHERE! How you think KINGDOMS grow? You won't need no ID because peepo wanna be known for who they are first as you represent ya peepo with PRIDE. Sunburts! Imagine two weeks of sunshine instead of an ice age. Who shines & who FRIES? When the earth stops spinnin, don't help 'em or y'all gonna blow my high. Imagine those things that can't NATURALLY TAN as melanin is GOD. Imagine the DEVIL pink before turnin red before turnin into a.....maroon. Imagine! Think! Be! Love! Respect! The Creator is COMIN in YOU! Imagine that.....................................................Don't front, ya know I got ya open! It's just a story & I'm stickin to it!!!


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