WWW III - Is it on deck? Part I

Ayo peepo, how y'all doin out there? Once again, the Blaksmith is BLAK, live & in livin color. Just saw a report that estaimates that 500K will die of cholera in Haiti. This link was sent to me by Isa I who is a very informative bro that I keep in touch with. Ayo, y'all may be thinkin that THEY gonna do some bioweapon shit like anthrax but THEY are now findin ingeneous ways of all sorts as TIME SPEEDS UP & THEY cannot hide EVERYTHING anymore. Remember, Global 2000, Agenda 21, Rex 84 aka the King Alfred Plan are just that, PLANS. They are constantly retoolin, reworkin & fine tunin THEY plans & just as THEY have a THINK TANK, we have OURS as well! Just bcuz SOME of Y'ALL is older don't make you an elder. An elder doesn't have to raise their voice much bcuz their demeanor COMMANDS RESPECT! True elders also know when to apologize as NONE of US knows everything. As TIME moves on, I will get HATERS throwin subliminal shots at me but I will continue as my MANDATE comes from ME & the GOD of my OVERstandin so hate on, FUKK y'all(you know who you are as you read this hatin me more) & stop tryin to recruit me as you use cult-like methods which are so obvious to anyone who studies 'em. There is too much goin on for me to be goin BLAK & forth with you about an ideaologcal GOD when the true & livin is in your presence givin you what lil knowledge I have for FREE. Cholera is a bioweapon & real peepo are dyin. A real jeffrey amherst gave the Native Amerikans smallpox. That toxic sludge spill in Hungary is real. Them riots happenin all over europe is real. Blak Peepo sufferin at the hands of racist white supremacy is real. The palestinians barely survivin is real. The DEMONIKKK money shystem about to collapse is real. I told y'all on the Final Countdown 2012 that I HEARD allotta shit is about to go down so don't go sayin I TOLD y'all what was gonna happen. Study the events & CONNECT the DOTS! The way WE feel here is, WE would rather you be prepared for the worst as opposed to thinkin that NOTHIN is gonna happen with all of this REAL SHIT happenin NOW! Y'all think all these recent developments is coincidences? They shuttin down EVERYTHING & Y'ALL AINT SEEN NOTHIN YET AS LIFE AS WE KNOW WILL SOON CEASE TO EXIST whether you care about it or not. I'm done with my lil rant BUT........let's get into it for real now cause I luv y'all so much & MOST of y'all don't know what GEOPOLITICS is. That shit affects YOU whether you know it or not.

March 28th 2010 - A South Korean navy ship was sunk yesterday in what was FEARED(caps mine) to have been a torpedo attack by a North Korean submarine. Feared was the instrumental word in that sentence. In this attack, it was reported that 46 South K's were killed. This was the first sentence in the Daily Mail online newspaper dated 3/29/10 written by David Williams & Paul Bentley. The title of the article is Korea tensions over CLAIMS(caps mine) that warship was sunk by torpedo.* As things developed, the US along with the South did an investigation & concluded that the North did it though the North has always maintained that they didn't. Hmmm, that's never happened before. Now, if you study incidences like the Gulf of Tonkin & the bombin of the USS Cole in Yemen, you would THINK, "what did the North gain from this?" The US wants to go into the North so bad to remove the NUKES & maintains a troop level at 28,500 just in the Demilitarized Zone aka the DMZ. As a PEACE TREATY was never signed, THESE NIGGA'S stay beefin! Again, what did the North have to gain from this?

July 20 & 21st 2010 - the US State Dept pays a lil visit in tribute to those 46 soldiers who were nothin more than sacrificial lambs. Defense Sec Gates & ya first blak presidents wife paid a lip service visit to the DMZ tryin to get the North to give they nukes up but WE in the know know that that ain't happennin. Wow, I don't think that I've ever used two words twice inna row in one sentence before. I'm a writin motherfucker but anyhoo.....they been tryin to get the North to concede for some years now but why would they do that after the US LIED about Iraq & Afghanistan? THEY still there in the middle east & it's been almost 10 YEARS. Sadaam got killed LONG AGO. While these defense peepo got there, the uss george washinton also arrived & the gw is defined as an AMERICAN POWERED SUPER CARRIER with NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES. Their purpose there is WAR GAMES to antagonize the North into submission as they PLAY near the heavily fortified borders. Can y'all say Cuban Missile Crisis boys & girls? WOW!!!

July 22nd 2010 - Beijing China, protests these GAMES so near to their TERRITORIAL WATERS as China is now an OFFICIAL SUPERPOWER! Of course the US denies issues with China & tensions flare but THEY stayed & played THEY games. Ayo, THEY named these WAR GAMES, Invincible Spirit & Indomitable Will. As quite as it's kept, we now have have Chinese & Russian subs off of the US coasts. This is why I keep tellin y'all to stop doubtin me & check references as times are sirius yo. These ain't no scare tactics, this is REAL TALK my NIGGAS & if you get turned off by words, GROW THE FUCK UP. I write what I wanna on MY BLOG with license! Get the message & read on!

August 2010 - the US, gettin frustrated as THEY cannot break the stranglehold of Kim Jong il, tries to block any money goin to the few elite there. As we already know, that ain't workin. On August 9th, the North said fuck alla this & fired 110 missiles to let the US & the South know that WE AIN'T PLAYIN EITHER. The South talked shit via loudspeakers but the North didn't respond. Y'all know how it go.

Things are developin so fast & as this is just brewin, stay tuned to black2afrika & WE will try & update the goin ons as much as possible. With these kinds of situations, things happen fast. If this goes too far, it can get nuclear as NK hasn't much to lose.

* www.dailymail.com.uk/news/worldwide/article-1260975/BREAKING-NEWS-South-Korea-ship-100-board-sinking-torpedo-attack-North-Korea.htm

- to be continued -


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