2010 - A Blak Retrospective Part II

Yes sirs & m'aams! The Blak Smith greets y'all once again with what WE came here to do. WE come to inform y'all as to what WE have seen, are seein & will see. We use the PAST to gague the PRESENT while predictin a rosy FUTURE for all of my REAL BLAK PEEPO. My 9 ETHER PEEPO & if ya don't know, look it up. At that time, ONLY those who have proven RIGHTEOUS will be given priviledges to stir up the pots. To lead. To speak from a moralistic level. To set up infrastructure. To build. I say these things as I watch them manifest in dreams, visions & thru subconcious thought. I see Haiti bein a big part of that & though I was wronged by a supposed haitian bro some years ago, the spirit of those peepo is indominable. Afrikans as a whole but them more in particular. The lowest of the low shall rise like a Phoenix with those of the Gulf Coast on deck. Tsuanamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, civil wars & famines will NEVER kill US. THEY still wonderin how the hell WE still alive as they PROJECT what would kill THEM. As Redman would say tho, "you can't puff or sniff it, because WE were born with it!" 718 like a NY area code to go.

Ok y'all, the last time WE were here reviewin 2010, we stopped in March & so on to April 2010 - alotta shit happened durin April 2010 but weather DOMINATED. Most peepo don't remember but those volcanos in Iceland started actin up in mid April as europeans were shocked & awed into submission. They really shouldn't be bcuz as I researched, tho Iceland is about the size of Virginia( a state in the USA), this small island with an approximate population of 260,000 peepo, spews out 1/3 of the total lava output in the world. I tell y'all that research is great bcuz one learns so much. Man, it got so bad, flights at ALL major european airports were cancelled & alotta those airlines lost BILLIONS of DOLLARS in revenues. I always thought of ash as just that burnt little annoyin stuff that floats in the air but I NEVER would have thought that a lil ole ash could stop planes flyin 50,000 feet above from movin all over a CONTINENT. That shit gets heavy FAST & can lock up those VERY sensitive engines. The nite pics from this disaster are BREATH TAKIN & a google search yields the prize. Lightin, lights & lava make for a great pic. It's FREE & NATURAL!Go see 'em!
Soonafter, the bp oil spill aka the Story of the Year. This DISASTER happened on 4/20/2010. This was the date that adolph hitler was born & also when the infamous Trenchcoat Mafias devestated the Columbine High School with a bag of bullets. The secret so called powers coicidentally do these things on these dates OR do you still believe in coincidences? I've previously reported here that the Gulf State Areas are full of oil & to make my point stronger, we had fema(katrina) & rita DEVESTATE that area to no end. We here at blak2afrika MAINTAIN that these storms were formed PURPOSELY usin HAARP & that the so called powers, in not wishin to COMPENSATE all those in the area by movin 'em, caused these storms & the oil spill so that peepo be FORCED to move from these MADE NATURAL DISASTERS aka ACTS of GOD. The khazars are doin the same in palestine. The soetero admin went down there & showed barry supposedly swimmin in the waters there but he was alledged to have been in HI in those pics. Supposedly, most of the oil was ALLEDGED to have been cleaned but upon further inspection, it's all on the ocean floor wreakin havoc. An overwhelmin majority of the seafod eaten in this country comes from that area. These include mammals such as whales, dolphins, porpoises & others like turtles, crabs, shrimp & all of the attendant birds. They practically KILLED a whole ocean & the peepo there are dyin man. As this debacle was done PURPOSELY, you can check www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?ChannelID=140. This story in my humble opinion has to be the #1 story as I have heard reports that all of that oil sittin at the bottom of the ocean affects the jet stream which is responsible for regulatin temperatures in western europe. All of europe was gettin record cold & snow storms in early December which is highly unusual. Alotta peepo were sayin that bcuz of the bp scandal that these strange weather patterns happened & a general study could prove conclusive to you as well. The undercurrent of all this is that the peepo are dyin in that area with the sprayin of corexit, a known carcinogenic when other SAFE solutions were available & less expensive. Yes, even them white trash fishermen who have lived in these areas for hundreds of years are gettin it too. Them so called elites don't give a FUKKK about them either & as this story is a work in progress, one should have knowledge that the EARTH knows how to cleanse herself so don't worry my peepo. Bein that we are like RATS & ROACHES & we've been given EVERYTHIN toxic already, WE KNOW that what kills this generation will ONLY strengthen the next. Retribution or Vengeance shall be OURS!
Some of those who died in April 2010 were Dorothy Height, a MOTHER of the movement. She was the pre eminent lady of the Blak Liberation struggle after the demise of Queen Mother Moore. Now I don't know if she couldn't or wouldn't, but Dr Height never had children & fought valiantly & tirelessly for her peepo thruout her life. She was 98 when she passed yo!Check her out online. Another GIANT that WE Blak Peepo lost last April was Benjamin Hooks, a powerhouse BRO of the struggle. Though he was a major part of the naacp which is nothin but a zionist front operation featurin boule members, Dr Hooks exemplified Blak Dignity & racial pride, somethin missin in today's fast food world. darryl gates who was the lapd pig chief died & may he rest in shit in pieces. He oversaw that police force thru most of the 80's & was forced to resign in the early 90's after so many scandals. Malcolm Maclaren goes down in Hip Hop History & as he wasn't the first but was one of the first to recognize the POTENTIAL that Hip Hop had, he put out the World Famous Supreme Team with songs like Buffalo Gals & Hey DJ. If ya too old to remember, hit youtube yo! These songs are classics. Finally, Guru of Gangstarr fame died in one of the most bizarre deaths ever in Hip Hop. As he was estranged from his longtime partner Premier, details were sketchy but supposedly his partner Solar had ALL of his estate holdins in HIS NAME & the family was shut out from knowin anythin about Guru's until he was already on the VERY CRITICAL LIST. Could Solar be an nwo frontman? Did Guru know too much? It will all come out eventually. Remember back in the day when peepo used to just die? Today, a death is like the WWF man! James Brown died a lil further back & didn't get buried until way after his death. I hope by now that all his shit is sorted out.

May 2010 - As the oil spill raged on, volunteers were sought out only to hear that alotta them were dyin or gettin morbidly sick. Who cares as the bulk of 'em are ex-cons & undocumented foreigners? Pics of oil covered animals were shown to the world & just the thought of alotta the ones I saw still make me cringe to this day. To boot, all swimmin & fishin were cut out until THEY delared things safe but alotta that ocean is now dead. Dependin on what you believe, the corexit is WAY more deadly than the oil itself. There was a car bomb scare in the Times Square area of NYC makin them stupid color ratins go up. That bomb never hadda chance but ya know they just need to keep ya ass afraid. A GA teacher decided that she would allow her students dress as klu klux klan members & allowed them to wear these uniforms to the cafeteria. I guess when one is around this for so long, one gets desensitized & loses all sense. Though this bombin had happened in March, the South Koreans along with the USA confirmed that the North had torpedoed & destroyed a South ship, sinkin it & killin 46 aboard. Though the North denies doin this, why didn't the South retaliate swiftly? My regular readers know! And finally, after a long series of POP TARTS, miley cyrus aka hanna montana was seen at rock in rio dressed as a slut & the media was buzzin crazy bcuz of it. As she is an employee of disney which was led by avowed racist walt disney & taken over by the zionists, they finally took over & you can see their hands in the cookie jar as she grows from tweener into a young christina aguilera, shitney shears & limsey HOHAN who is right now in rehab still gettin into SHIT that gets covered up. Boy, them zios is creatin these peepo & when they fight back after figurin out the game, are STAR WHACKED or made to appear CRAZY & put away. I covered all of this in my two scathin HOT reports entitled Hip Hop has gone WILD & HollyWEIRD has gone WILD! but we'll get into alla that a lil later. As an aside, every time I wanna believe that not EVERYONE is down with this devil shit, I get indicators to the contrary. On page 43 of the Creative Loafing newspaper from Atlanta, there is a pic of Cee-Lo of gnarles barkley & formerly of the Goodie Mobb inna car with two white lookin chicks with the DEVILS HORNS UP & dark NAIL POLISH with a demonic look on his face. This is the 12/23-12/29 edition & they are at www.clatl.com. To end onna HAPPY NOTE at least for the males loyal to US, Venus was wearin some revealin outfits BUT WE AIN'T MAD AT HER! Well at least I ain't! I luv my chocolate SISTARS so fooey!
Notable deaths in May 2010 were dennis hopper, an actor known for his roles in easy rider & the movie, speed. Gary Coleman, a young man who entertained so many from my era in different strokes, a show that still entertains MILLIONS & he will be missed. The dude was lil & was like a laughin stock & WE are almost certain that his ex-devil of a wife KILLED HIM. He was probably broke & the JUST US shystem JUST let it go. She will pay for all of this. Danger Ashipala, a military man for the ages died in Namibia after helpin SWAPO, a liberation army free that nation from those apartheid krakkas. Lena Horne, our SHININ PRINCESS who ALSO gave countless joy to so many went last year as well! She exhibited style & grace & was perhaps, our first beautiful proud celebrity Blak Woman who was talented but limited by the oppurtunities at the time. I researched her at the time of her death & we should be proud of her accomplishments like WE are for Sammy Davis Jr. She stood up for her peepo & WE need to hold her up in reverence! Last but not least, WE must go on & live in the memory of Aiyana Jones, a young 7 year old shot dead in Detroit MI by overzealous police. They also TORTURED the family while our Angel died on the floor. Remember her name like it's Oscar Grant's, Sherrice Iverson or Fred Hampton when it's time for YOU to show THEM mercy.

June 2010 - The first month of SUMMER....Atlanta turns to HOTlanta! The beautiful women take off their winter clothes & amaze us.....well some of us. Gettin to know my way around here & my favorite show, the Boondocks is goin in! They air shows talkin about tossed salads that never aired as they proved SO CONTROVERSIAL. For those of you not privy to AmeriKKKan slang, tossed salads means to have anal felatio with jelly & peanut butter included(sorry but before you came in, you were warned of adult content). Then he went in on Tyler Perry & how THEY do THEY thing in his compound. I luv the Boondocks & if ya don't know, go watch it now....well at least finish this first. The Gulf of Mexico where the bp oil scandal happened starts havin oily rain & is exposed as a superfund sham with Rep joe barton of TX APOLOGIZIN to bp for a supposed shakedown from the white house. You could read that to be a soetero snub but who cares.....he's still a NIGGA & if you don't like what I said, spray graffitti on ya computer screen. Y'all ain't say shit when joe wilson called him a liar at that house meetin. Then soetero goes on tv sayin that he talkin to the peepo in the Gulf area so as to know who's ASS to kick. As far as I know, no one has been indicted much less arrested but we know how that go. Anyhoo, mentions of leaks wikin or Wiki Leaks start surfacin in earnest but not like it did in Novemeber when their leader, julian assange was sought after by interpol & turned hisself in. We gettin ahead of ourselves.......Wayne Williams aka the Atlanta Child Murderer was interviewed on CNN by soledad obrien, a (loud gasp) so called Blak Woman who blindsided Mr Williams with confidential info of his participation in US intelligence activities. Those involved & emotionally invoved DUMMIES then voted on the results on national tv as if that made any difference. Did y'all know that a Blak Man named Adebayo Ogunlesi, a Nigerian bought LONDON GATWICK AIRPORT? This dude is no joke & we supposed to know his name like we do bob johnson or micheal jackson. Good news is in here to ya know!
Those of note who died in June 2010 are Queen Jane, a Kenyan benga musician who sang in the Kikuyu language. senator robert byrd from west virginia also passed but who gives a fudge. Who the hell goes to WV? william taylor was a lithuanian so called jew from BK NY son who fought for civil rights but I'm a struggle kinda dude so FUCK THAT! Ya might like him but......Rammellzee, a Hip Hop pioneer who also died & I've heard his name but never knew who he was. I didn't even hear of his death but I research all that I can for y'all. He was big in grafitti & I'm sure that I've seen his works but he gets props over here! Last but not least & thanks for readin thru as this is alot but my dude, MANUTE BOL passed! His name alone means Special Blessing. A true GIANT if there ever was one, my man went broke tryin to build 41 skools in his native Sudan. Bol was the very first Afrikan born player drafted in the nba. Bol visited refugge camps in his native country & even became a quasi political prisoner bcuz of his beliefs in that divided & war torn country. That's where the Darfur section is for those who don't know. Any of you who knows anyone who wants to contribute to Afrika, should help continue that legacy. Much props to my man & on to the next in Part III.

The Blak Smith is an avid researcher & can lecture or teach about most things involvin Blak Thought. You can reach him at bennyblacko@yahoo.com or on FaceBook as Blak Smith. If ya need me, leave a message with a phone number & I will get back to you. Peace.

- to be continued -


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