Fast Food Info Part I

Hello my BEAUTIFUL BLAK PEEPO. I hope that y'all know that I luv y'all & hate NIGGAS. I hope that THEY get it together one day so that THEY too can be BLAK. Todays edition is about ya favorite, fast food. I'm goin in but before I do, the breaks may have been applied on REVOLUTION in Egypt. Afrika will SOON be for BLAKS anyway so as stated in the last article, stand aside & see what develops. WE shall be VICTORIOUS!

Ok y'all, I just finished readin Fast Food Nation & promised y'all that I would go in on that. Instead of reviewin the book, what I wanna do here is take excerpts & FEED y'all what y'all need to know about it. This book was written by eric schlosser, a white dude but always know that KNOWLEDGE is KNOWLEDGE, wherever it comes from. He didn't get into every facet of FF but he left us enuff info to go on. Check it out yo!

The book starts off in the mountains of CO, atta place named the Cheyene Mountains, one of the most important, yet unheard of military installations in the US. This places houses the North American Aerospace Command, the Air Force Space Command & the US Space Command. It defends against any aerial attack to the US. It was hollowed out & designed to take a direct atomic hit! The air inside is pressurized to prevent contamination. It generates enuff power to supply a city of 250,000 people tho there only 1500 inside. Let's correlate.

In the 1970's, Americans spent about $6B on FF. In 2000, it was more than $110B. On most days, 25% of the adult population, eats at least one of their meals there. mcDonalds is the worlds largest owner of retail properties, makin most of its money off of RENT. mcd spends more money on ads & marketing than any other brand including coca cola. The only fictional charcter more recognized than ronald mcdonald is santa claus.

The basic thinkin behind fast food has become the system of todays retail economy, wipin out small business, obileratin regional differences & spreadin identical stores thruout the country like a self replicatin code. Almost every facet of American life has been franchised or chained. ray kroc(made mcd what it is today) once said that "organizations cannot trust the individual; the individual must trust the organization."

The resteraunt industry is Americas largest private employer & pays the lowest wages. About 3.5M workers(2000 estimate) are the largest minimum wage earners in the US & only migrant farm workers make less. ( and we know that most of THEM are illegals)

The current methods for preparin food are less likely to be found in the cookbooks than in such journals as Food Technologist & Food Engineerin. Aside from salad greens & tomatoes, most FF is delivered to the resteraunt frozen, canned, dehydrated or freeze dried. What we eat has changed more in the last 40 years than in the previous 40,000 years.

Much of the taste & aroma of American ff for example is now MANUFACTURED atta series of large chemical plants off of the NJ Turnpike. The FF chains now stand atop a huge food industrialized complex that has gained control of American agriculture. These names such as cargill, conagra & ibp have made it so that there are now more prisoners than farmers.

Bcuz of lax laws, e:choli has gotten into the food chain, especially in the ground meat. Thru ads & marketin, this food is targeted primarily to children. It is also prepared by those just barely over their childhood years.

The American West is where the FF Nation was born. While cities in the East expanded thru immigration, LA became more white as the flood from thruout the us came in droves. This enabled a car boom as GM secretly purchased trolley systems in the us, usin FRONT COMPANIES. These trolley systems were scrapped leavin BUSSES as the only way to travel. Coincidentally, GM manufactured these busses & when caught, they were NOMINALLY fined & the car biz was born. The rubber companies flourished & federal monies flooded the west, buildin roads. Lazy ass whites soon sought to use MO TELS(MOtorist HoTELS), bankin & before ya know it, FOODS without havin to leave ya car & wanted FAST aka FAST FOOD! An industry was BORN!

The new division of labor meant that a worker only had to be taught how to perform one task. At the end of Route 66(6), in San Bernandino CA, in direct contrast to the bright fakeness of FF resteraunts, was born the hell angels. They flaunted their dirtiness, celebrated disorder, terrified families & small children instead of tryin to sell 'em burgers, took drugs, sold drugs & injected into AmeriKKKan culture, an anger & a darkness & a fashion statement - t-shirts & torn jeans, blak leather jackets & boots, long hair, facial hair, swatiskas, silver skull rings & tattoos - that would influence a long line of rebels from marlon brando to marilyn manson.

I'm BLAK to the Blak Smith now. Like Hip Hop, whenever something pops up, it's antithesis will pop up & show itself. The hells angels came about as the us tried to cleanse itself & the hippies came in the 60's. These were white backlashes. As Blaks started makin strides in the early to late 60's with various movements that were squashed, Hip Hop came along & became the voice of a generation. The FF industry soon started to commodify what was there & grabbed a hold. That hold is almost over.

- to be continued -


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