Fast Food Info Part II

Okay y'all, Part I wazza MONSTA but Part II? Sorry about that, didn't greet y'all & say a MIGHTY big WATUP 2 all my KINFOLK! Whatitdo? Y'all betta stay up for these next 678 days! Egypt is for the moment, free or at least free of of mubarak & his crooked ass stench. Peace to STINKA! She know who she is. Stay tuned tho as I already told y'all that that place is of too much strategic importance to us interests as 1. most of the oil around the world moves thru the suez canal & 2. Egypt, after palestine(israel) receives the most money in foreign aid from the us & 3. served as the only true buffer in North Afrika aka the mid-east to israel. They sick of that SHIT but I'm in it for MY/OUR interests. As WE speak, the us has a dozen plans on how to regain control of one of OUR ancient HOMELANDS of ORIGINAL PEEPO(You & Me) & Y'ALL should be lookin for an anything goes scenario there soon. Read ya bibles non-religiously & see that the us has spread herself too thin & can no longer send troops just anywhere. Is a draft on deck? I ain't worried tho bcuz as I write, I ascend to that 9 ether. Peepo everywhere are short tempered & rude bcuz THEY inherently know that WE are ascendin & THEY are not & this is not just based on color. Those just doin THEY jobs will be dealt with soon. That old BS is done yo! Rise & shine to a new paradigm! This also includes fast food & the mentality runnin it. Let's GO!

In this segment, WE go in on how the starters of both mcdonalds & disney did how they did & tie it up in the end. It promises to be very very interestin.

Before enterin the ray a kroc museum in Oak Brook IL, you must first walk thru the mcstore. Rather than a museum, it feels more like a shrine. The tone set makes it feel like disney. rk & wd knew each other as young men, servin together durin ww1, both fleein the mid west & settlin in southern ca. They were both charismatic, conservative figures relyin on others to handle & create financial details. wd didn't write or draw the classic characters bearin his name. Both were masterful salesmen & mastered sellin to children.

kroc was charming, funny & a tireless salesman who endured alotta disappointment before strikin it rich. He was quoted as sayin, "if you believe in it, it's impossible to fail. I don't care what it is, you can get it." kroc had taken over from the mcdonalds brothers who were less ambitious as they already had achieved success & didn't like to travel. They sold him the right to franchise mcd while they stayed home & collected money, while kroc got rich beyond belief. Upon finalizin the deal with the brothers, rk sent wd a letter to open up his franchise in disneyland. disney opened in 1955 with ronald reagan cohostin this gala event on abc tv with no mcd in sight.

wd proved to be a role model for rk. disney applied the techniques of mass production to hollyWEIRD moviemakin. He admired henry ford & introduced the assembly line mentality. The work was timed makin for a factory type settin & in 1941, hundreds of disney animators went on strike to get better workin conditions. wd fired employees sympathetic to the unions, tried to impose a phony union, employed GANGSTAS to rig settlements & put the kiss of death on the screen cartoonists guild by labellin them as COMMUNISTS. The strike only ended when he gave in but to exact revenge, disney appeared azza witness in favor of the house un-ameriKKKan activities committee. This NIGGA even served azza fbi informer & supported the hollyWEIRD blacklist.

rk....said that in regards to business, "this is rat eat rat, dog eat dog! I'm going to kill 'em before they kill me. You're talking about the american way of survival of the fittest." To show just what he meant, kroc gave $250,000 to the prez nixon re-election campaign, breakin it all up in small amounts thru various republiKKKan committees. The fast food industry at the time was lobbyin congress to pass the mcdonald's law which wanted to reduce the minimum wage at the time, 20%. kroc was then allowed to raise the price of quarter pounders tho the prices were strictly controlled at the time. Only mcd's was allowed to do so.

In the 1940's, wd relied heavily on federal funds to keep his business afloat. Durin wwII, wd produced lots of military & PROPOGANDA films. After the war, disney continued to stay close to the military & cold war sciences. tommorrowland emerged azza result. In the 1950's, wernher von braun, a NAZI who served under hitler, cohosted & produced a show on space exploration. While in germany, 20,000 prison laborers were killed while he was a major in the ss. He was then appointed to the very same capacity at disney. hanz haber also was a NAZI at dachau & with von braun, cohosted another disney series named men in space. These dudes was CERTIFIED NATURAL BORN KILLA's yo! The laborers in his factory were used in experiments & those who survived were dissected to examine the traumas of early space travel.

wd pioneered what today is known as SYNERGY. In 1938, the movie, snow white proved to be a turnin point in film marketin. 70 licensin deals were signed prior to the release date. In 1950, the very first disney television broadcast, 1 hour in wonderland was a run up to the movie, alice in wonderland.

rk on the other hand was on the comeup & had to use his wits. He constantly said that he was in show biz & not the resteraunt biz(think about that the next time you bite into a burger). In 1963, after nbc cancelled bozo's circus, a mcd exec hired it's star, willard scott that you know today for doin weather on nbc's today show, to invent a new clown for mcd. An outfit was made, scott named it ronald mcdonald & via the media 2 years later, an icon was born..........

The late 60's expansion of mcd coincided with the decline at disney. Vietnam raged & counterculture was in with Blak Power & the hippy movement. As mcd's ronald mcdonald began to rival mickey mouse in popularity, kroc made his own disneylands sayin about his competetiton, "if they're drownin to death, I would put a hose in their mouth." kroc then proceeded to build his playlands all over the us. mcdland borrowed from dl in more ways than one. Former dl execs were employed by kroc for the layouts & early advertisements. mcd & dl had one thing in common at the end of the day; almost EVERYTHANG was for sale!

This was the essence of bombardin children with advertisements. Studies suggest that until the age of 6, 80% of all children dream about animals. The Character Lab, a division of Youth Marketing Systems Consultin, uses a technique called CHARACTER APPEAL QUADRANT ANALYSIS to help companies develop new mascots(these peepo think of a million ways to get you to spend ya money on non-nutritious food & everything else all day). mcd went too far tho as in 1998, a federal investigation of web sites aimed at children found that 89% requested personal info from them without parental consent. A character on the mcd website told children that ronald mcdonald was the ULTIMATE AUTHORITY in EVERYTHING & those words are not exxagerated. We shouldn't really be surprised at that tho; about 25% of AmeriKKKa's children between the ages of 2-5, have a tv set in their room.

As of the year 2000, mcd had 8,000 playgrounds. burger king had 2000. A playland exec said that the key to attractin kids is "toys, toys, toys!" Major toy drives such as pokemon cards, cabbage patch kids & tamogotchis have been aided by fast food promos. Success could double or even triple profits. mcd's also sells more coke than anywhere else in the world.

In April 1997, a brandweek columnist said that mcd's teenie weenie baby was perhaps the greatest sucsess of promo's in the history of advertisin. A typical week of happy meals sales at that time were in the 10M range. In just 10 days in April of 1997, mcd's sold 100M happy meals with that giveaway. The SYNERGY spoken of earlier had finally taken place. mcd & disney became one. You could now buy a happy meal at the happiest place on earth.

To show how how much these men really care about you, let's get into one more thing. In 1993, district 11 of colorado springs started a nationwide trend. They became the 1st skool district in the us to place ff ads & more in particular, bk ads in the hallways & on the sides of busses. It got to the point that inna marketin ploy, Mark Jacobs, author of Liquid Candy reported that pepsi, dr pepper & 7up encouraged the feedin of soft drinks to babies by licensin their logos to BABY BOTTLIN manufacturers. A 1997 study in the Journal of Dentistry for Children found that many infants were bein fed soda from these very same bottles. I've seen babies less than 3 months bein fed soda. Watch them! What a shame! No mo FF!

-to be continued-


  1. Brother you are laying it down! When I see my way through, I am going to send you some $$, or should I say frns.


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