Fast Food Info Part III

Whatup to all my TRUE PEEPO? Where y'all at? This is once again, the Blak Smith puttin it down live & direct with BREAKIN NEWS; Riots have broken out in the lybian city of benghazi. As of this writin, it is still small scale but if recent HIS STORY is any indication, this could end up like tunisia & egypt. Them egyptians told mubarFart to take a walk & he had to bcuz blood woulda spilled in them Cairo streets man. The spirit of REVOLUTION is in the air & the BLAK MAN won't do it & if he does, I'm still waitin for it. I wonder where that shall be OR will the MEEK inherit the EARTH afterall? Who knows but stay tuned. Quite ironic on how I'm writin on helpin that bcuz by tryin to tell y'all to stop with this unhealthy fast food shit, I'm askin y'all to stay alive & see things change. Let's go in & see where WE land in Part III of Fast Food Info. Holla!

Lets go BLAK to Colorado Springs where ff nation began in earnest. CO Springs like LA came to be as it is azza result of lots of federal funds & lands GIVEN to the KraKKa's after THEY cleared the land formerly had by the Indegenous Peepos. Though very scenic from pikes peak, the great beauty & scenery like in most developed places is diminished when the sun rises from the nite & whats happenin below is visible to the naked eye.

When one hits academy blvd, one sees all of the growth of the last 30 years. Thousands of cookie cutter type houses in endless subdivisions dot the vista. This is the architectual equivalent of ff nation, with no respect to the vast nature surroundin it with newly planted trees. In between it all, clusters of strip malls & ff resteraunts, make for miles & miles of a middle ameriKKKa devoid of any real personality. Though denver has four times the peepo, co springs is more SPRALWED out. Officials at the space command there believe that one day that wars will be won in space & if ya keepin up to today, drones now drop bombs on villages from very high up that cannot be seen. This has been in effect since 911.

Migrations to ca came to a screechin halt in 1998. Migrations out made co springs & other cities northeast of ca grow exponentially. In 1998, for the first time since the gold rush, ca was less than 50% white. Lookin at az, they are nervous as the whites there are feelin crowded out. This izza trend happenin WORLDWIDE with THEIR populations decreasin & them not reproducin to keep their birthrate positive continuin unabated. When these whites started off in places like co springs, bcuz of previous laws, tax spendin didn't increase, facilitatin the state of co to be almost last in skool spendin. These events made it possible for the skools to start acceptin funds from the ff industry with district 11 of co springs leadin the way.

Now check this out: mcdonalds used this method to open up new areas of franchises & y'all gonna see how sirius this all is if ya thinkin that they just sellin a lil food. In the 1980's, mcd became the WORLD'S leadin purchaser of COMMERCIAL SATELITE PHOTOGRAPHY, usin this to PREDICT sprawl from OUTER SPACE yo! mcd later DEVELOPED a computer software program called QUINTILLION that AUTOMATED the process. co springs was the test site for this technology once used durin the COLD WAR!

The labor practices of the ff industry have their genesis in the assembly line systems of manufacturers of the early 1900's. Teens were perfect to use as they were grown ENUFF but not EXPERIENCED. With innovative technology & the proper organization, a small number of workers could produce an enormous amount of food/goods cheaply. THOUGHTPUT is the word used in such a case where everything is commodified. At taco bell, everything is pretty much add water. The recent revelation that their meat is only 35% meat doesn't hurt to know either. The food is ASSEMBLED & not PREPARED. This made it so that the need to retain the worker is greatly reduced by the ease with which he or she can be replaced. This goes on though, despite the fact that FF Industry doesn't train their workers, they accept hundreds of millions of dollars in SUBSIDIES to train these workers. This all despite that these SUBSIDIES were created to reward ameriKKKan companies that were supposed to give TRAINING to the poor with annual turnover rates between 300 - 400%. The typical ff worker quits or is fired in 3-4 months. The resteraunts then received almost 3,000 per supposed trainee & they only had to remain workin for 4 months before the gov disbursed those funds to the ff resteraunts. In fact, some execs wanted to import low wage food service workers from overseas when increasin the minimum wage would have raised the price of a burger by only 2 cents! But hold on.

To keep teens in line, mcd provided its managers with trainin in TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS, a set of psychological techniques popularized inna book named I'm ok - You're ok, published in 1969. STROKING, a form of positive reinforcement, deliberate praise & recognition that many TEENAGERS don't get at home is used to motivate & manipulate. Of course, this is less expensive than raisin wages or payin overtime. In the late 90's, managers at taco bell made workers punch in when things got busy & sent them home early when things slowed down, paid in food & not wages amongst many other abuses. They were found guilty paid a fine & admitted no wrongdoing. mcd with all of its fun themes like disney, is very ANTI-UNION & sends execs to the franchises targetted, whenever union activity is expected. At the end of the day though, the personality of a ff manager largely determines whether workin there would be an enjoyable experience or an unpleasant one. Good management creates pride & an upbeat atmosphere.

The injury rate of teenage workers in the us is about twice that of adult workers. In 1998, more resteraunt workers in the us were murdered than police officers. Most of those murders were done by disgruntled former employess of the resteraunts where most transactions are made in cash. The president of national safe workplace inst at the time said that "the ff industry needs to make fundamental changes in its labor relations. No other ameriKKKan industry is robbed so frequently by its own employees."

The franchise: the automobile, soft drink, oil & motel industries all relied on franchisin in the beginnin & soon, corporate ameriKKKa followed. Though dunkin donuts & kfc were the first to sell franchises, again ray kroc & mcd perfected & honed it into what it is today. The franchises hardly ever lose. Like a charismatic leader of a new faith, kroc asked his new franchise owners to dedicate their lives to mcd. He also demanded loyalty & did take advice from his new partners. The coup de gras though was when kroc had his then partner, H Sonnenbon, make a contract basically enslavin new franchise owners by becomin landlords of their properties & in turn, leasin these properties to the newbies atta 40% markup. Disobedience was a VIOLATION of the lease agreement so you know how that go! Sonnenbon even once quipped to a group of wall st investors that, "we are not basically in the food business, we are in the real estate business. The only reason we sell 15cent hamburgers is because they are the greatest producer from which our tenants can pay rent."

Durin the 60's, the mcd corp began to tear down the resteraunts originally designed with the golden arches & slanted rooves. Worried about how the new look would be received, the corp hired a DESIGN CONSULTANT & PSYCHOLOGIST in one person to assess the shituation. He argued usin a freudian logic of the arches bein large breasts that associated the buyer with MAMA. WOW!!!

Ayo, don't let 'em fool ya! Openin a franchise is RISKIER than any independent business. It is perfectly legal under fed law for ff resteraunts to take kickbacks(rebates) from its SUPPLIERS, to open a new resteraunt next door to an existin franchise & to evict a franchise with lil or no cause or compensation. As they are the big fish in the pond, they don't lose bcuz they retain the MASTER CONTRACT! These franchises make the independent owners waive legal rights & make you buy from ONLY their pre-approved suppliers. Franchisees must accept termination for any cause deemed by that big fish. Subway by far is the worse case though they may have cleaned up they act by now as the book, Fast Food Nation, written by eric schlosser was published in 2001. So when ya eatin fresh, stay blessed & KICK that FF habit Y'ALL. 674 days to go!

As things go up in cost, I the Blak Smith ask for donations to keep things goin. I am trying to put out my book, I ain't perfect but take it from Me & for any donation of $25 or more, you get my book online. It would be non-tax deductible & I ask that you send a postal money order. Sirius inquiries can email me at or send me an inbox message on FB. We here at black2afrika thank you & see ya soon. Peace.

- to be continued -


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