Fast Food Info Part IV

Hey my Peepo, do ya feel victory in the air? Everybody & they Mama got REVOLUTION on the mind & once again, Northern Afrika aka the mid-east is on fire. Gaddafi gettin it in triopli! Even though the egyptians think that another mubarfart may be in the wings silently waitin & with so much SHIT jumpin off elsewhere, WE cannot afford to get distracted! Here in the wilderness, unemployment, homelessness, police brutality & plain old racist white supremacy still rules with 669(turn this 9 upside down in just 3 days) days to go. I've been tellin y'all to hang on & hang on ya must! Solar Flares affected communication systems in china on Fri/Feb 18th & more is comin to have MAJOR EFFECTS on electrical grids EVERYWHERE on May 11th of this year. Now would be a great time for some of y'all who missed it, to read the Final Countdown 2012 in this sites archives. Just type that title into the search box & read away & for alla y'all with short attention spans, it's short, so don't sweat thinkin I'mma bore ya with CRAZY DETAILS. Plus, that shit is MAD FUNNY! Go in y'all & stay tuned bcuz shit is hectic. Luv to my BLAK FOLK & let's get into Part IV of FFI.

We start in bingham county idaho, which grows more potatoes than any other county in that state. We are at the simplot plant where they turn potatoes into french fries to the tune of 1M pounds a day, 310 days a year. Years back, the snake river reclamation project had offered cheap water for irrigation that would turn the desert into lush farmland AGAIN paid for with YOUR federal dollars. jr simplots dad became a homesteader by gettin land for FREE & clearin it. When the son rebelled against his strict dad, he left home & found his way. He soon became a potato farmer.

Soon the younger simplot became rich, capitalizin on idea after great idea. He started by dehydratin onions & turnin 'em into onion powder callin it GOLD DUST. In this process, he became a major supplier of this stuff to the ameriKKKan military durin WWII. By the age of 36, this dude was mega-rich! But as they say on the TV, that's not all: simplot then put a team of CHEMISTS together to come up with the frozen french fry concept. Tho it took a while to perfect, after it happened, simplot then met with our recurrin friend in ray kroc in 1965. Witta handshake, a deal was sealed & simplot supplied the mcd corp with the majority of their frozen fries. When kroc was satisfied, they then signed a deal & simplot became the exclusive supplier of what we now know as mcd fries, the best TASTIN in the ff biz. Today, french fries are the most profitable item on a ff resteraunts menu & is the most sold foodservice item in the us. simplot owns more land than in the whole state of de..........WOW!

Bcuz of centralization, farmin/ranchin is no longer profitable in the us. This could be described as an oligopsony - a market in which a small number of buyers exert power over a large group of sellers. The high productivity of some of these farmer/ranchers actually hampers them in an ironic way akin to doin someone a favor with good intent & gettin cursed out.

For decades, mcd has cooked their fries inna mixture of 7% cottonseed oil & 93% beef tallow. This is the FLAVOR that you get & more saturated beef fat per ounce than in a mcd burger. They switched to a different oil in 1990 but added NATURAL & ARTIFICIAL flavors into the mix which could be ANYTHING. Thru processin, most foods lose their true flavor & the flavor INDUSTRY comes in there. This flavor industry is located in northern nj, where about 2/3 of all food flavorin in the us occurs. This is a very secretive industry & info from the inside is not forthcomin easily. Ayo, they FLAVOR just about EVERYTHING includin MALT LIQUOR!

Ranchers in the west are increasinly bein marginalized by the big boy owners. The ranchers feel that things are bein restricted & in the poultry industry for the most part, has shifted to states in the rural south such as AL, AR, MS & GA, where the weather is nicer, the workforce is poor, unions are weak & farmers toe the line to keep their livelihood & lands. More than half of all poultry is processed there.

The chickem mcnugget was what FINALLY did it. Before that invention in 1983, most chicken sold in the us was sold whole. This made it so that one could eat chicken ANYWHERE with no BONES about it. Stated directly from the book, the chicken mcnugget turned a bulk agricutural commodity, into a value added product that could be eaten behind the wheel of your car. tyson foods, a leadin chicken processor, created a new large breasted hen & dubbed her, mr mcdonald. Though introduced in 1983, within ONE MONTH, the mcd corp became the 2nd purchaser of chicken only bein surpassed by kfc. WE could get into how questionable that is because kfc changed & for the most part, what they sell is no longer chicken. That's another series but why don't they call it Kentucky Fried Chicken no mo........? hmmmmmmm. Tho chicken was supposed to be better, WE soon find again that the mcnuggets were also fried in beef tallow & the fatty acid profile resembled beef more than poultry. Though mcd eventually switched to vegetable oil, the mcnuggets still has more fat per ounce than the burgers. DAMN!

With the OWNERS runnin things as they do & with oversupplyin, the ranchers have their hands tied. Since 1992, chicken consumption in the us has surpassed beef as the process become more cost efficient. With beef tho, cattle are much bigger, are sold less & cannot be sold in the lucrative european market where bovine growth hormones(rbgh) have been banned. The suicide rate amongst ranchers & farmers is three times the regular population rate. This is just one of the legacies of what Fast Food Info has done to the us. Y'all need to siriusly think about bein vegans & vegetarians. Peace Y'ALL & stay tuned for Part V.

The Blak Smith wishes to continue this blog & release his book. I ask if you can, to please send a donation to keep this type of info flowin freely to you so that my book, I ain't Perfect but take it from me can also be released. Anyone sirius can reach me at or at my FB page as Blak Smith. Thanks for your luv & support.

- to be continued -


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