Fast Food Info Part V

Ayo, what up to all of my REVOLUTIONARIES whether PAST, PRESENT or FUTURE? Whether ya white like Che, Blak like Khalid Muhammad or in between like Marley, I salute you! Looks like libya will be the next to fall & locally, THEY was gettin it in in wisconsin. You know how those KraKKa's get when you fucks with they cheese yo! Maybe some of them KraKKa's can go to the mid-east & make GRILLED CHEESE! tripoli is on fire so let's see what happens there but gaddafi ain't got much longer. Since shit jumped off, I been tellin y'all that ya can't stop a REVOLUTION! The game now is to not make MARTYRS like MLK & X bcuz then peepo have somethin to fight for! Why wouldn't you be willin to die for someone who already died for you with their life knowingly? Aristide wants to come BLAK to Haiti as did duvalier some weeks ago & WE here at black2afrika are gonna monitor those events as they happen! May y'all live in interestin time & one of the biggest DEVILS that I ever met while in Ghana hazza birthday today, 666 days away from 12/21/2012! As there are NO COINCIDENCES, he has been labelled & you can read all about him in my first series, Is Blak Smith a Spy or not & in the finishin touches, the Luv Moment. Go in the search box for any of my many archived articles. I wish him a HELLISH BIRTHDAY & if he makes it to the Cosmic Party, he won't be welcomed. If he manages to sneak in somehow, I'm gonna feed him some FAST FOOD disguised as REAL SHIT! Let's go y'all!

Ok now, we goin back to Greeley CO. You can smell it before you arrive. The smell of livin animals, dead animals & manure hover over the air like a deep fog like ya breath first thing in the mornin. Tho some don't notice it anymore like those who clean & eat chitlins, some are still headachy, nauseated & lose sleep bcuz of these scents. Greeley & towns just like it produce most of the fast food burgers you guys insist on eatin. Respondin to the needs of fast food resteraunts & supermarket chains, the meatpackin giants have cut costs by cuttin wages turnin one of the nations better payin jobs into one of the lowest. This in turn created a transient migrant workforce of poor immigrants that tolerate serious injuries & made rural ghettoes a sad reality.

The conagra beef co runs the nations biggest meatpackin facility in the us. As a matta of fact, weld county which includes greeley county, earns more money ever year from meatpackin than anywhere else in the us. Their feedlots can hold 100,000 heads of cattle lookin like a sea of bobbin cattle heads. To fatten 'em up like the old lady in the gingerbread house, they feed cattle grains, aided by ANABOLIC STEROIDS (which can not be broken down in the cookin process)implanted in their ears. The cattle release ALOTTA waste & how it is disposed of is not mentioned in the book.

At first, meatpackin in rural amerikkka was seen as somethin strange but the history can be explained here in brief. As the facilities used big cities such as omaha, kansas city & nyc, chicago proved to be the grandaddy of 'em all. These cities kept their own meatpackin districts with stockyards as detailed in the classic book by Upton Sinclair, the Jungle. Anyone who is serious needs to read this book. Actually, the very site in nyc where the UN now sits used to be a giant stockyard. In the chi, over 40,000 peepo worked in a very small area & Sinclair even said that, "the supreme achievement of ameriKKKan capitalism was as well, it's biggest disgrace." Got so bad that based on the book, then president ted roosevelt ordered an investigation of the industry that was confirmed to be more than true. congress then enacted food safety regulations but lil was done as the big boys used spies, whitelists & US, aka afriKKKan ameriKKKans as strikebreakers to bash unions & real organization. As time went on, efforts worked out & soon, packers got benefits, good pay & stability.

Now we get to the iowa beef packers better known ibp. ibp applied the same labor principles the mcd brothers did with burgers. ibp designed a production system that eliminated the need for skilled workers. They purposely took the skill from every step & this process helped close feedlots in the aforementioned urban strongholds. Where the labor unions had made gains in the cities, the newly FEDERALLY FUNDED highways made obsolete as the truckin became more direct & therefore CHEAPER makin already built stockyards, passe. Startin in 1967, ibp sent cut up BOXED BEEF to to your neighborhood supermarkets eliminatin the need for butchers. When was the last time you went to a butcher shop?

In 1969, ibp workers in dakota city nb went onna strike. The top man soon hired scabs. In retaliation, the workers shot a suspected spy dead & bombed an execs house. Secret meetins were held with a "labor consultant", mo steinman who also had mob connections. Union butchers in ny were blockin meat deliveries comin from ibp in solidarity with their unionized brethern. steinman proposed a 5 cent commission per 10 pounds of beef & just like that, the strike was called off. Subsequent investigations found wrongdoin in all of this riggin but WE talkin about big biz in ameriKKKa here. Notice how the us is never included in the most corrupt nations list. Even one of the newspapers of record in the wall street journal had to say at the time that, " this is a prime example of how a mainstream corporation could be infiltrated by the mob." As you guessed, with the unionship pretty broken, almost all of the major packin houses moved west to follow suit with these new ways. Wages were lowered & standards loosened to set the stage of what we now see today.

Today, conagra is the biggest meatpacker in the world. Among other leadin standards, they are the largest foodservice supplier in all of north ameriKKKa. They also are the largest distributor of agricultural chemicals. Even if ya never heard of 'em, you more than likely have eaten one of their many products today.

Like at the fast food resteraunts, the average worker inna slaughterhouse lasts 3-4 months. Most are Mexicans & Central Amerikans who speak, write or read lil or no english. That is far from bein a liability as this keeps matters hard to unionize & workers much easier to control. ibp has recruited refugees & asylum seekers from Laos & war torn bosnia. It has recruited peepo from homeless shelters from across the us. They even have busses comin from rural Mexico to the heartland of the us. You really gonna luv the last part of this tho!

In september 1994, gfi ameriKKKa inc, a leadin supplier of hamburger patties, needed workers for a major production in minneapolis mn. Recruiters from eagle pass tx, a us-mex border town recruited 39 mexicans & rented busses sendin 'em up after promisin WORK & HOUSIN. When the workers arrived, they were dropped downtown, across the street from a HOMELESS SHELTER. Most of the recruits refused to stay & after the media picked up the story, homeless advocates lit into the industry exposin the shit that they do. Sadly & unfortunately, these conditions persist til today. With 666 days left, allow me to play DEVILS ADVOCATE for Y'ALL! WE still ain't get to the good part yet!

The Blak Smith sure does appreciate donations. We wish to
keep informin y'all but as the price of things go up(includin
writin this blog), we ask if you can, to send US a postal money
order with the word DONATION written in the memo area. We ask
that that donation be a minimum of $5 & any over $20 gets my
book, I ain't Perfect but Take it from Me. For anyone doin so,
you may reach me at or at my FaceBook page
& the name ya wanna look for is Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). WE will
get it together & know that this would be a non-tax deductible
donation. We luv y'all & wait til Part VI where WE get up in YA!

- to be continued -


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