I ain't perfekt but take it from Me! Excerpts II from Chapter 2

Hey y'all, these are excerpts from Chapter II of my book titled above in the subject box. By now y'all know that this book is semi-autobiographical & about my life as a young dude who grew up during the 1st days of Hip Hop. In today's segment, WE get into WHY the HOOD acts the way the HOOD acts. Take a look inside & se how I saw it. To all my NY heads particularly the BX, STAND UP & REP THIS! Peace.

The Hood! Why is the Hood the Hood? Why do we as a people act this way? Why so much unnecessary business goin on?  Maybe I can provide you with some answers.  We (people of color) & more in particular BLAKS, are taught to strive for the Amerikkkan dream concocted by European ideals. As a concept, it can’t happen because European/Amerikkkan societies grip on the 9 people activities is in a stranglehold & as long as that is the case, 85% of our people are walking around deaf, dumb & blind.  Those 9 people activities are (1) Economics (2) Education (3) Entertainment (4) Labor (5) Law (6) Politics (7) Religion (8) Sex & (9) War. If you add up all of these activities, you form your own SPIRIT & what usually determines where you are or about to go to. The hardest part is the actual journey & given our circumstances, too many fall by the wayside. 

Let’s take a brief look into this dynamic to see what I mean:

(1)   ECONOMICS – We as Blacks have no economy.  We are for the most part dependent on white society to provide us with jobs at a time when it is hard for even them to employ themselves. They economy will fall apart & WE must be prepared for ANYTHING! You know the old saying, we are the last hired & the first fired.  Black people MUST create jobs for ourselves. You can’t pass down ya job at the Post Office to ya children.

(2)   EDUCATION is the key to the future. When I speak of education, I’m not talking about going to college for 10 years to get a job serving white supremacy. Didn’t y’all listen to Kanye? I’m talking about reading books like these & getting vocational training or learning SELF so that you can go to academia with an iron clad identity that stands up to the many many lies promoted thru-out the educational system & the MEDIA.  Dr Henrik Clarke never studied in College but was the designer of the Afrikan Studies Dept at Hunter College.  With the proper identity & proper education we can achieve a proper economy.

    (3)   ENTERTAINMENT – Who disseminates most entertainment? The MEDIA. Who owns most    major media? The so called Jew. What kind of state is the media in? It is the primary tool of propaganda propogating the nonsense we now see as prevalent in our society.  Always remember that Hip Hop is Blak culture & we don’t write the rules.  The one who pays the piper calls the tune.

(4) LABOR – Che Guevera once said that all wealth comes from labor. Well we are a laboring people with hardly any wealth (wealth is not money) from the wealthiest continent on this earth. We GIVE our labor for money during our most productive time of the day from early morning to late afternoon.  Black people need to set up industries & arrest our own labor & arrest our own wealth. I’m tired of seeing Blak people at lunchtime upset & angry because of the stresses on the job.  Use that same energy to gain independence. 

(5) LAW - Every Black person in the Western world knows something about the Law.  The Law made it so that you could be enslaved.  The Law made it so that you could be lynched.  The Law made it so that BLAK WOMEN could be raped & no white man has ever been convicted of raping a sister. The Law is designed by those who are above it. The Law of the land (the Constitution) to this day declares that you are 3/5th’s of a man.  Are you fucking mad at that or are you upset that I used a curse word in this sentence?

(6)   POLITICS - The Latin term for People is Pol.  Politicians are Policy makers who Politic when enacting new laws.  Police enforce laws especially against the peepol & may I add not very politely.  Polls are taken that some how never take our story into account.  This is mental pollution.  Bushit was the RESIDENT so no P!     

(7)   RELIGION – For me the biggest problem of our people.  Some of y’all might stop reading this book now because you won’t like what I’m about to write. RELIGION has been tainted & corrupted by the Europeans to enslave you. Did you know that before European incursions into our beloved Afrika that there were no houses of worship? Did you know that the white man went first to the Shaman or Witch Doctor to learn how to twist your spirituality because he couldn’t take it from you? Do you know that the first Catholics were Coptics from Ethiopia, who still exist to this day?  Did you know that any country that has kept their orthodox religion has never been successfully invaded? Do you know that you were stripped of your culture & any real religion is cultural?  Did you ever do research on the origins of the Catholic Church & the Crusades? Did you know that religion is the opiate for the masses? Did you know that you could keep reading this book & save 10% of your salary & learn some heavy truths? Did y’all know that the holiday that y’all continue to celebrate was made up so that merchants could profit terrifically before the end of the New Year & have 1 week to count those profits? KRS asked y’all a long time ago, “On Christmas what’s the purpose of Santa Claus?”

(8)   SEX – just like food, gotta have it.  Some of us better realize that whether we know both of our parents or if we are the result of 1 nite stands, everyone has sex.  Again, being that the minds (especially of the young) are so impressionable, it’s everywhere. I hope that you’ve heard the song Pussy Galore by The Roots as they say that sex sells everything from “anti histamines to chicken wings.” Yes, yes, sex is a gift from the creator & too bad that gifts from above are being  abused. Too many Blak women who are beautifully endowed are stripping or video hoes. Basically speaking, because of the position that we as a people have been placed in, most of our (real)ationships have the looks of 1 big transaction.  Men, hold your sperm & stop depleting your chi.  To all my women, we live real life & of course you don’t want to be with a brokey-broke but learn to see potential in who you desire to be with.

(9)   War – “We’re at WAR!!!!!– That’s what I told you!”  That my friend is an old Sista-Souljah trak & if you think that we’re not then you are sadly mistaken.  Kanye described all this on the beginning of “Jesus Walks.”  I’m talking about that war with ourselves because in 2011, no matter how bad things are for us, we ain’t got it bad like those in 1711 & 1811.  Ayo, why aren’t Blak people just as upset at Ray-Ray murderin & mayhemmin in the street & then when he gets shot by a cop, the community is in an uproar?  Ray-Ray was the local terrorist! Blak people need organizing & most of all, ego lessening because most of the time, individuals & groupings differ on policy issues instead of the bigger picture.  Unless White Supremacy folds, packs up and quits voluntarily, the same crab in the barrel syndrome will continue.  Self analyzation is war on yourself!  Are we ready?

Yes, the 9 People Activities. I have more information than this, but I’ll save it for chapter 11 after we have a little more information to go on.  I gotta get at y’all with some real lyrics before I lose y’all. I’m glad that y’all still here.

                                       - to be continued -

To contact the Blak Smith, send a message to bennyblacko@yahoo.com OR leave word on Face Book at Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). In the meantime, WE thank you for ya luv & support & urge you to HOLLA BLAK! Peace.


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