No AFRICOM but Afrika is surrounded! Part III & the uk UPRISING

Ok & WOW! Y'all ain't even realize that the nwo was put into effect on Sept 17 2001. That's why on 9/11, 1991, exactly 10 years earlier, this speech was given & always know that there are no coincidences: So........we had ya favorite media mogul & dirty zio, rupert murdoch get caught inna HACKING SCANDAL & no 1 is even talkin about that anymore. If I say oslo, most of y'all THINK that I'm talkin about a dude name Ozzie but remember the disaster there just 2 weeks ago? As time is speedin up, we FORGOT about that shit! Then 31 soldiers die in afghanistan inna copter crash & as I've put the link in before, 20 of 'em, were on the FAKE KILL BIN DEAD BIN LADEN TEAM. Dead men tell no LIES or TRUTH! In MS, a lone BLAK MAN gets beat the fukkk up & ran over in a RANDOM BEATDOWN & I only heard about it on FB. This was after Kenneth Harding was shot in san fran & the POLICE lied about that sayin that he was shootin back at 'em. Flash Mobs have been happenin all over the WORLD but of course as WE put a lil paint where it ain't, WE turn that into TAX FREE SHOPPIN aka DUTY FREE! The DEBT CEILING DEAL was signed & soon after, the us lost it's aaa bond ratin with the dow droppin into a TAILSPIN of UNCERTAINTY as WE all wait for this FIAT CURRENCY to FALL the FUCK offa the map bringin ANARCHY along with it. Survivalists are at the ready & are you?

This all has led to the uk SHITUATION & Mark Duggan, the london VICTIM of a POLICE SHOOTIN that got the youth over there HOT & BOTHERED & they went off for 5 days before ORDER to THEY LIKING could be restored. There are those who say that, once again, that BLAK YOUTH destroyed THEY HOODS but on 2nd THOUGHT, is this really THEY HOODS when THEY DREAMS have been SHATTERED? No jobs = no money = no FUTURE so what the FUCK do THEY have to look forward to?  Look, enuff has been said already & inquiries will take place as to what can be done & FUCK THAT......with 495 left, THEY ain't got TIME as time speeds up & THEY nwo has FLIES (US) still in they OINTMENT!  farakhan even once said that todays YOUTH are the generation that had to come bcuz THEY JUST AIN'T HAVIN IT MAN! So if that's the case then what? The case is that the GAME must change & let the YOUTH be the SOULJAHS that THEY were meant to be. Too many of US have been so whiteWASHED that WE wanna keep these CHILDREN alive bcuz the krakka told US that that is what WE should want. Most peepo send they CHILDREN to the military without a thought in the world after hi skkkool. 21 is adult in the west but let me tell y'all that AFRIKANS don't consider ya an adult until ya 40 & the Natives here in amerikkka say it's 54! So basically, if I was a Blak Foot or an Apache, I would still be a YOUNG DUDE & I am! As I said in Part II, WE need to CHANNEL the ENERGY & ain't too many 45 year old dudes willin to do what THEY will & THEY supposed to be doin it! Marchin, protestin, petiotionin & all that other MASSA APPROVED SHIT is OVER yo! In these comin days which will prove DIFFICULT, TAKE BLAK what's YOURS! THEY took it from you so if a BULLY took yo SHIT, how do you get it blak? You get others to help you OR decide it's worth gettin killed for & fight for it. This is why I tend not to deal with RELIGIOUS TYPES unless it's NAT TURNER or ARISTIDE, the last true elected president of Haiti. I'm tellin ya now, if the krakka approves of it, I'm against it. They ain't got much time.

What is AFRICOM? Since it's HIS, let him define it: Of course like the BE ALL YOU CAN BE campaign recruitin new soldiers for the military, they show pictures of assistance & benevolence instead of shootins & WAR! Afrika doesn't belong to any Afrikans as long as 1 Afrikan isn't LIBERATED to seek his own destiny. That base in stugart is not very far as those scrambler jets can reach top speed at 1875 mph. With Afrika either controlled or surrounded, even comin from germany, planes could be in Afrika within hours of any shituation that puts us interests in jeopardy For years now, the us has been tryin to gain a foothold but even the corruptest leaders of these nations won't allow AFRICOM to move in as anyone knows that what's happenenin in Haiti now could happen there. Again, Haiti has plenty of oil & big oil feels like whatever is anywhere is THEIRS! WE can't let that happen even if WE don't wanna live there. Those are OUR BROTHAS & SISTARS!

The au aka the afrikan union was 1st led by Kwame Nkrumah when it was known as the oau. The last president was wa Mutharika, the president of Malawi til Nguema of Equitorial Guinea took over from him. This dude has been called the worst DICTATOR in the world but of course that is a label from the krakka. Anyhoo, this organization is really controlled by the un aka the west & is therefore INNEFECTIVE! As Afrika, with the exception of denel & denel dynamics in SA bein the only manufacturers of weapons, AFRIKANS cannot get weapons without europeans! Fans are flamed between rivals such as what happened in rwanda & KKKlinton coukd have stopped it but remember, they want as many of US as possible OFF of the EARTH bcuz THEY ain't tryin to have US here. It's only right that sa has the only weapons manufacturer as THEY are controlled & prolly need extra FIREPOWER in case them kafirs want the land that THEY TOOK not so long ago! The Kenyans went ape shit & that was quelled INTERNALLY. Ivory Coast au soldiers were again, INEFFFECTIVE. Those juntas are led by Afrikans who learned from krakkas.  Look, all the au does is run interference for western interests while THEY steal all of the resources in the land & refine to sell it BLAK to them with a 10,000% markup. Sad but true!

More important than freein Afrika is freein the Afrikan BRAIN so that the Afrikan can free Afrika! No 1 can kill all Afrikans as WE are the OFFICIAL STEWARDS of the lands of the earth so stop worryin so much! This krakka knows that his time is up & so kkkrazy things will continue to happen til he's gone. Speak yo mind & start excorcisin him from ya psyche. This doesn't mean to ignore him but study him as he will soon be INSIGNIFICANT & you can get to know him then in RETROSPECT. He is the EVIL SCIENTIST, the CONQUEROR, the LIAR & the DEVIL all wrapped in 1 & he made you the same. There were plenty krakkas LOOTIN & STEALIN in the uk as well so what of that?

A little message to you OTHERS; I'm talkin about non-white peepo who as a whole are disrespectful to Blaks. I'm talkin about y'all mexicans, phillipinos, dominicans, chinese, japanese, indians from india & so many more. Us Blak peepo are watchin you & like the european, if y'all think that y'all gonna take Afrika after THEY gone, get that SHIT OUTTA ya MIND! When the SUN does his job as BLAKS are incapable of enmasse KILLIN of our enemies, go easy & allow NATURE to take its course. All of you I mentioned here have ya beefs with these krakkas & if ya think ya don't, read THEYSTORY! WE ain't the WORLD as most (NOT ALL) of y'all come here not knowin the whole truth but WE were here & WE will be respected. Most of y'all get away with it bcuz HE allows it as y'all serve as the BUFFER between THEM & US. WE were EVERYWHERE first & there is enuff land in Afrika to feed the WORLD so when those of US who follow the the title of my BLOG do just that, STEP OUTTA the WAY or get SQUASHED. Like AIDS, this too many peepo on the earth shit is a FARCE so when 1Million peepo die, you would say, "they're too many peepo anyway!" Be respectful as all that condescending shit is over! Can ya lands SUSTAIN ya populations & feed 'em? Some of y'all - NOT! You have been WARNED as I already did the Final WARnin. 495 days to go! Peace.

I ain't perfekt but take it from Me is FINISHED! As WE speak, the web designer & publisher is hard at work makin it HOT for Y'ALL! I still need y'all DONATIONS & if y'all been readin me for all this time, put a lil something extra in that envelope when ya holla at me. For those interested, friend me at Face Book & the name is Blak Smith (Blak Smiff) & lemme know how ya want it. As I don't mess with THEY STUFF, us postal mo is how we doin it. Peace & excerpts of the book comin next week before the OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE. 


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