I ain't perfekt but take it from Me Excerpts VII Part 7

Hey Y'all & how do ya do? This the Blak Smith checkin in again & boy do WE have a SMOKER for y'all today! I'm more than sure by now that most of y'all heard about the quake in Southern CA & just a few hours ago, another 1 was reported in argentina   http://www.rttnews.com/Content/MarketSensitiveNews.aspx?Id=1706015&SM=1 as seen in the link provided. As well, as WE type, another hurricane is churnin in the Atlantic & her name is Katia. I keep tellin y'all to check on my past articles namely the Final Countdown 2012 & the Final WARnin. If ya interested, type that into the search box to the right of the articles posted. As the internet has so much goin on in it, the WEST cannot afford to shut it down but most of the real info gets here & so THEY gonna blame EVERYTHING on WEATHER aka ACTS of GOD! This absolves THEM of guilt bcuz THEY know a lot of ASSHOLES don't believe in HAARP & similar stuff but still believe in RELIGIONS to save 'em. This in spite of DOCUMENTED EVEIDENCE but for that, also check Lies Dis Info & Ms Info. With WAY LESS than 476 days to go, SEPTEMBER 11 is around the corner & I expect ANYTHING ANYDAY now! For now though, WE gonna act like it's 1999 again & look forward to seein y'all SOON at the Cosmic Party. The Blak Smith luvs y'all so STAY ALIVE as ALL THINGS CHANGE! Go in on these excerpts now!
With the given information, is there any wonder as to why relationships between the Blak man& woman don’t work? You see, as a people, we have lost the love. Remember Blak woman they took the culture most of us disdain from US. Our culture for better or worse is what sustained us for thousands if not millions of years. Now that I am mature, I realize that a woman should want to be with a man who she sees as secure because security is part of the equation but no man wants to be with a woman who loves him because he can provide her what she desires only. When they washed us of our culture, they also washed away the way we care for each other. Furthermore, it was in our cultural imperative to have rites of passages that proved that I was ready to marry. THE AVERAGE MAN HAD 2 WIVES & those who could afford it had more, was appointed more land & had to have a lot of resources (offspring) to keep everything in order. EVERYONE HAD A JOB as all worked for the benefit of the community. That’s why Afrikans from the continent who come to the US, work for themselves almost immediately after arrival. Most of them don’t have degrees but they will frequent each others establishments thus keepin the dough in they community like we should be doing. TO WORK FOR SOMEONE ELSE IS CONSIDERED SLAVERY! BLAK WOMAN & BLAK MAN, you have gone through and are still going through the most dehumanizing experience imanigible & have made it this far. NO OTHER RACE OF PEOPLE COULD GO THRU ALL OF THIS & SURVIVE. WE ARE EQUALLY MESSED UP Blak man & woman & it ain’t our fault, but it’s up to JUST US to fix it. Reading sex tips from Essence or BM ain’t gonna do it! Seeing your white psychotherapist ain’t gonna do it. Using drugs & throwing caution to the wind ain’t gonna do it. Like I’ve been writing, I’ve got some answers so stick around. To show how deep our problems are, I quote from a book that blew my mind about this very topic. The name of it is, “Slavery. The Afrikan Psychic Trauma” written by Sultana & Naimah Latif.
Being sold away or watching family members get sold
away was an indescribably devastating experience.
Many slaves became so overcome with grief, they went
insane & in their hallucinations, talked to their absent
loved ones. Others became suicidal.
Seperating children from their parents was per-
haps the greatest factor in the loss of Afrikan Culture &
language. Once children were taken away, their upbring-
ing was no longer supervised by parents who could pass
down knowledge & traditions.
They go on to further say.
The enslaved Afrikan always lived with the reality that
marriages among slaves could never be held sacred.
One could be sold away . . . . Or the Master could take
a liking to ones wife.
Did y’all know that George W Bush was accused of raping a Blak woman named Margie Schoedinger& she pressed charges & was soon “sucided?” Not only was she violated but so was her HUSBAND! These charges were filed in Fort Bend County TX on Dec. 2, 2002 & she “commited suicide” on Sep 22, 2003 . As well, Bush& former Knoxville TN mayor, Victor Ashe were homosexual lovers alledgedly since puberty & when a Congressional investigation was to emerge, Ashe quit& Bush sent him to Poland to be an ambASSador there. Stop thinking that our problems started with us! I’m trying to show you the hand rocking the cradle. Put in that context, what do you think of that? Blak woman, that krakka devil is still RAPING you & unfortunately because he has a title like (p)resident, CEO, Chairman, Sir or more financial means than me, you justify wanting to be around him. Don’t forsake us! Mind you, I am not talking about players (liars), criminals, gangsters, perverts, woman beaters, swindlers & non righteous hustlers. The average Blak man is the average Blak man& has the capacity to love you! You see what we have lost between ourselves is the love & replaced it with an endless pursuit of the paper chase. MOST BLACK WOMEN ARE MAKING MORE MONEY (LEGALLY) THAN THE BLAK MAN well at least in Amerikka! Blak woman, those corporate elitists are overworking you, under paying you & if not outright salivating for your loins, secretly wishing to do to you what he has done to us historikkkaly. Steadman is a rich dude on his own but next to Oprah? No comparison! Yes, the world has been turned upside down on its head. In the Blak community, because of willy lynchism, Blak women are now the primary breadwinners & anybody with half a brain knows that the person with the bigger wallet calls the shots. Because Afrikan Amerikkkan women won’t submit, a man’s manhood is questioned & all types of problems ensue. Blak woman, for eons Blak men has defined manhood as hunting, gathering & bravery. These qualities ensured that men were ready for adulthood & all of the responsibilities that come with it & there was a cultural & natural way to take care of our problems when they eventually arose. You are not the PROBLEM! The problem is NOT KNOWING this. As I said before, the system now defining you is the problem & that’s why I named the chapter Is willy lynch Right? During slavery time, because they wanted chaos in our ranks, they pitted you against your natural mate. They handsomely rewarded those who snitched (men & women) & brutalized those who kept loyal to their brethren. This is why I took that quote out of that book; to give you reference. THE ORDER IS NOT NATURAL! You naturally want a man with financial means BUT you are a two-for. What that means is at a job, physically you are not a threat to a man & you humor them with your sassiness & Blak talk. In these days of Affirmative Action (which is quickly eroding), you duly serve as a (1) minority & (2) a woman, & serve as a 1 in the hand beats 2 in the bush type concept. BLAK WOMEN ARE RUNNING AMERIKKKA & CONDOLEZA RICE WAS THE HEAD NIGGERETTE IN CHARGE (HNIC). Blak woman, we have our problems & we need to get it together. We must sustain our race because without the LOVE that has been taken from us, we are all playing a game & the stakes is extinction. What good is our race if all we are is a bunch of niggers & bitches? I am a proud Blak man & all I want is a Blak woman. I don’t dance with the devil!
                                            - to be continued -

Yeah, WE still at it! The Blak Smith is once again lettin y'all know that WE accept ya money if ya wanna keep gettin this type of info! If ya want the book, holla at my inbox on Face Book as Blak Smith (Blak Smiff) or at bennyblacko@yahoo.com. Stay VIGILANT & stay BLAK! Peace 2 U & the whole BLAK FAM!


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