What are WE 2 do?

Hey BLAK PEEPO! Today, Troy Davis is scheduled to be KILLED. Racist white Supremacy is STILL the RULE of the DAY & I'm upset that it hasn't been cancelled out yet. The krakka enslaved US, almost killed all of the Indegenous Peepo, nuked & haarped japan, destroys the earth with plastic & have made too many disasters such as 9-11, katrina & the bp oil spill (remember that?) seem NATURAL. What are WE to do?

Should WE fight for repairations?  Should WE enter into the SYSTEM so as to fight it from the inside? Should WE comingle with krakkas so as to make 'em into US? Should WE continue the RHETORIC of "NEVER AGAIN?!" Should WE educate 'em? Should WE still be allowin THEM to tell US how WE are supposed to live? Should WE NOT break THEIR laws? Should WE separate & claim a few southern states? Should WE buy land & do like the Nuwapus did in GA years BLAK? What are WE to do?

Should WE continue to read this or any website for that matter that's lookin to INFORM the masses? What are WE to do y'all? I ask these questions as I realize that I am a COWARD! Reenterin the workFORCE has made me REAL-EYES this as 1 gives in when workin in order to receive paltry compensation. THEY overwork & underpay US (especially Blak Men) & then blame you bcuz ya didn't go to skool, blah blah, yaketty yak. Note when applications were handed out for section 8 apts & job fairs in atlanta, how those reportin the news NEVER say that Blak Peepo DO wanna work but that's not the point to all this. The point as I wait for this SHYSTEM to CHANGE is WHAT are WE to do? At the site of a BOSS, I'm tired of jumpin up to LOOK like I'm workin when I'm FUKKKIN TIRED & won't do it anymore! If all of US STRUCK just 1 day like THEY do in europe, WE could bring the krakka to his knees but y'all COWARDS too! Too many of y'all with 20 years on the job is scared to take 1 fuKKKin day off as if THEY can fire all of US! Ya see, most of US have stopped thinkin & GAVE UP BUT much props to those of you still tryin to do ya thang despite the roadblocks. Though I'm tryin to keep my patience,  I'm sick & tired of bein SICK & TIRED yo!

This may seem like RANT & if it ain't, ya probably happy! I'm tired of some of y'all! I have learned WELL from the ancestors & I HEED their words. As Dr John Henrik Clarke used to say, respect WISE ELDERS ONLY! Durin the jena 6 march a few years ago, al sharptone was the hnic & NOTHIN HAPPENED as Mychal Bell was jailed for standin up for himself against a krakka aggressor. With this sharptone nigga down in ga now, y'all may as well kiss Troys ass goodbye! The point that I'm makin is that y'all need to stop tryin to save the world as I taught y'all already that REVOLUTION is BLOODY as Mr Malik Shabazz said not so long ago. Also in reference to Mychal Bell, a wise & now departed elder named Mr George who operated the REALEST BLAK BOOKSTORE in norfolk va, told me that in any WAR, there will be SACRIFICES. I ain't fightin for ANY CAUSE but 1 so just know this now! I'm tryin to fight RACIST WHITE SUPREMACY right here at b2a & with those askin the right QUESTIONS. For those of you who didn't know, Mr Shabazz aka Macolm X became DANGEROUS when he wanted to bring the entire WEST up on HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE charges in the un world court. He learned from his elder & wise man, Paul Robeson. Deal with it ALL as you can as you cannot attack RWS from a CAUSE LEVEL unless you attackin it from the TOP! Or........let NATURE deal with it knowin there will be SACRIFICES & CASUALTIES. What are WE to do? With EVERY FIBER in ya body, do as much as possible to ERRADICATE RWS! War!

The Blak Smith is always WORKIN & my work is for US! Y'all know the LINK for my book is comin & if ya wanna keep in touch with me, holla at bennyblacko@yahoo.com or on Face Book as Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). Though I am currently frustrated, I URGE US to STAY the COURSE & THINK til it HURTS to get thru the BULLSHIT. HOLLA BLAK!


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