The Progress THEY want YOU to have

Whatup y'all? In whatever ya do, STAY the COURSE & keep the FAITH bcuz believe it or not, WE are still WINNIN! With WAY LESS than 421 days left (maybe 1), WE goin to the stratosphere! sotero just sent troops into uganda & let's see where that's headed. The so called Middle East (Northern Afrika) is goin thru all kinda upheavel so watch that. The greek economy is where the us economy was 2 years ago & continuin to fall & winter is almost here in the northern hemisphere. Once again, it's rainin like a mothafugg & it's way nasty out there! For those of ya wonderin when my book is comin.........keep wonderin but SOON! It's so much goin on & supposedly, the net is gonna get shut down on 11/9 to TEST the SYSTEM. We'll see what happens in the long run but for now......I got my gal Ojette the Joyous Cat on deck talkin about how these niggas play the same game all over the world with lil twists & turns to fit the game wherever they playin it at when they play it. For the most part, the PATTERNS stay the SAME! She out there in South Amerika holdin it down & so now, I'll turn it over to her & let her tell y'all about the PROGRESS that THEY want YOU to have. Take it away O:

The Progress they want you to have

"Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear”, the old Temptations song, I Heard it through the Grapevine says. Notice a day after Hilliary went to Lybia, the CNT captured both Sirte and killed Kadaffi in one bold stroke. Remember they captured Saddam Hussein too and look what happened in Iraq.

First let me start by making a few corrections. The packetazo is spelled paquetazo in Spanish, so if you see the word you know what it is. The second correction is the name of the economist, its Keynes, not Keyes. After I couldn't remember his name, I finally did and spelled it wrong.

The paquetazo is implemented afer the money is transfered from the public to the private corporations. In the U.S., it's done a little differently than the rest of the world but it all falls under one word of "progress".

After the stock market crash of 1929, people were pretty pissed off, indignant and on the verge of   revolution. So the U.S. instituted some pretty good Socialist programs in order to stop the people from seeing how savage capitalism really is. This was to save capitalism for the time being, from getting thrown out of the window. People were really left leaning and radicalized by their improvishment.

The elite 1% was never happy with the social programs being instituted and at around the 1940's, they saw their opportunity to stop the progress and put a leash on the people from ever really changing their govenment. That oppotunity was the fear of communism (like the war on Terrorism). Soon, the elite instituted the House Unamerican activities committee. Unamerican meant anyone who didn't go along with capitalism and wanted another system. They wanted to move the economic situation back into the hands of the capitalist class and so the House Unamerican activies committe was their vehicle.

The House Unamerican Activities Committee started to attack left leaning people associated with any organization, union, or government office by calling them unamerican (Just as they are now calling Occupy Wall Street). Ronald Regan, the former U.S. president, was part of this attack on the left.. He organized small, in home groups and talked about the danger of communism. Children were taught to hide under their desks in the event of a Communist attack. People who were even suspected of having communist or socialist ideas ended up being prosecuted by the House unamerican activities committee. There were people who were told, to be "a good American" was to snitch on their neighbors who they suspected of being communist. (Sounds a lot like the terrorist threat, doesn't it?) Many strong, left leaning people lost their homes, their careers and everything for standing up to an oppressive system. All of this was done to force people to accept capitalism again. The House  Unamaerican activities criminalized anyone who thought that they wanted another political and economic system other than capitalism.

Not only did the elite impose political prosecution on people, but they oppressed much of the population. Women workers were told to go back to the home, have children and buy appliances made by the capitalists. A whole series of backward, social policies and ideas were implemented and shown as the "American way of life", while women were downing tranquilizers. The 1960's broke this and there was a little progress.

Then came the 1980's with Ronald Regan and Margret Thacther. Both of them took a no holds barred approach to capitalism. They came out swinging against any social program they could, slashing them to the bone and then privatizing them. They fired union workers and put a cap on unionizing. They started and open war on many of the social gains that people of color struggled for like Affirmative Action and Food Stamps. It was at that time, that Regan started to privatize our public hospitals. This continued under both the Democrats and Republicans. Clinton followed suit, ending welfare as we know it and calling poor black women, "welfare queens". Bush cut and burned himself, followed by Obama, who really did nothing to improve the situation while the rightwing calls him laughably, "a socialist". They are all paid for and part of the elite 1%.

But this not only happens to you in the North. The elite 1% likes to arrange the world in a way that will economically benefit them and impoverish the 99%. Do you remember the Asian Tigers of the 1990's? These were the countries that followed the neo-liberal capitalist plan to the letter. Thailand, Indonesia, the Philipines and Malaysa all got on the bus of progress. Don't think that Latin America was left out either. Argentina was the star student as they also followed the neo-liberal capitalist model and so did Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela and Bolivia. Most of the countries did. What happened to these countries is the same thing thats now going on in Greece, Spain Portugal, and to the U.S as the autobus of progress went over a cliff and into a ditch of poverty. Now you are all getting the paquetazo, which is that the government is in debt and as somebody has to pay back that money. Their thinking is, "let's get a loan from the big international organizations and then the people get tax increases, along with job and service cuts to pay all of that money back".

In the U.S., the paquetazo was implemented after it had a series of wars. See, one of the ways the elite have learned to transfer public funds into private pockets is through the military industrial complex. Buying everything for the military is a bonanza. These wars are costly and so are all the military bases all over the globe. They impoverish the U.S. and so when teachers start to demand higher salaries, and people start to demand free healthcare and education, the Governments response is “oh we don't have the money, we have a deficit." Notice that when the governement wanted to attack Iraq, Afghanistan and Lybia, no one said “oh we dont have the money, we have a deficit”.

These wars serve many purposes. The first purpose is to get resources from other countries for little to nothing which corporations could then sell to the public and make money. It's a transfer of a countries wealth into the pockets of the elite 1% banks. The second is the deplete the public funds of the countries who are starting the wars and to oppress the general public of both countries. They will tell you "we need to cut all of the social programs because we have a deficit" as these wars screws both you and the other countries. The public gets to pay for the wars by public funds being spent on it and then by a cut in public services. This way, you not only oppress the population outside of the U.S. but also the population inside the U.S. The latest scheme is to go into a country claiming human rights abuses, destroy it, then have the governments that decided to have the war rebuild the country and charging the country for its own reconstruction while taking the countries resources.

When people start to get pissed off at the neo-liberal capitalist policies or they desperately need money, then there is another scheme as in, "let's build more jails". Do you remember the huge amount of money that was spent on the prison industrial complex during the early 2000's? It was to lock up all of those people who had fallen into the ditch of poverty and couldn't get up after the “success” of neo-liberal capitalism. I remember my Filipino friends telling me that 3,000 Filipinos were leaving the Philipines each day because they had fallen into the ditch of poverty. The influx of immigrants from Latin America to the North was also due to the “success” of neo-liberal capitalism. These countries were so badly impoverished that their citizens decided to leave.

So now you got Hillary in Lybia; not because of Kadaffi killing his own people but because it's part of a strategy to get those people resources for nothing and sell them for something and all for the elite 1%. Then also, to put bases in those countries to ensure that they could continue doing that while passing the bill off to the U.S. public to pay while cutting government services because of the U.S. deficit.

The elite 1% is not just one party or another, it's both. Part of the "democracy" they want is to institute the two parties with the same agenda that and that they change power every so often . The agenda is to enrich the 1% of the elite. You need to be clear about that. The "democracy" they talk about is the institution of the elites agenda.

Recently, there were statements coming from the U.S. about the lack of democracy in Venezuela. One of the statements was due to the rejection of the Internatinal Human Rights Courts decision, to let an elite, corrupt, opposition politician hold political office after he stole money from the public. This was despite Venezuela signing several intenational agreements to end corruption.

The second was due to a fine imposed on the elite opposition t.v. station for their coverage of a prison riot. The riot took place in a prison called Rodeo I and II. There were mafias in the prison that bought in guns and I mean all kinds of guns as in sawed off shotguns, machine guns, pistols, handguns, you name it and drugs. In addition, the mafias also made money on providing “services” to the prisoners. When the riot occurred, the National Guard had to go in and disarm the prisoners. The prisoners were shooting at the pólice and National Guard. It was a war zone! The government decided to close off the area for public safety to try to get control of the situation.

The t.v.station then took this as an opportunity to disparage the Chavez government. They manipulated the media to imply that the Government was killing the prisoners and the prisoners families rushed to the prison site. They station edited audio to make the sound of machine gun firing which was far away, sound like it was close up and then showed overly emotional mothers saying they're “killing our children”. The government did the responsible thing and negotiated a truce. When it was all negotiated, 5 people had died and one of those was a national guardsman. The elite station got a sanction for their behavior, which was 7.5% of the 124 million they made last year, which they are now claiming will bankrupt them and is an attack on free speech. See the elite doesn't think that they need to follow the rules or the laws, that they should be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want. These two incidents are now being called “a lack of democracy” in Venezuela. Meanwhile in Mexico, Colombia and in Honduras, all of which are still under the neo-liberal capitalist model and all good friends of the U.S. imperialists, journalists are being killed and their bodies left on the side of  roads but there is no lack of democracy there. The real problem is in Venezuela where they're not instituting the elite 1% program.

The elite 1% want to enslave the world, turning it into one giaganitc sweatshop, where people are fighting to work for poverty wages and no benefits to where we don't even think about changing the system. In Mexico, thousands of people are being killed in drug violence due to the neo-liberal economic policies. But the elite 1% don't seem to care.

Meanwhile, Occupy Wall Street, is being called "unamerican" and policed. People are being beaten and jailed for standing up for their rights to service. One of my blog members said, “occupy the world”. I couldn't put it any better. The world is made up of the 99%  and not the elite 1%. We need to let them know, we run the show.


Yeah yeah, as I said before, this is a COMMUNITY FORUM! The views and opinions don't have to be agreed with 100% by me, but if ya makin sense, get at me & speak yo piece! This has been a PSA by my homegal Ojette & WE here at b2a have corrospondents all over this WORLD. If ya need to get at the Blak Smith, email me at or check  me on Face Book as Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). That ugly Blak dude with the Big Smile is ME. Peace.


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