How do YOU see INVISIBLE CHILDREN like me? (KONY 2012 explained)

Watup? Ayo, before I go in today, wanna let y'all know that this 1 is gonna go in HARDBODY, so BEWARE if ya FAINTof HEART aka BITCHASSEDNESS! The SCRAMBLE for Afrika has gone up a notch & so WE must kick it STRONG while keepin it GULLY & REAL! If ya don't like me CURSIN or soundin NIGGAISH then get the fuck outta here & I'm on it like that to the point of spellin it out so as to let y'all know that WE ain't playin. To all of the rest of y'all..........go the fukkk inside & see what WE gotta say today. If ya claimin somethin other than what represents BLAK, I won't give a fukkk anyway so comment away & see if I care. WE got a lot to cover with 281 days left. Yea, WE still on that Final Countdown Shit & so.........

Fukkk that! Do y'all see yet that the us of a izza rogue state? Do y'all yet see that those who most profess to LUV what the us stands for are straight corrupt? How do ya not see it? Just a few days ago in afghanistan, a us seal team seargant from ft. lewis md went & shot 9 CHILDREN, 3 WOMEN & though the reports didn't say, leaves it to the imagination that the other 4 were INSURGENTS. This soldier was said to have done this all at 3AM after havin suffered from a MENTAL BREAKDOWN but never says why he was havin it then. Thru Wire Sources, the us military fears reprisals but wouldn't you already be upset if a foreign occupation was on ya land anyway?

Though it has been reported that only 1 soldier did this, it has been reported that there were others & that these soldiers had the PRESENCE of MIND to douse those bodies with CHEMICALS & BURN 'EM! Now remember that this all happened at 3AM & that these PEEPO were asleep. This offensive that is supposed to take place by the FAKE ASS TALIBAN created by the cia is feared by the us bcuz..............they released the info on the INTERNET! How conveniently SAD yo!

WE here at b2a don't do CONSPIRACIES! WE calculate, conjecture &then come to OUR CONCLUSIONS so to all of y'all naysayers, again, go suck an UGLY STICK! WE ain't even half way in this article yet & so if ya don't got patience...............SICK my DUCK! This STAGED DEBACLE of this WAR occurred on march 11th 2012, exactly 1 year after 1 of the WORST DISASTERS ever in the japanese tsunami, which I previously wrote about extensively on this blogsite. With as many japs as the us has, ya BARELY heard a PEEP about it & why is that? I've been to japan & those peepo are fightin TOOTH & NAIL to once again be a SOVEREIGN NATION. They are usin the media azza WEAPON of MASSDISTRACTION & most of y'all ain't probably know the year anniversary had just passed. Around the time of that DISASTER last year, they were about to announce that they had a car that ran on water & had to pay the us 60 TRILLION YEN to not get HAARPED again. 1% of that money & I'm FREE! I would even take y'all out for soured ice cream. To all of y'all who still think that YOU can REFORM this KraKKa with religion & good will..............fuKKK YOU!

Now that WE'VE gotten somewhere, let's REALLY  GET THERE! WE gonna approach this KONY2012 Shit knowin that most of y'all already know that this Shit is BOGUS but with a lil INVESTIGATION in it. So......the lord's resistance army was started in 1987 by alice lakwena in northern Uganda. This group soon fell into the hands of Kony & he had young children killin parents & brainwashin other children into joinin in. After not bein able to reach peace with the Ugandan government in 2006, the group left Uganda. They still wreak havoc & this is where it get's really complicated. A group of film makers from the us led by JASON RUSSELL came to Northern Uganda & SUPPOSEDLY saw a TRUCK in THEIR entourage shot up by kony's outfit, the lra. They SUPPOSEDLY were on their way to Rwanda to see what was what after that ATROCITY but MIRACULOUSLY decided to stay in Uganda to bring light to the goin on's there. This was how this group invisible children was born.

As there is so much to cover, WE gotta fast track so do ya due diligence in ya own research. They filmed a movie named invisible children: the rough cut, came home & showed this SHIT to they peepo. After that, they went to high schools & somehow, just a week ago, more than 40 MILLION peepo saw this short film in just 3 days!* WTF? How did THEY manage to do that?

This not for profit, charitable group solicits DONATIONS (like I do) & sells trinkets to raise money. The dough that they raise goes to produce films to make US aware & for so called humanitarian aid. In April 2007, THEY got 67,000 activists all over the us to sleep in the street in cardboard boxes to garner attention for those youths affected by the lra in uganda. Even though the lra left Uganda in 2006, in 2011, ya favorite afriKKKan in barry soetero, enacted the lra disarmament & northern uganda recovery act. Read the words & ask yaself what are THEYrecoverin?

This law was signed on off of the strength of invisible children y'all! Ayo, them ic NIGGAS was present at the oval office when that MOTHERFUKKKIN law was signed by the pen of that halfriKKKan yo! That asshole even said that "we have seen your reporting, your websites, your blogs & your video postcards - you have made the plight of the CHILDREN(capitals mine) visible to us all." Ayo, this NIGGA BS has heard THEM at ic & skip gates, his pal that got arrested when tryin to enter his crib in boston. Him , the cop & bs hadda beer at the white house. Y'all remember that? What about Kenneth Harding, Troy Davis or Trayvon Martin the GODS?  Damn &SMH!

Well here WE are & this is the DROP! A few short days ago, ic started a campaign called kony 2012. This was to put PRESSURE on the us govt to do MORE as in militarily! These so called "film makers" from the university of southern ca sure do have a lotta pull eh? Check out Tavistock Institute. The way THEYsay that the vid became popular was bcuz THEY had oprah, justin beiber, rihanna & ryan seacrest TWEET this shit to the masses. This was a MASS RITUAL demonizin a bad man but there's ALWAYS a reason for it. My question to y'all is "why now?"

Okay, WE finally gonna get to the good part. Just who is ic? More than that, who is this jason russel dude & how the fukkk are 3 "film skool grads" able to come up to the level of gettin LAWS passed on an international level with entrenched Afrikan Soldiers in the jungle? I did a lil investigatin & 1st, I'll give ya some FLOWERY words from his peepo: Now after ya read this, ya can see that it was all nice & artsy english aka DOUBLESPEAK as orwell said in his classic book, 1984. What I found was that this dude is named after: As I wanted to get Y'ALL attention ASAP, I could not find out if this dude was related to the infamous russel family who are beter known in the world as: This is why I prepared y'all for this 1 bcuz WE need to be extra THOROUGH when WE talkin about I take this SIRIUS! y'all motherfuKKKers still with me? If ya took that & are now sayin, why the fukkk is he addressin me this way, it's bcuz yo BITCHASS ain't buy my book while I provide this FREEASS site, givin y'all REAL TALK as y'all feel the HEATof my breath on yo BACK! Cop that shit yo & my next one promises to be even hotter than that! You ain't gonna get it like this from anywhere else & so.......anyhoo, at the end of the day, this SHIT ain't about kony & as he more than likely is an asshole, fuKKK him too! Yea, I'm pissed off bcuz last year in my 4 part series, I told y'all that There's plenty of oil in Uganda & the northern border of Uganda abuts the Congo which is the RICHEST country in the world & as of right now, is still basically UNTOUCHED! This ic SHIT is nothin but MERCENARY MISSIONARIES gone VIRAL usin INITIATED PEEPO to sell an AGENDA! How the fuKKK does 3 recent grad students get the (p)resident to enact laws based on videos? Why do YOU believe that many peepo saw this film in that lil time? Who authenticates this info? Who owns jewtube? When did europeans start givin a fuKKK about starvin Afrikans gettin killed? As there are no weapons manufacturers in Afrika with the exception of south afrika & the fact that kony & his peepo hide in the jungles, who's supplyin him with weapons? With all of the wars goin on in Afrika, why pick Rwanda after that ATROCITY & then coincidentally stumble upon kony & his cronies? Yes, the ic snuck in as evangelists to PACIFY the peepo, meanwhile makin kony into a PATSY to SNEAK in to the Congo to destablize the region & take over the richest part of the world & control it, ONCE & for ALL, FOREVER! Research the berlin conference & never speak of this kony as these PARASITES have 281 left & are the ORIGINATORS of ALL EVIL! Ain't none of y'all fuckin with this & if ya can, ya need to HOLLA BLAK! WAR!

Y'all know the drill & I ain't bein FRIENDLY so get at me! is the e-mail & if ya wanna see me on Face Book, go to Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). Don't let that KraKKa fool or skool ya in these last days bcuz he wanna take as much of US outta here as possible. I'm out yo!


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