Annunaki - Dont watch this film

Not everything here is IMO accurate but I BELIEVE that the info is 90% spot on! It explains a lot without bein over wordy & it ain't for BEGINNERS. This is for an exclusive set of Y'ALL out there so that ya know how far BLAK WE go as a peepo. Afrikan AmeriKKKans act like their existence started with slavery when in fact NONE of US can retrace OUR families more than 1,000 years, most Afrikans included. By readin Destruction of Black Civilization:, you should already know that. WE got 128 days left & so Y'ALL are only gonna get the BEST from ME so don't be expectin US to soft shoe OUR way thru this time. Get yo ASS ready or be eaten like FOOD!

Today's article ain't gonna be too long but I'm gonna change the topic to Hip Hop & my dude, Canibus. He's been takin a beatin in the media lately for doin some agreed upon sucka shit but I still luv my dude. He has 1 of the best voices, lyrical dexterity & vocabulary for days! Though he isn't perfect, I tend to think that his career was derailed for puttin out a song like this years ago: . Too many point to a lot of other disappointin moves he made years ago but it started here & culminated with him SEEMINGLY makin the bad moves I speak of. Tie this song in with the movie & see what ya get from it. Remember, as of today WE got 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 days left! Please do what ya must & don't end up like this dude: or like

The BS will continue & know that this is the time of REVELATIONS! Stay alive as all things will change around! This is my job to all of Y'ALL! Gotta favor to ask of all my subscribers now. I wanna go to Ghana in october & if all 94 of y'all donate just $20, I can get my airfare to get there. You don't have to be a subscriber to donate & so...........if ya feelin like givin more that is always welcome  as I wish to continue servin US with the news WE need. What say Y'ALL? Holla at the Blak Smith at or on FB as Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. First of all the correct spelling of the name is ANUNNAKI, meaning those who follow Anu. Secondly the Anunnaki never created any humans here, but rearranged the DNA of those humans who the Galactic Federation had created i million yrs ago, in an effort 2 make Earth the 12th LIVING LIBRARY in tghis Universe. The ADV GODS had produced the BLK humans here on Earth at a 5th dimensional Space Craft level of existence 560 million years ago, with a 12 stranded DNA system,& re did after they fell by interbreeding with humans created from animal origins.

    The modern segment with the bad guy aliens & their alliance with the U.S., BRITAIN, & ISRAEL, has major validity.

  2. Thanks for the video. Most stuff I already, a few things I didn't. Aliens work with the govt tot help them technologically and in exchange they can use humans for whatever purposes. Say what? Also, I thought the ark was located in Ethiopia. The video claims the elite have the ark and they transport to various areas which is eventually marked with a obelisk monument. Well, that was hard to believe.

  3. @ Sirius, always thanx 4 ya GREAT INFO as WE need it! @ AG, as stated in the article, not all of the info checks out with my research BUT, for novices & the like, this is easy 2 digest as it pretty straightforward. If U have a msg for US, write it here. Peace Y'ALL!


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