Are y'all READY for this SUPER MOON comin OUR way in just a few hours? Are ya ready for the official jump off of the SUMMER 2013? Are ya ready for really big SOLAR STORMS to affect US as things HEAT UP? Are ya tired of racist KraKKa supremacy? As far as I'm concerned, that SHIT is practically over so where are ya gettin yo info from? I've been off of that talkin about paranormal shit lately bcuz y'all ain't feelin it but when these crazy things happen, I refer y'all to the WEATHER aka MOTHER NATURE & as the white BOY feels that he can CONTROL her, he gotta another think comin! The solstice starts later today & before WE enter into another season, let's talk a lil bit about how SHIT goes down!

Anyone who knows ANYTHING about MAMA knows that the SHE can not be controlled! Our MAMA is comprised of 4 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS which are EARTH, WIND, FIRE & WATER which WE cannot live without. Try cookin ya food with LIGHTNING! Try boilin ya food in OIL! Did ya get that? Anyhoo, hasn't the weather in the WEST been quite interestin especially here in the u.s & europe? Them niKKKa's out  west better get it right bcuz WE gonna cover all that WE speak of. Are THEY still lookin to make colonies like they did on the planet of Pandora? Well, I searched INSIDE Pandora's BOX & she's releasin VENOM in the form of those 4 elements I just mentioned. From that comes dis - ease & PEST i lence. Let's get into it now!

The EARTH! Oh how I luv her & she luvs me & I know this bcuz I speak with her as much as possible! I tell her to STAY & she does unlike what the peepo in the RING of FIRE feel. Who remembers the many many earthquakes in new zealand of a few years ago? Who remembers the big earthquake durin the World Series in the Bay Area in 1989? What about her SINKHOLE that sucked in the krakka dude in FL a few months back? His last name was BUSH! Who wants to acknowledge that the west coast of the u.s up til the Rockies were islands that formerly belonged to Polynesia? Are WE askin questions about the earthquake in VA & CO at exactly the same time August 2011? Man.......when the earth SHAKES, it's enough to SCARE the bejesus outta ANYONE! The COSMOS determine what GAIA (the EARTH) will do & soooooo.....keep that EARTH STEADY yo!

WIND Don't ya just luv a SUNNY DAY with a slight breeze? Under the sycamore, magnolia, ashes & elms with the leaves fannin ya ever so slightly? Yea, that wind can make an extremely HOT ASS DAY bearable but what happens when THEY turn into HURRICANES/TSUNAMIS/TORNADOES like what recently happened in TORNADO ALLEY? Why do THEY not BELIEVE that the honorable & most REVERED Dr Marcus Mosiah Garvey ain't in them WINDS man? WE won't consider the tsunami that destroyed Sumatra bcuz it was man made like most of the FOOD in the west! As the need for petrol fuels decline, look for more & more WIND FARMS to come up! Mama Nature is gonna do the job of gettin rid of those KraKKa's so stop FANTASIZIN til the time is right.

FIRE Before WE get into that 1, I'm gonna get ya in the mood with my dude who passed earlier this year about the same time that Donald Byrd did & his name was Sugarfoot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SK7DkDZg6Y. Man......that FIRE cooks that chiKKKen Blak Folk just ain't tryin to give up. Fire warms ya when it's winter outside. How many states are on FIRE out west right now? Peepo (mainly krakka's) are losin homes by the thousands yo! Who wants iced tea in a snowstorm? FIRE PURIFIES! Ya ever heard of baptism by FIRE? The EARTH needs to get scorched so as to replenish the NUTRIENTS in the soil that has been depleted by the krakka as well as polluted. He is the the 1 who will end up in that infamous LAKE of FIRE spoken of in Dante's Eternal Flame's. Nowadays, these FLAMERS have really been on FIRE & as they piss US off, y'all as well will be PUNISHED as the ABOMINATIONS that y'all are. As they say in france, paris is BURNING & when in rome, BURN like the romans!

WATER Peepo wanna act like LIFE without WATER wouldn't happen but in FACT, without ANY of what WE speak of, there wouldn't be BALANCE aka MA'AT! WATER dissipates FIRE, is EVAPORATED by the AIR (WIND) & absorbed by the EARTH! An imbalance anywhere spells D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R! Not enough & there's DROUGHT! The Gulf of Hormus is where the OIL comes from. bp spilled lots of it in the Gulf of Mexico. Too much FIRE & dry conditions cause FOREST FIRES! Too much rain causes FLOODS like what happened in San Antonio TX (what up Lil Trin?) & in a lotta europe a few weeks ago! Them MF clouds up there are FAKE MAN! Just today, I was out & it was relatively cool but after a HUGE FAKE 1 dissipated, it got HOT like a MOFO! Just like that yo, it went from cool to too DAMN HOT! They gotta SEED the clouds & this is where the chemtrail & contrails get tossed in as clouds are nothin but CONDENSED WATER that falls back to the EARTH! Damn, they got US in the smash! Take this & THINK REALLY HARD ABOUT IT!:


The SEPARATION of LABOR will take place as these 4 ELEMENTS are represented even in HIP HOP! The Black Dots book, Hip Hop Decoded; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4sox_2GuRg more than breaks that down but yo, REAL TALK, get at his link & cop that! His book is better than mine & I wanna get y'all that INFINITE KNOWLEDGE! But what WE mean on all this is that even though these dynamics are different in that they have their own lanes, when combined violently, the EARTH is gonna get it like BAD yo! I'm talkin specifically EARTHLINGS aka johnny come lately's ya know? If ya notice, most of the recent storms are affectin KRAKKA's & as far as I know, not many are blamin it on h.a.a.r.p. The COSMOS determine what happens here so sit BLAK & let 'em have it! Stay alive & drink that FIRE WATER! Give ya mate a SUN & a MOON! WE livin life & lovin it! I'm sayin yo.........it's gonna be alrite! Keep ya composure! The EARTH is a god in a smaller galaxy & the UNIVERSE is it's INFINITE! Peace GOD!


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