Hey b2a peepo & how in the HEAVENS are WE? I hope y'all out there are ok & DRY as the southeast is having perhaps the wettest july EVER! Kinda reminds me of my NY summer 2011. As it's rainin cars & trucks, be aware that despite what's happening, that the WEATHER is the #1 story of the year AGAIN! WE know that the devil's time is up & just bcuz it's gradually happening, know that no 1 can stop it! About a month ago, it was in the 90's in alaska & now this: There were FLASH FLOODS in phoenix in that DRY ASS DESERT! It's been in the 90's as well in the cold ass uk & them devil's be always talkin about, "the SUN NEVA sets on the british empire!" SUN BURN them MOFO's yo! Hip motherfuKKKin Hop HOORAY, them BITCHES be gone as they get their WISHES! THEY can't stop IT YO & with that, allow US to PLAY WE should be SUNBATHING as much as possible bcuz that devil is HIDING OUR HERO so that he can stay just a lil longer but just like niKKKa's, it won't WORK! I'm so happy!

But back to the topic of CONSCIOUSNESS & what it means to US as individuals, groups & all of US worldwide. So that ya know from this point on, I don't give a flying fuKKK about any of ya writing in differing with my OPINIONS if ya come off DISRESPECTFULLY! If ya write me disagreeing, ya better watch the tone of HOW ya say it & with that, I'm gonna now supply US with the definition of what this word means from the devils own mouth;

World English Dictionary
conscious (ˈkɒnʃəs)
1.a. alert and awake; not sleeping or comatose
b. aware of one's surroundings, one's own thoughts and motivations, etc
2.a. aware of and giving value or emphasis to a particular fact or phenomenon: I am conscious of your great
kindness to me
b. ( in combination ): clothes-conscious
3.done with full awareness; deliberate: a conscious effort ; conscious rudeness
4.a. denoting or relating to a part of the human mind that is aware of a person's self, environment, and mental
activity and that to a certain extent determines his choices of action
b. ( as noun ): the conscious is only a small part of the mind.

So that HATERS don't try & HATE, I have to say that I'm talking about definition #4 so that when I define it for SELF, WE can agree or not as this is subjective info of the MIND! Where you at? First, I'm gonna tell US what it ain't & with that, let's go in!

Consciousness is NOT reading books by Dr Claude Anderson, Dr Ben, Dr Clarke & Dr Diop & acting like a RATCHET PERSON! It does not mean being DISAGREEABLE in simple CONVO! It's not about trying to be MANIPULATIVE! It's not about giving to get! It's not about wearing Afrikan garb even in the cold winters. It's not about going to live in Afrika & being ABUSIVE to the peepo from there or having them be that with you. It's not about LYING. It's not about being JEALOUS. Some conscious peepo use the word nigger. It ain't about knowing Afrikan geography & languages. It ain't about being rich! It ain't about trivia. It ain't about saying, "I'm MORE Afrikan than YOU!" It ain't about how many children ya have especially if ya ain't taking care of 'em! Proper Consciousness ain't all PEACE & LUV! It's not about using peepo! So if it ain't none of that my beautiful Blak Peepo, what are WE here talking about? Let's find out.

As an OURSTORIAN & RESEARCHER, I'm constantly asked questions as to the Blak Human Condition. Some of the stuff that I find would confound even some of the most profound minds but the show must go on! "So just what is CONSCIOUSNESS Blak Smith?" I hope that y'all can get with my answers & so here goes; it's about the APPLICATION of that consciousness ESPECIALLY if ya reading those type of books mentioned above. If not, it's like learning a sport from reading! Ya GOTTA play the GAME yo! Ya can't be manipulative bcuz that would mean that ya still got work to do. One must learn to give UNCONDITIONALLY & that's very hard to do as WE ALL feel that fair exchange is no robbery UNLESS an agreement was already in place! If that agreement was breached, then recompense is in order! me, wearing Afrikan garb is so wack IF it ain't practical to how ya live ya LIFE! Everything in it's place! After living in Ghana & going thru the BULLSHIT the way I did, I've learned that I will live where I'm ACCEPTED & LOVED for who & what I am! Why should WE be abusive to those who have NEVER OFFENDED US? Only a BEAST does that unless ya MANIPULATIVE! One should only be JEALOUS if GAME is involved but how can 1 be that if TRUTH is ALWAYS told? Well......LIE to the police, the courts & RATCHET PEEPO to get 'em off of ya! But then again, I don't think that Men & Women experience this in the same way? Nigger should be used when APPROPRIATE ok niggers? As Afrikans, Blaks or whatever ya callin ya self today, 1 SHOULD go to Afrika if possible but being a GREAT person is always better. It's always GREAT to know as many languages as 1 can! It is about being rich but WHO & what are ya rich for? If the peepo can't share, it ain't alright. Trivia is trivia.

So who's more Afrikan than anybody else? In my OPINION, those who stick as close to the WORD as possible & I ain't talking about no holy books! It's surely about taking CARE of the children BORNE out of ya & those WE come across. Any adult should have MORAL AUTHORITY over any child as children need LEADERSHIP & in fact, they want that but it must be RIGHT & there are those of US out here trying to COACH US into right action! Consciousness can be very VIOLENT (like the above pic)as some things require RIGHTEOUS RAGE & RETRIBUTION or what I like to call OUR 3 R's! Have ya ever seen any ANIMAL protect it's YOUNG with it's LIFE? Haven't WE had enough of BEGGING these devils for a PEACE that THEY don't seem to know? What's wrong with US yo? Why do WE keep

seeing this saying & keep doing the SAME SHIT? DAMNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!

Get those books I mentioned above MAN & WOMAN! My semi-autobiography, I ain't perfeKt but take it from Me can be ordered at or on fb, I'm Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). Boom bye bye Hip Hop will NEVA die has been delayed but WE gettin it done!

So to end it all, in the Blak Smith's perview, what CONSCIOUSNESS is RIGHTEOUSNESS, APPROPRIATENESS, CLASS, EXCELLENCE & RECIPROCITY! Remember, FAIR EXCHANGE is no ROBBERY! What this all means is is that WE gotta get OUR SHIT TOGETHER as no one else is gonna do it. Like RELIGION, most of US are running around here FAKING CONSCIOUSNESS for the purpose of EXPEDIENCY & soon, your day will come. All I owe all of YOU is RESPECT & the TRUTH & after that, it's on YOU bcuz I know that, to the BEST of ME that I'm doing ME for YOU! Consciousness is BALANCE & BALANCE is MA'AT & MA'AT is MELANIN & they fuckin with the WEATHER so that WE don't get there but it won't be FOREVER! That time is around the corner yo! Get READY for that REAL HEAT ya ain't seen yet yo! Shit......I wish that I was CONSCIOUS & with that...............WAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR & HOLLA BLAK!



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