Mao's China - One Man's Revolution & how to BUILD a NATION!

In January 1900, with a majority of conservatives in the Imperial Court, the Empress Dowager changed her long policy of suppressing Boxers, and issued edicts in their defense, causing protests from foreign powers. In Spring 1900, the Boxer movement spread rapidly north from Shandong into the countryside near Beijing. Boxers burned Christian churches, killed Chinese Christians, and intimidated Chinese officials who stood in their way. American Minister Edwin H. Conger cabled Washington, “the whole country is swarming with hungry, discontented, hopeless idlers.” On 30 May the diplomats, led by British Minister Claude Maxwell MacDonald, requested that foreign soldiers come to Beijing to defend the legations. The Chinese government reluctantly acquiesced, and the next day more than 400 soldiers from eight countries disembarked from warships and traveled by train to Beijing from Tianjin. They set up defensive perimeters around their respective missions.
On 5 June, the railroad line to Tianjin was cut by Boxers in the countryside and Beijing was isolated. On 13 June, a Japanese diplomat was murdered by the soldiers of General Dong Fuxiang and that same day the first Boxer, dressed in his finery, was seen in the Legation Quarter. The German Minister, Clemens von Ketteler, and German soldiers captured a Boxer boy and inexplicably executed him. In response, thousands of Boxers burst into the walled city of Beijing that afternoon and burned many of the Christian churches and cathedrals in the city. American and British missionaries had taken refuge in the Methodist Mission and an attack there was repulsed by American Marines. The soldiers at the British Embassy and German Legations shot and killed several Boxers, alienating the Chinese population of the city and nudging the Qing government toward support of the Boxers. The Muslim Kansu braves and Boxers, along with other Chinese then attacked and killed Chinese Christians around the legations in revenge for foreign attacks on Chinese.*

Hey to all of my b2a peepo! How y'all? This won't be long but ever since the VERDICT, I'm on some new shit ya know? WE gotta keep moving FORWARD knowing that the SACRIFICES just won't stop & in fact, it will never stop until WE start takin THEM out as well! It could be ANYWHERE & no one has to know who did what! Anyhoo, what this 20 minute vid is about is how Mao freed the peepo even though he FAILED at certain things that he tried to implement. He came from the peasant class & killed a lotta peepo but he got the FOREIGNERS & those CONVERTED NATIVE CHRISTIANS out in what was considered a GREAT PURGE! 

In my eyes, this was for the GREATER GOOD of the PEEPO & too many of Blak Peepo/niKKKa's/negroes & whatever else ain't real eyesing this & it's really keepin US BACK. If ya ain't yet made up ya mind as to what side ya on, then WE ENEMIES as the PEEPO will continue. This dude indirectly made 60 million disappear whether they were killed/chased out of the country or faked their i.d but LEADERS have to make HARSH DECISIONS & WE now see how China came up to be what it is now though it won't last much longer bcuz the CHOSEN PEEPO are US! Check it, learn & HOLLA BLAK but WE gon' WIN!

Get my first book & the link is here: For ya personally signed copy, contact US at or get with US on fb as Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). My new 1, Boom bye bye Hip Hop will NEVA die on DECK so check for it ya HEAAAAAAARRRRRDDDDDDD!

So while WE at it, let me just say it 1 more time; WE shall be VICTORIOUS but WE gotta go thru whatever to get to that point. The DEVIL now has it that it's OPEN SEASON & that THEY can do WHATEVER THEY want to US but I ask each of US are WE really having it? To be afraid to die is to be a COWARD so a lot of US better be ready to GIVE or TAKE LIFE at a moments notice bcuz it ain't gonna stop! KILLING is part of yo life & if ya don't believe that, ask that chiKKKen that ya ate a few hours ago. If ya FAM don't OVERSTAND, get AWAY from 'em bcuz THEY'LL get you if YOU hesitate for a moment. FUCK yo RELIGION & for that matter, ya ideaology if ya don't OVERSTAND NATURAL LAW where the 1st LAW is SELF PRESERVATION! WARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


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