What U know about GENOCIDE in West Papua New Guinea?
https://www.facebook.com/WestPapuanFreedomFighters This ain't gonna be no long article today but before I got this doc, I knew very little of what was happening in Papua New Guinea & as this didn't just start yesterday, it just proves what Dr John Henrik Clarke used to say that, "no 1 is the friend of the Afrikan!" This more than PROVES that when he said that, that he wasn't just talking about that euro-devil; nah........he meant that for a whole bunch of peepo as hardly any peepo RESPECT US as I've seen plenty of Ghanians absolutely DISSED when I lived there & I ALWAYS defended 'em bcuz I don't let that happen around Me! This is not to malign all non-Blak peepo but as Kwame Nkrumah said, " OUR INDEPENDENCE IS MEANINGLESS UNLESS IT IS LINKED UP WITH THE TOTAL LIBERATION OF AFRICA." To Me, this means that just bcuz PNG is in Asia, doesn't mean a THING as the beginning of this pic makes it MORE than OBVIOUS that ...