So.......where are all of my OBAMAnations at? Y'all been kinda QUIET lately & after that PERFORMANCE at the (enemy of the) state of the onion, where the HELL y'all at? Where are all of ya who ARGUED Me to DEATH that this would be US winning? Come out from under that rock & read what the FINAL SOLUTION is for once & for all! WE here at b2a is gonna break it down in sections first though so ya know.........but before WE do so, WE must first determine for what side are ya playing on. From the authors purview, WE see it as 4 distinct categories of BP & SO HOPEFULLY you WILL FIND self  in here so that you can get to work! Go in as WE have so much to say!!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ti4Ho5-tnI (Everyday Peepo by Sly & the Family Stone)

As WE are gonna build from the bottom up, WE start with the niKKKa's but from a different perspective. WE saw the example of Richard Sherman just a few days ago & though this SHIT was totally BLOWN outta PROPORTION, the media is still talking about him though WE know why.......bcuz he DARED show EMOTION in the presence of their BIATCH, something a BM is never supposed to do unless it's NEGATIVE or at US! But that is the last thing that dude is! What about these dudes ACTING like LEADERS & just getting MONEY? Some of y'all is thinking about sell-out RAPPERS & ATHLETES now but as it is more than OBVIOUS as to who they are, I'm talking about ya sharptones, jaXXXon's, faraKKKoons, dices-son's & professor KKKorny west not to be confused with Kanye. Ya see, they have been appointed as OUR LEADERS but was that granted by an election, selection or thru EXPOSURE thru their media? Why come devils don't have LEADERS? Think about that!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFaQJDEIDec These are Our Heroes aka Kkkon Piknikk by Nas)

And now WE get to niggers aka nigga's as defined by the DICTIONARY & WE can no longer CRY RACISM when it's used that way even by them! As it's all so ridiculous, to Me, common everyday nigga's are those in the hood  or who get money & pre-Malcolm X & those like him come to mind. These are those blaKKKS that say SHIT like "there go that nigga that always be talking that BLAK SHIT!" Ya know 'em as they exist in yo family, neighborhood, jobs etc. Common niggas are still blaKKK ya see & so usually excel at something from drug dealing to PREACHING & if ya got offended by that, look at all of the scandals that PREACHERS get into especially DRUGS & HOMOSEXUALITY! Y'all got it TWISTED that nigga's don't wear suit & ties & just think.........you would NEVA hear some of 'em use the WORD nigga! In fact, they HATE for ya to use the word but look at what they do! Before I move on from this section, apologies go to those over the age of 55 who know the STING of what that word is after being called that by devils who would kill as soon as look at ya. If ya a NIGGA, my apology doesn't apply at any age!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hhp3KWMEhJU (Be a NIGGA too by Nas)

And now, WE get to niggers aka, the ORIGINS of what it is to be that! Hmmmmmm......what is a nigger? Well to Me, a NIGGER is a word that devils came up with bcuz of their IGNORANCE in reducing a Blak Person to NOTHING but...........like Nas said above, ANYBODY could be 1! Ya see, just about EVERYTHING that devil calls US is really REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY as he calls US MONKEY's but in fact, he is 98% rh+ & as that's too long to explain here, look that up! He reverted to PRIMACY during his DARK AGES & the MOORS re-CIVILIZED 'em! Then after the half breeds were created, they came into Afrika & defeated the MATRIARCHAL TYPES who were enslaved by the modern day arabs & later, his half brother, the european & here WE are now...........in the JUNGLES of ameriKKKa aka the new world! They created these niggers who do actually exist & for that, they get 100% BLAME! WE'VE been changed so much til WE BLAME each other for what essentially is his fault! Only a nigger can create a niKKKa, nigga, nigger but there is such a thing as REDEMPTION as WE will soon see.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDWWMHII-tM (People Person by Donnie)

(by Akil) NEVER be a NEGRO!!!!!!!

Finally.......in this 1, WE gonna go from projects to PYRAMIDS or......from niggas to GODZ aka NAGA's, something that whichever ya see yaself  in in this article is what ya striving to be! I always go with the concept as stated by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad about the 85%, the 10% & the 5% but in the Blak Smith's updated version, there is such a thing as the 1% & those in there include Nat Turner, the Honorable Marcus Garvey, Dr John Henrik Clarke, Malcolm X,  Dr Ben, Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, Kwame Toure, Steve Cokely, Khalid Muhammad, Brother Dawud & in fact, most of 'em are UNKNOWN! Those are my NAGA's & why the only thing I don't let anyone call Me is a negro who is nothing more than a black boy working for them! Today, none of those peepo could be described as LEADERS bcuz they were teaching US how to LIBERATE OURSELVES from those who think that they can rule forever but his TIME is UP!!! This is why y'all don't see Me endorsing many out there bcuz MOST of US got OUR SHIT about US & ain't too many willing to die bcuz WE have been made COWARDS bcuz WE too afraid to die! The role of a MESSIAH is FEARLESSNESS!!! I ride with Dr. Clarke though who always maintained that to have ya LIFE taken for STUPIDITY is just as stupid as rws is! The FINAL SOLUTION is to LUV & RESPECT each other to LIFE!!!!!

 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdMlZxHLM8w (My Melody by Rakim)

WE still coming thru with Boom bye bye Hip Hop will NEVA die & taking orders before the link goes up. As always stated, you can get at Me at bennyblacko@yahoo.com or on fb INBOX ONLY as Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). 

So......."WTF Blak Smith, ya made Me read this long ass article & didn't say SHIT as to how WE gonna get outta being victims of that devil & his deviousness....what gives yo?" The answer depends on who ya are in relation to the cosmos! As you are composed of TRILLIONS of cells, you can TRANSCEND TIME & SPACE & ascend to the dimension ya lowest/highest POTENTIAL has. All of yo cells are PLANETS on ya own personal COSMOS!!! The songs say all that need to be said as 1 can go from being a low life thug to being a NAGA like Malcolm so who am I to count anyone out? I always used to say that the separation has been made but it ain't Me that's doing that, it's yo SPIRIT! Having a spirit means that you are a NATURAL DARK BEING & as NATURE takes care of herself, those who defile her shall be dealt with! Ya MELANIN is changing & when that switch turns, those without it will PERISH as if they NEVA existed! Take care of yaself, keep yo spirit as CLEAN as possible & determine that no matter what, you will be here when it's OFFICIAL! This has been a presentation from b2a & as WE love y'all, please support OUR endeavors as WE are that MAGICK & that FINAL SOLUTION!!! Y'all can now call Me, NAGADOCIOUS!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

P.S......anything is POSSIBLE!!! http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2011/04/canibus-channel-zero.html (song is inside of link)


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