Check yo EMOTIONS - Part III - I DON'T CARE!

FaKE 2015.........almost there! Can ya believe that WE are now at Part III? Have ya Checked yo EMOTIONS yet? Are ya panties in a bunch yet? That dude up there.....................they say that his devil dad has taken ILL lately! As those dudes is SHAPESHIFTING REPTILIANS under INDICTMENT along with his RETARDED ASS SON & MINIONS, fuKKK 'em with SHARP KNIVES PASSIONATELY! If ya say that ya have to see it to believe it, why is the PAPER of RECORD saying same?; WE are LIVING in INTERESTING TIMES & by the minute, things are getting more & more INTERESTING! What do you think?

So.......WE are now officially 2 years past 12/21/12 & MAN, has it been some ride! Too many of my peepo have perished in that time & as the Blak Smith always says here, determine to SELF to STAY ALIVE & see that new day! WE spoke on how PROPAGANDA is the 1st TOOL of WAR & soonafter that, how they do their PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS aka PSYOPS! If that doesn't get ya, like Perkins said in his classic book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, PURE ENGAGEMENT! Ya see in a country, they send in the SPIES disguised as BUSINESSMEN! If that doesn't work, they send in MILITARY ADVISORS who fund the OPPOSITION & when that doesn't work..........well, you know! Again, the STUDY of MILITARY SCIENCE must be employed to make sense outta the nonsense but Y'ALL still wanna rely on that non-existent deity that ain't done SHIT for most of US! What's yo problem?

So now that ya EMOTIONS have been CHECKED at the door & ya hopefully LEARNED a few things, HOW should ya FEEL? Well............if I was you (& I AM), I would feel a strong attachment to ME = WE = US = YOU & at the same time, totally NOT GIVE a fuKKK! It sounds simple but is it? I remember a lotta OG's used to tell Me stuff like that & I didn't OVERSTAND what it meant at that time & so maybe it's something ya gotta grow into but in any WAR, there will be CASUALTIES & if ya not careful, ya won't diagnose this as WAR! Make no mistake that bcuz ya refuse to do anything different doesn't make it less than that! Whether or not ya in this struggle, you are being affected & so which side are ya on?

Fear is the enemy! Wake up from the matrix and stop falling for all the False Flags! Do your own research! Don't fall for all the propaganda & fear mongering!

So let's skip ahead into the near future & how ya could FEEL about what I'm about to type here! The congress is out & purported to not come back. soetero & fam are in HI on vacay as well & when he comes back will STEP DOWN! The 2 top security positions in attorney general & the secretary of defense are TECHNICALLY VACANT! Are WE being set up for something that ya don't hear about in the msm? Could the police & de Blasio be playing a GAME? Well, let Me put ya up on that GAME that I HEARD about............supposedly, that vacated seat left behind by the disgraced secretary of defense aka Chuck Hagel, is supposed to roll into DC & remove all of the corrupt politico's which is practically ALL of 'EM! WE are supposed to go under military rule under General Carter Ham but let Me read this on a METAPHYSICAL LEVEL for US!

1 CANNOT regard a name as to how it's spelled as long as it SOUNDS the same! I've been talking about the HEGELIAN DIALECTIC for YEARS now & the sec of def just happens to have that name. Now........what is a carter? Let's look;


"cart-driver," late 12c., from Anglo-French careter, and in part an agent noun from cart (v.).*
This is interesting! WE ain't gonna make this too much longer.......1 more word WE must look up & that's


1. the second son of Noah, Gen. 10:1.*
Y'all gonna really think that I'm CRAZY after this but ya know, I don't really give a fuck & besides.........check ya EMOTIONS! Now that WE'VE gotten past that, peep this; Could Chuck, using the HEGELIAN DIALECTIC of CHANGE be fulfilling BIBLICAL PROPHECY by CARTING HAM(mites) into the NEW ERA of PROSPERITY whereby that supposed CURSE is REMOVED? Ya may say, 'WTF is he talking about now?" or that "he's the BUSINESS" or whatever ya got in mind but ya know, if ya check here even sorta often, ya would know that my EMOTIONS have been CHECKED! I will not be a VICTIM & don't want ya to be either so do what ya came here for! WE on the ROAD to VICTORY or as Stewie would say,



* taken from


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