*********BREAKING NEWS***********

This was after Malaysian Flight 370 disappeared; http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2014/03/the-planethe-plane_24.html
This won't be long as there is NO STORY to DEVELOP! Another Flight DISAPPEARED in Asia yet again & ya gotta know that it's all connected to EVERYTHING! Ya see, the Flight, AirAsia 8501 was lost somewhere out there just like Malaysian Flight 370 just a few months back & instead of getting all into it, let Me drop the skinny for ya really quick!
The Chinese & Russians GO LIVE with their own exclusive exchange bank in less than 24 hours so that the ruble doesn't have a TOTAL COLLAPSE; On December 22, China announced its willingness to support the ruble through currency swaps from its $4-trillion reserves............more at http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-bear-squeezes-back-russian-ruble-rises-against-the-dollar/5421619.
I told Y'ALL a few months back that the Malays of the Philipines are holding the GOLD that will FREE everyone of this FIAT FICTION that WE'VE all been living under otherwise known as the dollar for some time now. Don't get fooled bcuz those peepo in the Philipines are ORIGINALLY MALAYS who were named after a Spanish king named Philip who did what euro's do - conquer, kill & VANQUISH........my point is that bush & cheney were CONVICTED of WAR CRIMES by those peepo years ago & now, they don't wanna let go so that the 99 become like the 1%. NOTHING happens til that GOLD gets RELEASED after the OLD GUARD stands trial & btw, daddy bush is gonna die before it gets there; http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2012/05/12/bush-convicted-of-war-crimes-in-absentia/

I've been telling y'all for a while to LOOK for the BULLSHIT! For Me it's EASY to see it but if it's not so for YOU, let Me EXPLAIN! The reason for all of these FALSE FLAGS is bcuz THEY'RE TIME is UP & there's NOTHING that THEY can DO about it! Whether those 2 cops were really killed or not doesn't matter! Everybody is playing the game for the Grand Chessboard & they can no longer concoct new shit as they had to make a plane disappear yet again & if ya think that it happening in that area of the world is coincidence, THINK AGAIN! Also remember that ya boy who I hardly ever hear peepo defending anymore as in OBAMA aka SOETERO was RAISED in INDONESIA which is practically an ALL MUSLIM NATION! Get a fucking clue & make these CONNECTIONS & just know that until it's PEACE, it's eternal WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! BP.............WE'VE WON!
 P.S - y'all gonna soon learn that Michelle is MICHAEL!


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