WE are now in LIMBO & did I RUSH US here? I hope that I didn't & if I did, my apologies but believe Me, I wanna be full up in 5D bcuz too many of US is SUFFERING & that's a damn shame! To all of y'all ALIENS, I'm upset with ya bcuz ya gotta ALLEVIATE what's going on for these good peepo who are in misery & dying before realizing that WE'S about to be living the The basic tenor that I wish to establish in this article is for US to NOT GET DISCOURAGED bcuz it's always darkest before the light! It's sorta like when ya first learned to drive......every movement was exxagerated & there was so much to remember bcuz it was all so new.......if you've been driving more than 7 years now, ya just get into the car & go! WE still learning how to drive so as Kanye would say, DRIVE SLOW HOMIE!
This article ain't about Chan & Tucker though it could be bcuz the SYNERGY between the very 1st CHINESE & US is to know that the 1st Chinese are BLAK & enough of the more educated 1's know this now; This is bcuz that BRICS bank starts with Brazil which is primarily Afrikan & ends with South Afrika which is also mainly US! I've said here previously that if Afrika closed her borders, that WORLD TRADE would CEASE! Unless ya been sleeping under a rock lately, ya know that the R as in Russia in the BRICS has gone broke & here comes China to the rescue after lending Argentina & Venezuela BILLIONS of DOLLARS! The u.s is BROKE YO! Where do ya think the loans are gonna come from now & without all of the politriKKKs? As well, I've told y'all that 2014 is the last year of OUR OUTRIGHT SUFFERING! Watch it happen & while ya thinking about that, check out some interesting info I recently found;
The final thing to notice is that if all this money had really been disbursed in 2010 then the world would be a much better place than it actually is. According to UN estimates it would only take $400 billion to stop environmental destruction and $200 billion to end poverty. That means these groups could save the world and still have $47.4 trillion to spend on luxury yachts etc.*
So WE still in LIMBO WAITING for that day to be LIBERATED & I can't wait yo! To the victors goes the spoils & soon, ya gonna see some of US come up bcuz WE gonna have to lead ya bcuz ya think what I write here ain't nothing but a lotta hooey! At that time, it won't be WISE for y'all to be asking too many questions bcuz naysayers shall be outcasted as this is the time for GAME to run out! There will be nothing but pure REALITY & stop listening to calls of MARTIAL LAW, FEMA CAMPS, RFID CHIPS & all that NEGATIVE SHIT that continues to keep US in the FEAR FREQUENCY! Wouldn't it be better to die for what ya believe in than to let them do that to ya? Anyhoo......that plane was shot down by the u.s as the Malays are holding the GOLD that's gonna free ya from ya enslaver, the u.s dollar which is DEAD ( & oh yeah...............HAPPY NEW YEARS MOTHERFUKKKER's & see ya on the other side of FREEDOM in 2015!
Obama spent last Saturday playing golf in Hawaii with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak. Apparently Razak failed to please Obama because while he was visiting the US, Malaysia was hit with severe floods and, as soon as he returned home, a third Malaysia airliner vanished.*



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