(Georgia Anne Muldrew)

I'm BLAK for 1 mo' & agin & after Part II, a lotta y'all are still not convinced that SOME in the entertainment game are CONTROLLED I guess bcuz they are not walking around talking & acting like contorted ROBOTS. Hmmmmmm, ya still don't BELIEVE but....... check this quote from a book that I'm reading named the Art of Leadership as written by the great Oba T'shaka. In it regarding TOKENISM STYLED LEADERSHIP, he posits that; the "shadow cabinet" supplies the Black establishment with whites who partcipate on Black establishment boards in leading roles. This shadow cabinet trains Blacks to assume leading roles within the Black establishment. Generally, the shadow cabinet sets the limits for what is appropriate and innapropriate for the Black establishment to consider and act on. In many ways, the "shadow cabinet" acts as the neocolonizer does in Africa. They train the elite on remote control. The Black elites are so well trained that they know what to think before they are told what to think. The shadow cabinet, like its neocolonial counterparts, bring bankrolls to the table and their money talks. Donna almost has no chance or does she?

Okay, so in Part II, WE spoke on a young lady from the South Bronx named Donna who is a singing PHENOM! Being that the demand was such that too many of ya weren't convinced from parts I & II;
( &, I had to get at ya with the ROUTES Donna COULD take. Being that most of y'all who READ THIS are gonna RESEARCH what I say instead of THINKING that ya KNOW what it goes! (Method Man loves the alphabet boys)
Donna's star is rising! She's gone from open mics to showcases to paid gigs opening up for big time acts in NYC & surrounding areas. Interest is coming in from all of the various labels which soon starts a bidding war for her many talents. Her & the management team soon decide to sign with Anonymous Records. Though her representation went to good skools & have experience, they didn't know about the RITUALS bcus no 1 they repped ever made it this far! These RITUALS include BLEEDING ya & making ya sign a contract in BLOOD! They include the CASTING COUCH wherein, to get that deal, ya gotta get FUCKED by 10 GIANT DICKS wherever they wanna put it at. Ya gotta literally eat SHIT bcuz remember, if ya speak out like alicia keys did, they TWEAK ya PROGRAMMING til ya back where ya supposed to be; This is the same industry that had gay-z wearing those thick ass glasses, erykah & pharell wearing that STUPID ASS HAT & Kanye going on stage & snatching awards from taylor sniffed! Part of the ritual is being RIDICULED & why Common had to say dumb SHIT that started all this in the 1st place! Remember, Monique won an oscar & ain't get SHIT since bcuz as lee (faggot ass) daniels said, " she didn't play the GAME!" Or...........was it this?; If not, what was the CORRECT way to play? (3 HOUR VIDEO of Bobby Hemmitt explaining the METAPHYSICS of what WE speak of).

Well.........Donna got offered all of this but wasn't feeling it. Ya see, Donna is MELINATED aka DARK SKINNED & therefore, able to FEEL the BS & NOT go for it! Notice in life how they made so many MULATTO's HOT in the late 80's-early 90's by introducing Paula, Mariah, Halle, David Justice & Jason Kidd only to come 20 years post that & Blak Peepo NOT winning any music awards not even in RAP/HIP HOP! The lighter ya are, the easier ya are to CONTROL! Now the QUEEN of RAP is that biatch WE IGnore.......jacob/yacub LIVES! They went from GRAFTED niKKKa's to CRAFTED honorary niKKKa's!

Boom Bye-Bye Hip Hop Will Never Die

I spell it all out from A-Z in this book! For ya personally autographed copy, get at US at & on FB INBOX ONLY at Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). To get the book directly, just go here & allow 3 weeks for delivery; Thanks for ya SUPPORT & HOLLA BLAK!

The more that I write this, the more disgusted I get bcuz I've written a whole book on this shit & today with, there is NOW WAY in the WORLD that ya can't find plentiful info to find what I say here if ya just look at the patterns dispassionately. It's boring to say that Donna didn't go for the rituals bcuz she came out with an album that the labels didn't promote & though ya heard her great single & WONDER why ya never heard from her again with her voice ya know! She soon faded outta circulation, found a mate & lives the simple life in White Plains as a nurse knowing that she cannot reveal what she saw & so they leave her alone but she still sings those songs that her Ma used to sing to her & is pregnant with a daughter &.......................................

                                            - the saga DOESN'T have to CONTINUE -                                              
                                               if ya just know the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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