Looking toward 2016!

NEVER SLEEP bcuz SLEEP is the COUSIN of DEATH - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTWiTnQHvXA

So y'all THINK that all this SHIT I write about ain't gonna happen eh? Y'all are looking for that BIG ANNOUNCEMENT that ya FREE but nah, it ain't gonna happen like that & that is why lately, I'm just posting other articles so that ya can see it for self or SO WE HOPE. WE are so close & know that 2016 or 2 + 1 + 6 = 9 ETHER aka the number of COMPLETION in NUMEROLOGY. 2015 was the year of the TRIUMPH of the MELANIN that Tariq Nashid spoke of in the Hidden Colors movies. WE gotta make it all count & so don't think he would be RANDOM in naming a flick like that in this day & age!

Alrite enuff talkin Blak Smith! What am I trying to say here? What I'm saying is get ready for things ya never ever seen bcuz LIFE as WE KNOW it will SOON CEASE to EXIST! Let's get into some recent articles that I've found & get what ya want outta it but................

As was just stated, it is obviously “fraught with cryptic meaning and cabalistic symbolism” which requires further contemplation and anal........more at http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=12229.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agGZ1dO-kCg - Get High Tonight by Busta Rhymes

 It is legal to purchase marijuana in four states — Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington — as well as in the District of Colu ....more at http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2015/08/18/24-7-wall-st-marijuana/31834875/

OBAMA HAS SPENT 2 AND A HALF YEARS TALKING ABOUT “DOING SOMETHING IN SYRIA”. PUTIN HAS SAID ALMOST NOTHING, INSTEAD, HE ROLLED HIS MILITAR..........http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/first-russia-took-syria-then-vladimir-putin-took-control-from-obama-at-un/.

When DSK SUPPOSEDLY RAPED that AFRIKAN CHICK in a NY hotel a few years ago, I immediately smelled a FAT RAT! Check out what I had to say soon after it happened way BLAK when; Ok, what of my dude Dominique Strauss - Khan, the head man at the imf who wanted to see Third World Nations aka US, come up from POVERTY & told these nations how not to sign bad loans. Every other day now, they twistin this story into somethin else & now THEY are sayin that he is tryin to bribe the FAMILY. The ny post even had the accuser's FAMILY on the front page to elicit sympathy from those of you too STUPID to believe that this is true. Check the link here at www.nydailypost.com/p/news/international/maid_offer_ya_can_refuse_joKw8dxbw6AkYOmJsEZiaN. 

After you check that out, check this here at The last IMF head, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, was arrested on trumped up rape charges and dismissed from office when he tried to push the SDR as a US dollar replacement. The CIA was behind that operation, according to CIA sour.......more at https://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2015/12/24/full-article-benjamin-fulford-12-22-15-financial-power-struggle-intensifies-as-imf-head-criminally-charged-immediately-after-imf-announces-reforms/.

As of the 2010 U.S. Census, Connecticut's race and ethnic percentages were:

Connecticut was among 7 states to LOSE POPULATION in the last fiscal year, census figures show. Former Maine state ECONOMIST Charles Colgan, now at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterrey California says low population growth or the loss of residents as a PROBLEM across NEW ENGLAND. *

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKQGV6v_JG0 - Black & White by Three Dog Night

White Women leaving White Men in record Numbers! What`s going on with the WHITE MALE AND FEMALE?; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c3AII78Imc

Yea......WE hear the ECHOES out there & ya still not convinced?; 

The European Union's "dream" of integration is falling apart and member states face economic decline, a senior official has admitt..........more at http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/614061/Jean-Claude-Juncker-European-Union-referendum-economy-politics. 

Had enuff yet?; f cabal rule ends, then a jubilee (a one-time write off of all debts public and private), asset redistribution and a massive push to save the planet will make 2015, the year of the sheep in the Chinese Zodi.........more at http://hipknowsys.blogspot.com/2014/12/benjamin-fulford-december-29-2014-cabal.html

So there WE have it & hope that ya getting it! Instead of anti-Kkkhrists & all of this crazy ass warm weather WE been getting in the Northeast & storms all over the West & whatever else is happening, ya gonna wake up soon & everything will have changed! The queer ass so called queen & pope already told y'all that this was the last xmas EVER but did y'all peep that? This is the purpose of all these FALSE FLAGS & I bet most of y'all already forgot about that shit in vegas 2 weeks ago! If I say get on that list will ya look it up? "What LIST BS?" IDK but I want RESEARCHERS & not just passive readers. Here's to you & see y'all in 16! Oh & it's still WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* all BOLDS are mine. 


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