Go here for Part IIX at http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2016/05/operation-save-tito-part-viii-sex-we.html

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXxEilzNJcE War by Bob Marley

Hey y'all, I've OFFICIALLY declared WAR on anyone who doesn't yet get the FACT that Tito MUST be FREED. As I've already told y'all, I don't give a FUDGE how y'all feel about the FACTS that I've put down here. It is what it is. In this 1 here, what I will do is put exactly how tN declared WAR on his own FAMILY and when I say FAMILY I also mean my recently dearly departed Mother, MANUELA LAMBERT. If you thought that I've been DEEP with what I've told already well get ready to see some REAL SHIT up in this 1 here. Some of y'all are not going to LIKE ME after this 1 but the TRUTH MUST be TOLD. This is an OFFICIAL DECLARATION of WAR so take it PERSONAL. 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv584jRwh0s Exodus by Bob Marley

I declare WAR on tN because ever since I could remember, he's always been a COWARD. He allowed Tito to get BRAIN DAMAGED and did NOTHING in the way of SUING the doctor who did it but as a young 1, let Me come in HIS HOUSE 10 minutes late thru no fault of my own. WE grew up in the South Bronx when it was CRAZY and when BULLIES picked on US, tN would always say some stupid shit like "YOU SHOULDN'T have been out there messing with THEM." I went to a catholic school in another neighborhood & did not know anyone in my neighborhood until I just started leaving the house on my own. I remember one time my Bro Javier busted his knees up real bad. He was playing, fell and tN was smacking him because he had to take him to the HOSPITAL and so tN couldn't get DRUNK in Crotona Park that day. That is some real PUNK SHIT! I declare WAR on you for also beating Javiers ass for saying TAKES it EASY while crossing the street when WE was YOUNG! What should have been a TEACHING MOMENT turned into a SMACK OFF! tn is TERRIBLE! 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSQAlfyaKyc&list=PLhuNbv6iBijaax-S1fyrJYk4O-PwILBUY&spfreload=10 War Greatest Hits

Ya see, tN is a very CRUEL type of guy! Ever since I could remember, he would come home DRUNK & pick FIGHTS with my Mother for stuff that WE did. My Mother stopped telling him stuff because tN would start a WAR with all in the house but I NEVER saw tN raise his voice outside of the house when something that could be BLAMED on someone else happened! When something happened that could not be blamed on US, tN would come home & start YELLING & had a way of making it feel as if it was your fault & if WE told him something he did not want to hear, it was HELL on EARTH! I declare WAR on tN for RIPPING my BROTHER Manny away from the u.s when he was just 14 years old & sending him to Belize when he was about to start HIGH SCHOOL. Ya see, tN only sees LIFE from his own perspective & does not have 1 FUCK to give when it comes to how the FAMILY he CREATED FEELS about what he takes upon HIMSELF to do! He has gotten away with it for too long & now that I aint living with him, he can hear exactly how I say it without a filter! Tito has to be FREED NIGGER! That INVESTIGATION I spoke of is going foreward!

I remember when I had SURGERY in 1990. I was feeling really bad & went to the doctor for an appointment. He was not even supposed to do the surgery that day but had a cancellation & said lets do the surgery NOW because he did not know if he was able to get to me anytime soonafter. I agreed. After the surgery, I was placed in the INTENSIVE CARE UNIT & made to rest. When I arose, they asked Me how was I going home & I said driving. They said that I could not because the medicine could make Me drowsy & that they had called tN. I told them that I would call someone else but they already had called tN & when he came, he was highly UPSET because he had to miss 1 HOUR of work at a job he was almost retiring from! I was so happy that it was only a 15 minute ride because tN was talking to Me like he just came to pick Me up from PRISON for RAPE & ROBBERY! Before that day, I had never HATED tN but that day...........I was not even out of surgery for more than an hour & for him to kick Me when I was DOWN & SICK..............he did the same to my so called SISTER when she asked him to take her to the hospital when she was DYING! He told her to get 1 of her BABY FATHERs to take her just like that! He NEVER sees his OWN FAULTS & that is why today, he cannot see!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USWwN3Z1PP0 Fake by Alexander O'neal

Look, I could go on for DAYS about how tN is & some of you would just say he is your father! Well, I am like Malcolm X & no WRONG can be RIGHT no matter who is doing it ! I come from a school of RIGHTEOUSNESS & declare WAR on ALL WRONGS just as the statute of limitiations say that a MURDERER can be tried for his CRIME 100 years later! As I said, I had forgave tN for my past & had forgiven MYSELF but when someone FAKES an apology & continues the SAME BEHAVIOR, who is the IDIOT? I declare WAR on tN for telling Me out of his own mouth that he did not allow Me to go to a FREE PRIVATE SCHOOL in NY because he did not want Me to THINK that I was SMARTER than HIM! www.dalton.org. He also did not allow Me to get skipped to the 2nd grade as I was READING & WRITING in KINDERARTEN! As well, I was a NATURAL when it came to playing BASEBALL & instead of RECOGNIZING that & ALLOWING my game to develop, tN DID NOT ALLOW it because he wanted me to be STUDIOUS! tN never gave Me $1 for HIGHER EDUCATION! He did not leave US a HOUSE in the u.s even though he had a good job. He used to FORCE US to go to school when WE were SICK & when the TEACHERS would tell US to tell OUR PARENTS stuff he did not want to hear, would say that WE made it up! Tito MUST be FREED! tN is a FUCKING LUNATIC! 


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIxwYjIkILo Jealousy by Timex Social Club

The way it looks to Me, tN was JEALOUS of US because deep down inside, he really HATES HIMSELF & therefore, cannot LOVE ANYONE! He hated my Mother & the only time he spoke of LOVING ANYONE was when he was DRUNK! Most of those times, I doubt he even remembered saying it! He is nothing but an egoist & in fact, most Garifuna Men are like him because they REFUSE to CHANGE! You got all that MACHISMO SHIT from the SPANISH & cannot make WAR on YOURSELF to benefit your OWN FAMILY! Raising a FAMILY in Honduras is not the same as being raised in NY & instead of making the neccessary ADJUSTMENTS, you just DRANK on your spare time & did NOTHING MORE than tried to be a DISCIPLARIAN! Different places require different ways of THINKING and until this day, you have not dropped the COCONUT! Though it is sad to see Garifuna Women WHORING AROUND, I am happy to see that they are not gonna let a NIGGER like tN ruin their lives anymore! The niggers he FAVORS over US are also COWARDS. That nigger did not leave US a HOUSE but that roof on his rosicrucin temple is already back up. FEEDING and CLOTHING is not enough. In Part X, I am going to close this series out & tell you all about how abusive tN was to my Mom til her DEATH! Get your handkerchiefs out because you may CRY but know that I am crying because Tito MUST be FREED! As long as I can help it, tN will NOT KILL Tito as WELL! 

Amnesty International supporters wearing orange boiler suits hold a night long vigil in a cage outside of the US embassy on January 10, 2008 in London, England. Amnesty International marks the six-year anniversary of the first prisoners being transported to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. The human rights organisation installs its 'Guantanamo Cell' built to the exact dimensions of a cell at Guantanamo.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYuf2awBh0c Locked Up by Akon

WAR has been DECLARED on all of the UNRIGHTEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tito will be FREED.



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