For Part V, go here at http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2016/05/operation-save-tito-part-v-fuck-mans.html. For Parts I - IV, press this link & scroll down at www.black2afrika.blogspot.com.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J90ZWr6erEs I got the POWER by Chill Rob G

So things here in Honduras are really HEATING UP nicely & by that, I´m not just talking this HOT ASS WEATHER.......nah I´m still on that OPERATION SAVE TITO & how my BROTHER needs someone to speak up for him because he can´t do it for himself! hondo says different but.......how come those who have a HAND in all of this never have ANYTHING to say when they see Me on the street? Are they COWARDS at heart? Who knows but anyway......................as I said previously, this will NOT STOP until WE get some SATISFACTION! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrIPxlFzDi0 hondo can continue to ACT like this ain´t effecting him but today, WE are going BACK in TIME to check on exactly WHO the GARIFUNA really are & how WE can get OUR POLITICS in ORDER! To my loyal readers I apologize but the Blak Smith has to break vicious cycles & smash ém into tiny little pieces because what I want most for my people is FREEDOM! Let´s do this!

jacques de molay or christian rosenkrutz

Okay so on early Thursday morning May 5th 2016, a very short TWISTER aka TORNADO hit the greater Puerto Cortes area & downed power lines & the usual when such things happen. No 1 died but check this out............hondo is a rosicrucian & he started building a temple before I left here in 2000. Well when I passed thru Travesia yesterday afternoon, I saw that the ROOF of that temple was in the yard across the street! This is very symbolic because ever since I could remember, he´s always been into what he THINKS is the TRUTH but anyone who knows anything about SECRET SOCIETIES knows that all of them are based on MASONRY & that MOST MASONS who achieve status are SATANISTS or DEVIL WORSHIPPERS! Now I won´t say that hondo is a SATANIST but remember that Tito was made the way he is by another OATH TAKING DOCTOR so what I´m saying here is LEGITIMATE. Was that connection more than doctor & patient? Are the Garifuna real?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IltOFEh5RU Marcus Garvey by Burning Spear

I read a book some years ago named They came before columbus written by Ivan van Sertima & what a book it was.............in the book it said that the base of the Garifuna are from Mali West Afrika. Upon doing my research, most sources say that WE come from various Western Afrikan nations & upon arriving in St Vincent, wrecked a ship & became one with the Arawaks & here WE are..............mind you that the Arawaks were very DARK PEOPLE & WE all are who WE are now but what I want to know is when & where did this rosicrucian INFLUENCE come from? Most who are in these SECRET SOCIETIES pledge their LOYALTY to their organizations FIRST & to boot, the 2 biggest HELPERS of hondo´s BULLSHIT are rosicrucians also! Whatever!

Mali is where the DOGON are from & I´ve been told by a dude from there that my FAMILY are all there. What I want to get into now is how POLITICS are formed because the POLITICS of a PEOPLE must be sustained in order for them to continue to PROSPER. Who are the DOGON? Lets look into them a little more at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKXil7ZBQJI.

Now that you have looked & think that I´m CRAZY for beLIEving in what was shown just above, know that I don´t give a FUCK about what you THINK about Me! I hope that you beLIEve NOTHING I put in here & do your own RESEARCH! When I lived in Ghana, I used to always say that WE should take the BEST of who WE are & MIX that to get the BEST RESULTS. That means what that means to you so don´t ask Me what I mean! Of course if you want the best for US, it means that WE can WORK together. Now that all that has been said let´s check out who & what the Arawaks were before WE became one at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_CzfvBM5A8.

For a brief Garifuna History, go here; http://www.blackpast.org/gah/garifuna-people.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uw3cy0C4NnM&list=PLdqZQPNShYrCOmDKDXSsyaVnMnn4DB4yU Dimanche a Bamako by Amadou & Mariam

WE are going to finish this off with where I think Garifuna Politics should go. When RESPECT & INTEGRITY is paramount, ANYTHING can be DONE!!!!! If you do your PROPER RESEARCH, you could find out how to GOVERN as OUR VILLAGES are SOVEREIGN but note that there are still LAWS that must be followed! Taking the 9 People Activities into account, allow Me to indulge yáll.

1. ECONOMICALLY, the Garifuna have a GOLD MINE with all that BEACHSIDE PROPERTY that must be DEVELOPED so that people can get JOBS & stop running to the u.s to live in substandard housing so that they can work for 40 years & build a house back in their home & not GIVE BACK to the people that they came from! Those who receive any entitlement money can ASSIST & stop being SELFISH! Work with those you TRUST! You can´t take it with you to the GRAVE!

2. The EDUCATION for the people must CHANGE & to begin that process, WE start with the YOUTH because their minds are still flexible! For Me, TRAVEL was my EDUCATION along with the 100's of BOOKS that I've read. In order for a proper EDUCATION to be had, there must be RESPECT on the side of both parties! This is why Garifuna University will be a School of Life. The people will define the CURRICULUM. 

3. As far as ENTERTAINMENT in Honduras is concerned, like other Afrikan People, WE are IT! Anyone vaguely familiar knows that the people dance to Punta Music which is known all over the Caribean as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junkanoo. Of course along with that comes the CLOTHES, FOOD, DRINK (Gifity) & what WE know as LANGUAGE! How shameful that most of the youngsters in Travesia are not speaking this LANGUAGE. WE will TEACH it ALL!

4. Everything WE are trying to do will include the LABOR to build a NATION & so everyone will have their FUNCTION! As well & what WE NEED, WE are a SOVEREIGN PEOPLE but you give that up when you go work for a gringo or indio! When WE BUILD, WE build for the Garifuna Community first! 

5. The LAWS of NATURE shall be taught as WE live them every day! As the Garifuna are a SPECIAL CLASS of people, WE can make OUR OWN LAWS, COURTS, POLICIES as close as possible to what WE come from! Whatever sustained US as a people can be done again as FREEDOM is around the corner & those who are best prepared to TAKE OVER should be REWARDED. When everybody has what they NEED, most things will take care of themselves! Only those who have been found to be JUST will LEAD!

6. Again, a PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT made up of Garifuna must be made & therefor, an ENFORCEMENT AGENCY! Where there are people there is CONFLICT so the POLITICS of the PEOPLE must prevail. Things like this ensures that ALL EDUCATION is FREE & all that the people NEED because ALL in LIFE is ABUNDANT! WE need to know how the original Garifunas from Mali & the Arawaks RULED! WE could get back to that & of course UPDATE what once was.

With a POLITICAL BODY in place WE could PREVENT things like this below...........

Several years before Hurricane Mitch hit the Honduran North Coast in 1998, Lethal Yellowing coconut disease began affecting Honduran coconut palms, first in the Bay Islands. Just before Hurricane Mitch it had begun doing serious damage of the coconut trees on Honduras’s North Coast, first in the area of the Garifunas and then in the Honduran Mosquitia. Hurricane Mitch made the problem worse on the coast and carrying the disease into Ol*

With a POLITICAL BODY in place, WE could PREVENT things like this as the europeans tried to TAKE the BEACHSIDE away from the Garifuna already! I told hondo in 2000 that I knew a CHEMIST who could FIND OUT why the coconuts were dying if he & other Garifuna who could AFFORD it would all CONTRIBUTE to hire him & he dismissed it as if I was telling him to smoke Marijuana which is really MEDICINE! http://thefreethoughtproject.com/big-pharma-shaking-boots-80-cannabis-users-give-prescriptions-pills-pot/


7. I always say that RELIGION is the biggest DISTRACTION ever put in front of US as a people. Instead of telling what WE could do, what WE need to know is what the Malian & Arawaks did to praise GOD! So many of my elders are always talking about WE are CATHOLICS but none of you even know that the very first Catholics were from Ethiopia. What RELIGION does hondo & those who FOLLOW him beLIEve? As far as I´m concened, I am my OWN GOD!

8. SEX.........what more can I say? WE are going to keep this brief but in all of the 3rd world, ALMOST all of the WOMEN are becoming PROSTITUTES because the MEN aren´t supporting them because they CANNOT! As I´ve been saying, the PEOPLE of TODAY are DIFFERENT & will no longer TOLERATE the BULLSHIT as WE did! Way too many of OUR people are becoming HOMOSEXUAL because they were RAPED & when the children tell, get BLAMED for it happening. WE need to LEARN to UNLEARN & RELEARN almost all that WE know! 

9. It seems like the Garifuna are at WAR with OURSELVES! When I say FREE TITO, you feeling either like he´s doing the right thing or I HATE BLAK SMITH! It´s ok with Me though because I LOVE MYSELF ENOUGH for all of you HATERS! I already made WAR on MYSELF to FIGHT for what I beLIEve in & that will not stop! If you don´t agree with Me, I´ve DECLARED WAR on YOU! NATURE has DECLARED WAR on YOU because EVERYTHING NATURAL will always FIGHT to be FREE! hondo now keeps a loose dog in his yard because he thinks that I´m going to SNATCH Tito away like a kidnapper. Nah NIGGER.............you are going to hand him to Me with his passport & belongings as WE are CIVIL PEOPLE conducting BUSINESS! I have no interest whatsoever in harming anyone as I am protected by GOD (ME)!!!!!!!!!!


Okay.......I think that I´ve covered enough POLITICS today & still, Tito MUST be FREED! By freeing him I free SELF! What I want most in the WORLD is the FREEDOM of ALL PEOPLE to be what they are supposed to be. If you don´t like that well FUCK YOU! This is why my HEROES are those who fought for US like Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X & Kwame Nkrumah. When one FOLLOWS francis bacon, max heindel & harvey spencer lewis, you SERVE caucasians while secretly despising the people you come from! Have you ever researched HOW they FEEL about YOU? I´m here seeking Marcus Garvey in that WHIRLWIND he spoke of before he passed on. I accept your applause because you read this whole article & LEARNED SOMETHING today! FOH! 

In Part VII, WE get more into the 9 People Activities with Religion, Sex & War

* taken from http://healthandhonduranindiansblacks.blogspot.com/2015/01/projects-to-help-dying-honduran-coconut.html                                                                                   


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