OPERATION SAVE TITO Part VIII SEX & WE getting RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watchv=6_XcsRhkfgM&list=PL0msuI7SJDFcRiMUQjTYxgaPIvX0gN_hK&index=14 Dancing Shoes by the Mighty Sparrow

Those TORN UP DUSTY SKIPPY SHOES above ON DUSTY ROADS are the SHOES that my BROTHER Tito is currently wearing NOW! What kind of person allows this & that NIGGER named alex or hondo is on his FINAL WARNING because the Blak Smith is about to TURN UP! Before WE do that though, WE must keep the FOCUS on why & what WE doing as Garifuna People & what kind of  SEX WE are having. Before any of you THINK that I am pointing fingers at any individual person, always know that the reason as to why WE are fucked up as a people is because WHITE SUPREMACY made it that way! Most Garifuna´s who never left central america won´t understand & that´s why I´m here.............to EDUCATE!

From this point forward, I will not address or refer to that NIGGER in any way other than that NIGGER or tN! Look above & tell Me what you see! What´s the problem tN? tN thinks that telling Tito not to talk to Me is going to work but it won´t! Right now he´s digging his heels into the ground out of complete STUBBORNESS but nothing lasts forever so keep holding on! I´m going to finish you off once & for all so keep on having someone read this to you.

Hot Black Girls (45 pics)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mH83ZR5DIU Sexy MF by Prince

Ok, SEX! First of all, AIDS is a HOAX just like ebola & zika which have patent numbers from u.s laborotries! There are people who know this but those who shout & scream are way more louder than those who say as I do: http://theunhivedmind.com/wordpress3/category/aids-and-the-non-existent-hiv-fraud/

Manuela Lambert aka MOM!

Tito has been held HOSTAGE by tN for too long now & by looking at his SHOES, 1 can tell that he´s at worst being NEGLECTED! What is tN doing with all of that money that my Moms ESTATE had other than paying his FLUNKIES who will not CHALLENGE him? As well, Tito needs a HAIRCUT as the pic below shows. Who´s actually looking at him & telling tN anything? And what do you have to say for yourself other than that Ben sure is CRAZY! I dare any of you to take Me on in a court of LAW & when I say this, I´m including yáll POLITICIAN NIGGERS as well. My MOTHER does not like what yáll are doing & I don´t either! 

tN NEVER talked to US (his FAMILY) about SEX but since my ADULT LIFE sure has had a lot to say about it. I have a friend that always says that people from Honduras who move to the states refuse to drop the COCONUT! This means that these niggers think that they don´t have to CHANGE despite living in another environment FORERIGN to what they know & when their children ADAPT to their neighborhoods, get UPSET, YELL & SCREAM because that is what WE had to do! He doesn´t allow Tito to go out but when he was younger, he was WHORING his LIFE away & I have BROTHERS he will never speak of & a lot of people know my BROTHERS not from my MOM! I went to TX in search of my BROTHER & was told by another person that he was tested & tN isn´t his SON but everybody says that he looks like my TWIN! Maybe he HATES tN so much & probably thinks that WE are like him! tN is a FAILURE as a HUSBAND & FATHER & the reason why he only has BOYS is because he doesn´t know how to FUCK! When you have sex for a LONG TIME, it produces GIRLS & short time, BOYS! If he had GIRLS, he would have drove them crazy anyway! 


Look at that BEAUTIFUL & INNOCENT FACE! It gets Me sick to my stomach that tN can treat him the way he has for so long & get away with it. If I´m seeing my BROTHER this way in this short amount of time then what´s been happening in my absence? Will Tito father any children because on a NEUROLIGICAL LEVEL, there is NOTHING wrong with him. Why can´t he enjoy 1 of the only PLEASURES that was given to US by GOD? When will tN start thinking of what´s BEST for anyone outside of just himself? 


Ok........this is the deal because 2 people having CONSENSUAL SEX  without hurting children or animals is your BUSINESS & that is just an OPINION! Whoever communicates what I write here about tN, tell him this! I don´t have much time but if you don´t VOLUNTARILY give Tito up you have forced my hand! I am going to charge you with NEGLECT because taking care of someone like Tito requires a COMPASSION you never had for your very own FAMILY! tN thinks of almost EVERYTHING in TERMS of MONEY, WINS & LOSSES. Did yáll know that to Me,  tN refers to my MOTHERS FAMILY as YOUR FAMILY? Would that include your own SONS? I will soon make this a u.s GOVERNEMENT ISSUE with the charge being NEGLECT or that you are LOSING your MIND! Get ready to answer some HARD QUESTIONS & YOU CANNOT LIE under OATH! I now have enough evidence of all of your  LYING & THIEVERY which is soon coming to an END! All of your CRUELTIES will be EXPOSED & you will be held ACCOUNTABLE! Yes, like a little INVESTIGATION! Do you like my writing style YET? Come on, you know it is GOOD! I hope that people out there would get SERIOUS about finding out how to be SOVEREIGN! If you know what that is about well then you are ALL RIGHT with Me! And if you alright with Me well then you know that Tito MUST be FREE to just BE!


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