Operation Save Tito Update 3 - Move Bitch Get Out Da Way

In case you missed Update 2............http://black2afrika.blogspot.com/2016/08/operation-save-tito-update-2.html

Yea niKKKa, it is like this..........your LADY came to see Me yesterday talking about DO NOT SEND ME TEXT MESSAGES bcuz my MAN got Me in YOUR HOUSE. You see you all are comical to Me because yall keep telling Me that tN is the OWNER of that HOUSE but HONDURAN LAW says that when someone dies, that ANY PROPERTY left BEHIND is to be SHARED by the HEIRS meaning the SPOUSE & any CHILDREN of both PARENTS. As yall are of Honduran descent, I am more than sure that you already know this but.........if yall wanna claim IGNORANCE then check the Code of Families & Civil Article 25 & in case you did not get it, in Spanish, its called Codigo de Familia y Civil Articulo 25. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuo8kD5zF5I I like to MOVE it by Real 2 Real

So to my little niKKKa, as I was saying when I EXPLAINED the LAW to your LADY, she looked at Me as if I was a LAWYER and then did what most Garifunas do and CHANGED the TOPIC to LETS go TALK to your FATHER & SETTLE THIS but as I have said to YOU since YOU left, I aint got SHIT to say to none of YOU so anything outside of YOU giving Me a MOVING DATE is UNACCEPTABLE! I told yall that you need to CHECK the LAW as it is NOT my DUTY to INFORM YOU! tN did not know that I would stay in Honduras this long & FUCK UP ALL of his DEVILISH PLANS! They still PLOTTING & SCHEMING NOW!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv584jRwh0s Exodus by Bob Marley

WE still aint losing SIGHT of how NEGLECTFUL tN is of Tito so to yall out there, do not think that WE are getting hit with WEAPONS of MASS DISTRACTION! Seeing that above footwear still PISSES ME the FUCK OFF! At my little niKKKa, you make sure you tell tN how you were LAUGHING & SMILING when you told Me tN said leave all as is. One thing I will NEVER do is like someone after it is OBVIOUS that they do not like Me & I do not give a FUCK even if you are BLOOD & I say that to anybody in the lambert & reyes FAMILY. I am ME so get to KNOW ME! I was born in NYC & being that you were not born or raised in the u.s, you do not know what I can do. As a writer, I know how to RESEARCH ANYTHING I need to KNOW and I do not accept tN as a father because he was raised like a WOLF so FUCK HIM! Yall niKKKas HATE WOMEN & treat them like SHIT and think that you can run over them but I am going to start some NEW SHIT! It would be WISE to just LEAVE nicely and I am even providing THEME MUSIC for you! You can actually MOVE to it! I already told you in Update 2 that I am going to USE you to get tN to talk to US and if you think that I am done, keep calling Me after I already told you to stop. I am going to have your car TOWED on ORDERS of my Aunt because it is a FIRE HAZARD & so if you think that I am playing..................remember, you OWN NOTHING in that YARD!

 Vector : Business and Service Concept Present By Black Glossy Style 24HRS Tow Car Sign Isolated on White Background  

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4V8qeEZAqI Moving by Brass Construction

So do what you must YOUNG MAN & good luck! If you want to have Me arrested, you know where I am & I am not running but..............you will pay MORE if you think I am going to just get arrested and not think of more ways to FUCK with YOU. I am now officially staying NEXT DOOR & look at your LADYS ASS all day & it actually looks NICE. I am NOT AFRAID of JAIL or DEATH & soooooo...Too bad you have to work on SHIPS and miss your FAMILY while I enjoy my LIFE sleeping on floors but hey, I was once a merchant seaman and so I already know how it goes. In other words, HANDLE your business niKKKa! Ya see, you decided to take Me on and it is in my NATURE to be RESPECTFUL to ALL as I am a LIGHTWORKER but when dealing with DEVILS such as yourself & tN...........I cannot do it & so I will see you SOONER or LATER and say.................do not HOLLA BLAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRNKN1rqccM Move Something by Talib Kweli

GET the FUCK OUT of my HOUSE yo!


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