US elections to be cancelled and war crimes tribunals to be held Pentagon and CIA sources say

Resultado de imagen para meme of a crossed out hillary Impeach the President by the Honeydrippers

The US Presidential election due for November 8th will be cancelled 
and instead there will be war crimes tribunals held, sources in both the
Pentagon and the CIA say. The excuse for cancelling the election will 
be the resignation of one of the presidential candiates, the CIA sources

Here is the raw intel from the CIA:

“There is now a 90% probability that the elections will be postponed.”

I asked my contact in DC why? His answer was:

“You can’t have an election with one candidate”

I asked him which one will be removed. His reply was:

“I am not allowed to tell you, let’s just say that Obama will make the announcement very soon.”

Resultado de imagen para obama devil meme Devils Pie by Rhymefest

The Pentagon sources, for their part, say “The 911 law will push 
Saudi Arabia to expose Israel, Bandar bin Sultan and the Bush cabal 
behind 911 and will lead to a real truth commission and a war crimes 

Since it is only a few weeks before the election, it will not be long before we see if these predictions come to pass.

In any case, the data dump of over one million documents revealing 
the extensive crimes of the Clinton Foundation make it clear there is a 
powerful faction within the military industrial complex that is fighting
to overthrow the Khazarian mafia. That is because such a data dump 
cannot be carried out by individual hackers and requires a governmental 
organization with access to high level computer systems. At the same 
time, the fact the corporate media and net giants like Google are 
censoring this data makes it clear the owners of the big corporations

(Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller/Rothschild etc.) are in battle against white hats 
 in the military and the agencies.

No matter what though, the Khazarians are not going be able to murder
themselves out of trouble this time because too many people are now 
aware of them and their crimes. That does not mean they will not try 

Resultado de imagen para meme of a crossed out hillary Love Hangover by Diana Ross

Bill Clinton, who is close to death from HIV, recently issued a death
threat against this writer and Neil Keenan. The signs are that Neil 
Keenan has already been murdered. Although he used contact this writer 
regularly on Skype, the current person pretending to be Neil Keenan on 
Skype is unable to answer a simple question that only the real Neil 
would know the answer too. Furthermore, the Neil Keenan website is now 
promoting Bush/Clinton mafia con jobs like the Zimbabwe currency scam. 

Revenge for Keenan’s death will be comprehensive and thorough, White 
Dragon Society sources promise.

Furthermore, if this writer is killed, you can be sure the entire 13 
ruling bloodlines will be wiped out going back 5 generations to the 
founding of the Federal Reserve Board.

The families must think hard if they are willing to sacrifice the entire tree 
just to try in vain to save a rotten branch.

In any case, the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller branch of the Khazarian 
mafia is now desperate for money. The recent Hurricane Mathew scam (the 
hurricane only existed in Khazarian mafia controlled media, not in the 
real world) was carried out do that.

The Khazarian mafia could make some money by short selling stocks in 
insurance companies, CIA sources say. “Follow the money, it is the same 
as the shorting of airline stocks before 911,” one CIA source says. The 
perpetrators of this fraud have been identified and will face long 
overdue justice soon, the sources say.

Pentagon sources say that the end of the Chinese National Day Golden Week 
holiday and the end of the October 3-9th World Bank and IMF annual meeting, 
together with ongoing, systematic “cabal terminations,” should propel big moves 
towards the new financial system starting this week. It is also worth noting that the 
upcoming October 16th full moon is known as theHunter’s moon,” and it 
is open season on murderous Khazarian gangsters, the sources say.

Resultado de imagen para pic of a hunters moon Moonchild by Rick James

There also appears to be some sort of hit campaign going on in 
relation to North Korea. Sources in Japanese right wing organizations 
say that the top North Korean agent in Japan was fatally poisoned 
recently by a “CIA female agent” who “appeared to be just an ordinary 
Japanese woman.” Another source, Japanese right wing sources say North 
Korean strongman Kim Jong Un has also been killed. CIA sources in Asia 
confirm this and say “Kim Jong Un has been replaced with a double, who 
is now under our control. The original went way off the reservation and 
had to be removed.”

This news report, for its part, says China is planning “decapitation strikes” against North Korea.

That may no longer be necessary.

Other sources, meanwhile, provided evidence to this writer that Philippine 
President Rodrigo Duterte is a Bush agent. Dr. Michael Meiring, who later 
changed his name to Dr. Michael Van de Meer, claimed in a video recorded 
before his death that Duterte, at the time mayor of Davao city, planted the bomb 
that blew off his legs and that he did so on the orders of George Bush Sr.

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President Duerte of the Phillippines

It is never a good idea to kiss a snake, the Chinese have been warned.

The same is true of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who was 
fraudulently placed in power by a rigged election arranged by the 
Bush/Rockefeller faction. Abe is a known Bush/Nazi agent and will be 
forced to resign soon because the Japanese fascist group behind him has 
been decimated, according to Japanese right wing sources close to the 
Emperor. The same sources say Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda 
has also lost a lot of influence recently since it is now known his real 
job was to loot Japanese savings.

In the Middle-East, meanwhile, Pope Francis, in an “unprecedented 
move,” elevated the Papal Nuncio in Syria to Cardinal “in order to 
defend Christendom,” Pentagon sources say. Russia is also now taking 
over Aleppo from Khazarian ISIS mercenaries while the Pentagon prepares 
to remove the ISIS mercenaries from their Iraqi headquarters in Mosul. 
Pentagon sources also say they have stopped numerous attempted false 
flag operations in the region by the Khazarians aimed at trying to 
provoke a US/Russian war.

Also, “despite a massive campaign by the cabal,” the Khazarian 
intelligence operation posing as UN peacekeepers in Syria was denied the
Nobel Peace Prize, the sources say. Instead the Nobel was given to 
Columbian President Juan Manuel Santos for ending the 50 year war with 
the FARC guerillas. This was done to push momentum for peace in the 
region and to “to override NO vote [against the peace agreement] 
engineered by Bush flunky ex-Colombian President Alvaro Uribe,” they 
say. The prize may be revised to include FARC leader Timoleon Jimenez, 
the sources add.

The Khazarian attempts to avert their downfall by starting World War 3
are getting more desperate and futile by the day. Their most recent 
gambit has been to try to provoke India and Pakistan into starting a war
by shooting at both sides in an attempt to get their military forces to
shoot at each other. They also managed to scare Russia into holding a 
massive nuclear war drill involving 40 million people last week.

These plots are failing as are all their other attempts at triggering mass killings.

They also “tapped” a new UN Chief last week (as the New York Times put 
it) trying to gloss over the fact this so-called leader of this 
so-called world organization was selected by the Khazarian mafia and not
by the people of the planet earth. It does not matter though because 
the powers behind the UN Corporation (it is registered as such by 
Dunn & Bradstreet) are bankrupt and so, therefore, is the UN itself.

The autumn offensive continues and hopefully humanity will soon be free.

Resultado de imagen para pic of cloak and dagger Watching Me by Jill Scott

Finally this week, as a bonus to readers, we will list a few real 
world spy tricks you have never seen in a Hollywood movies as described 
to us by recently by a real life agent. According to this veteran agent,
most real world spy activity consists of representatives of various 
intelligence agencies meeting for drinks and sharing information with 
each other.

However, there is some real life James Bond type activity and sneaky 
tricks as well, he confirms. For example, he says Soviet female agents 
used to have a one bullet gun disguised as a tampon in their purses. 
When their target searches the agent’s purse for weapons while they 
visit the bathroom, they find no apparent weapons and so let down their 
guard. The female agent later puts the tampon gun to her male target’s 
eye and blows his brain out.

Another Soviet device he described was a ceramic tool kit that agents
put in their rear ends. Since it can pass a metal detector test, they 
are able to smuggle it into prison even if they are stripped naked. 
Later, when nobody is looking, they pull it out and remove it. It 
contains a saw that can cut through jail bars to enable them to escape. 
It also has a container of a liquid that if they pour behind them ruins 
the noses of tracking dogs and makes it impossible for them to chase 
their quarry.

Resultado de imagen para pic of idris elba as 007 Somebody´s Watching Me by Rockwell

Another thing about real life spies that is not in Hollywood is the 
fact that they are usually very spiritual people involved in esoteric 
mysticism who are often connected to a religious organization. The ones I
have met all agree we are living in prophetic times. The ancient 
Satanic cult is finally being defeated. %

Note...............the Blak Smith put this here for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES 
and neither denies or supports what was written but aint it ALL INTERESTING?

% taken from as written by Bemjamin Fulford

Benjamin Fulford by Tiiu


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