RENAMED FROM AN ARTICLE NAMED Divine Feminine Principle- Black Women return to your True Divinity the Doo Wop by Lauryn Hill 

Earth is a title the righteous Black woman within the community calleed the Nation of Gods and Earths carries with pride. She is the Mother of Civilization and Queen of the Universe.
The planet Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun and 93 (9=Born, 3 = Understanding) million miles away from that energy source. Here, she is able to born understanding, or give birth to the best part of herself mentally and physically. She is secure in her position and it is through her perfect position that she sees her greatness and understands the divinity of her proper placement in the universe.
3/4ths of the Earth is covered with water. The refined Black woman covers herself approximately 3/4ths of the way, which will often if not always include her head being covered with a crown because she understands her culture and is free to be refined in it. By doing so, she keeps her best part which she considers to be her precious jewels preserved for those and only those who deserve it.
Those precious jewels are her mind and womb, which both have the ability to bring forth life. Her goal is to remain refined and respected. She is not striving to be looked at in a lustful way by men. She knows her worth and knows that being sexy or a “Diva” are not what she aspires to be. She is capable of being so much more. She walks with dignity and self-respect, has high self-esteem, and embraces her natural self.
Divine2 Femininity by Eric Benet
She is the first teacher, and leads by example. Those who are around her see her wisdom through the example she sets. She also sets the standards by which her daughters want to aspire and her son’s would want their wives to be. She is a person that she herself would admire, respect, and keep close as a friend/sister.
The Earth has a Wise Dome and applies wise words, ways, and actions, respectfully. She is a P.O.E.T. This means tha she applies P.roper O.rder while E.xecuting the T.ruth using Supreme Mathematics as her guide. She is loyal, dedicated, and devoted to righteousness.
The Earth is humble, yet firm. Flexible, but not weak. Confident, but not cocky. She is a student and a teacher, thus will do the knowledge before ever manifesting a thought. She is constantly aspiring to gain wisdom.
The Earth is e-motion-al. Her Energy is ALways in Motion. She is in tune with these emotions, and brings clarity to them through peaceful evaluation of the situation at hand. The Earth remains centered and never allows her emotions to get out of hand by acting like a lunatic. She is always in control of her emotions (and if not, she is constantly working towards mastering them). Her emotions are a motivation to her. They prompt her to be motivated in doing what needs to be done.
There are 4 devils specifically she rebukes. They are Hate, Lust, Greed, and Jealousy

  • The Earth counters Hate  by agreeing to disagree, and by taking the best part of everything.
  • The Earth counters  Lust by avoiding obsession with sex, or anything that may lead to that obsession, like pornography, intoxication, or immoral peers. She understands procreation is a natural urge, but saves that urge for her King and God –  the one worthy of her.
  • The Earth counters Greed  by not misinterpreting material wealth or status as true wealth. She does not harbor selfish desires to obtain more than what is needed, excess material goods, social positions, or power.
  • The Earth counters Jealousy by wanting for her brothers and sisters what she would want for herself. She is secure in her perfect position in the universe and strives for greatness. 


    • Youre All I need by Method Man and  MJB

    • The Earth knows God. The 17th letter is Q (1 =Knowledge, 7 = God). She is a Queen. She stands by the side of God who is the Supreme Being. She is very careful when choosing a mate, her king, her God. She knows she is a valuable jewel and whoever should have her will be worthy.

    The Earth has respect for her relationship with God. Her dealings with her God and their Universe are sacred. She honors him and what they have together. She knows the value and importance of the family structure; the man, woman, and child, never getting it twisted with monetary value. Therefore, she never has an “I dont need no man” mentality. She need him just as he needs her for life to go on.So as you can see, with all of her positive attributes and duties of greatness, the Earth definitely has a role and position not only within the Nation of Gods and Earths, but within all that exists. The Earth holds this title with her birthright, but she is righteous by choice. She is respected, protected, and loved.

    Excerpts of this post were written by  Asad Malik and Sci-Honor Devotion.

  • taken from


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