TRUMP MONEY from A to Z!

grabnow I wanna be RICH by Calloway

Welcome back to yet another super edition of b2a & how WE about to be RICH bcuz as quiet as its kept, things are happening BEHIND the SCENES! WE are trying OUR hardest to give it to yall straight & uncut so that ya READY even though very few hear Me though.........some of ya are reading this right now & probably saying yeah, just like ya said that December 21st 2012 was gonna be that date. I have spoken on the Global Economic Reset before & its only a matter of time that WE see some RELIEF! Some of your better INDICATORS of things to come was brexit & Trump last year & as WE go, more stuff is coming! So now, get with US as WE go from A to Z to see what exactly is popping off. If ya got ideas, send em along bcuz with US putting OUR heads together.........WE may just figure all of this out! Some of the info will have links & some won´t........... for now, the DEEP STATE is shaking in their boots!

Resultado de imagen para pic of a billion dollars the Gkamarous Life by Sheila E

WE start it off with A & how DJ Trump was talking about Auditing the Federal Reserve before all of this DEEP STATE SHIT started just after the inauguration. Once that happens the fed would be DESTROYED & this is the reason why they are trying to keep Trump backpedalling. Check this link at That brings US to B & Brexit! The only thing I have to ask about the euro is how was the uKKK in charge (during the blair admin) of the EU when they still use the pound sterling? Anyway, note how the False Flags have migrated to the uKKK now to the point of CANCELLING ELECTIONS! Check that here at C is for the Clinton family & man am I gonna luv seeing em in jail stripes begging for bread & water! If any JUSTICE would be done, they should do that time in a Haitian Prison with Hillary in 1 cell & bill & Chelsea in another as that aint his daughter anyway..............look it up!

Resultado de imagen para pic of gold and silver as money Lets Get It by G Dep

Where WE at.........ok, WE at D & for Me, the DNC in DC is the talk of the town as they go Down! Look at the thug bitch named Debbie wasserman schultz who had to resign after all that shit from last year & more coming out everyday. Let Me put ya up on game & let ya know though that they are about to give Hillary up like this at So, while WE wait, WE now see how really important those emails were eh? Those wikileaks meta dumps are gonna keep coming & with all of the Evidence of Everything, its getting kinda hard to keep up with it all but like a battery, they losing power like superman on the planet krypton. WE on the road to FREEDOM! France just had an election where the Globalist candidate won but thats ok bcuz France & Germany are now aligned against the US & Russia after Trump pulled out of the Paris Thing ( That was big & went over the head of most Blak Peepo but WE move on to those Globalists who thought that Hill was gonna get the top Governmental spot in the world.........HA! The Finale will be Grande like an Ariana False Flag! For now though, OUR main Goal should be to get the Gold for US GGetters! Now..........go Grab em by the PUSSY!

Resultado de imagen para meme of london bridge fallingLondon Bridge Jailhouse Rap by the Fat Boys

So that WE are not bombarded by too much info, I will make this a 3 part series so that this can all sift slowly but surely into ya mind & also, that if ya playing this right that you too could have some dough when its all said & done! Regardless of how much they do, what has been willed cannot be stopped. WE will be VICTORIOUS! As WE speak, Trump has got them DEEP STATE FIGURES squirming with comey about to testify but what do they have? They will soon have signed INDICTMENTS with all that DIRT that they cannot just brush off of their shoulders! In Part II coming in just a few days, look for US to go thru H-P. As well, ya gotta know that this RESET BIZ is REALLY REAL! Til then, LUV & RESEPECT to ya peepo & keep on working til all of the chains have been lifted! Til its PEACE, its WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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