Let's start this off right y'all: As well, my mood fits the day, foggy, rainy & just plain ole damp! Yeah, that's about how I'm feelin but don't mean to get YOU there! It's so SAD to real eyes that so many of US are at different levels of CONSCIENCENESS & therefore will evolve on OUR own BUT..........what's sadder to me is that MOST of US ain't even remotely ready. That last statement includes those of US who have so much POTENTIAL! We'll get BLAK to all that inna moment but first, gotta give y'all a lil news first as I've been combin the newspapers which will soon be outta biz. Let me tell y'all what I saw that ya might have missed.

In the usa today dated 12/20 on page 3A was a story entitled Native American to be declared a Catholic Saint. Just think; of all things an ORIGINAL AMERIcAN to be sainted after these euros all but killed just about all of 'em. And y'all still wanna believe in this RELIGION SHIT! Just to let y'all know, ANY & I mean ANY religious order with an OFFICIAL CHARTER that is recognized azza religion MUST get their charter from the roman KatholiKK church aka the vatiKKKan! The name of the Indigenous lady was Tekakwitha & supposedly, she performed 2 miracles. Ain't it crazy how her & white jesus can do miracles but like superheroes somehow managed to get foiled by their arch-nemesises? To me, this is nothin more than gettin some of the Indegenous on the side of the KraKKa so that THEY don't go out alone somewhat like the baptists have done with Blak Folk especially in the south. Damn.

Also, did y'all know that especially in the south, that states loosened the law on carryin concealed weapons? While I lived in florida, they did this & those without felonies drive around with a gun in their lap or nearby. Of course as this is the usa, all of the laws are NOT the same everywhere so check ya local laws before you think that you can just carry any & everywhere. With all of the stupidity surroundin the Kkkristmas shoppin frenzy, I'm so glad that it's all over. Now WE got new years on deck & I need to remind y'all to be extra careful as every amateur drunk in the world wants to drink everything in site & will be out there ready to talk too much while sayin nothin. This is the time to be wary as any slip can land ya in waters ya don't wanna be in. Last Kkkristmas was the LAST Kkkrismas. sotero's 2008 election was the last election. LIFE as WE KNOW is CEASIN to EXIST! It's an ongoin process so get used to it BUDDIES.

Ok........I'm pissed! Earlier this year, I wrote these articles: As there are 2 of 'em, please check both of 'em out. I wrote 'em bcuz, out of 5 funerals that I attended this year, 4 of the 5 PEEPO were under the age of 50! This is UTTERLY INSANE & I'm PISSED OFF like a MOTHERFUKKKA bcuz y'all not listenin. EVERYTHING that U ingest affects YOU & if YOU wanna eat GREASE all fuKKKin day & nite & continue brushin off what I say, don't expect me to SYMPATHIZE with yo ass when ya 47 & can barely walk, dyin inna hospital somewhere. Some of y'all DYIN SLOW, PAINFULLY SLOW & VOLUNTARILY REFUSE to CHANGE when I already asked y'all: This goes out to my FAMILY especially as THEY ain't hearin me & as I have no money to offer, I can GIVE YOU my research & knowledge so that WE can live longer & see these HARD TIMES thru. Too many of my cousins are bein buried by my aunts & uncles yo & it's gotta stop bcuz WE supposed to take care of our parents when they get old, the TRUE meanin of SOCIAL SECURITY. As I've been sayin all of this, I'm basically repeatin myself. What it is?

I'm still pissed. Azza still young dude, I got problems that maybe 98.5% of y'all won't ever get. I'm sendin this 1 out to alot of peepo who are constantly around me so take heed. I am a Hi-skool grad who has no felonies, no prison time, no loony bin time & no rehab. I lived in atlanta for over a year & never found a job other than odd jobs here & there. When I had worked before, I sustained injuries & can no longer do heavy laborious work which was all I was gettin when I got BLAK to ny earlier this year makin no money an hour. It ain't that I won't work BUT....... after lookin for work for almost 2 years now & provin unsuccessful, stop tryin to ADVISE me to work for peanuts if YOU gotta job & didn't buy my book! I can parlay that money into work for YOU!  Stop tryin to tell me how I should go about LIFE when you ain't got shit either! Stop tellin me that you need permission from the KraKKa when learnin a skill & barterin is where you can HUSTLE to make ends meet especially when you got HUSTLIN in ya BLOOD like I do. Stop thinkin that all HUSTLES are ILLEGAL! I've told y'all before that MONEY is for THINGS that you DON'T NEED as the KraKKa devised a SYSTEM to keep you chasin that carrot onna stick. Everything YOU need is on the earth provided by GOD/NATURE! He pays you just enuff to drink, smoke & maybe take some jumpoff chikk out on the weekend so that you broke by tuesday. He's payin these SISTAS who make more than US & still are women who wanna be ROMANTICIZED but most BM ain't gonna do it bcuz WE AIN'T got it & if WE did, WE ain't ROMANS! He squeezin every penny from you thru ya SORROW TEARS & BLOOD yo & you goin for it!

I couldn't finish this without a solution so let's get into that! Let's do some biz HOMIES! Let's get together & get sirius about what WE can do bcuz while y'all talk about how Afrikans from the continent don't like US, some of 'em get here, figure out what they CAN do, get with they peepo & just do it like nike! If dudes from half way from around the world, some of 'em who barely know english can do it, why can't WE? By not doin it, you either don't trust OR you think you need that KraKKa to employ you as if you can't do that! As quiet as it's kept, THERE is NOTHIN in the social contract of the usa promisin you a job so why can't ya hurt ya brain & at least do ya own shit & if ya fail, dust self off & try again? The WORLD as WE KNOW it will SOON CEASE to EXIST & if y'all ain't in the vanguard of what's to be, WTF are y'all gonna follow? What's ya plan man as I have ideas for days! So what's it gonna be?

Too often at first, genius goes undetected, good ideas are laughed at & original insights are dismissed as absurd. In such situations, the inventor - or the artist or scientists - needs to be dedicated to what he is doing, dedicated enough to persevere against the odds & the CONVENTIONAL WISDOM. His creation or discovery, rather than public acclaim, might well have to be its own reward for a long time* (capitals mine)

To close this out, YOU CANNOT do the SAME THING OVER & OVER & EXPECT DIFFERENT RESULTS! That is the very definition of INSANITY & this KraKKa taught Y'ALL that the way I live is INSANE! As I don't have much, I have my mind without stress allowin me to at least THINK! I don't wany anyone here thinkin that I'm sayin that ALL of US should stop workin bcuz that's not what I'm sayin but I'm a DREAMER & don't stand for injustice & disrespect. Think til you HURT but get outta these dead end jobs & have a tangible skill to BUILD NATIONS for the near future bcuz as I always say, I'm READY for WHATEVER THEY MAY do. Money is NECESSARY bcuz he made it that way but I ain't sellin my soul NO MO! If ya say you so SMART & WE can't build, get the fuKKK out my FACE! Take that trash talk to the basketball court!

* usa today article name: Is narcissism killing innovation in america? written bt Katrina Trinko, 12/21/11 on page 9A

Yeah......blew off a lil steam with that 1 but I'm still so mad that............I'm gonna come to your city, steal ya credit cards & order as many of my books possible & do like a mall santa. Yeah, I'm so mad, I'mma make fun of ya mama........yeah, I'm, just get at me for the info! WE at or on Face Book as Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). 359 to go so let's GET IT!


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