Can U Change?

WE gettin WAY down in the count now eh? Where WE at, like 582 or somethin? And anyhoo, how y'all doin? What's goin on to alla my AFRIKAN wherever ya may be from peepo? Do y'all still love this site? Are WE providin you & yours with REAL answers? Are WE just researchin, typin & wastin OUR time here or are WE hard hittin? Yeah, a lot is goin on & ain't it always somethin? As I type this, it's rainin hella tigers & wolves with no end in sight. When it ain't rainin, it's HEAVILY OVERCAST. This has got to be the RAINIEST SEASON that I've EVER seen & where I'm from, the unofficial kickoff of summer starts in this merry month of may. THEM NIGGAS may be doin the chemtrail thing, hidin the 2 SUNS & ME knows what else. In the meantime, they HAARPIN out the whole mississippi valley & plannin to flood EVERYONE outta there to the tune of 72MILLION PEEPO. You must remember that the bottom of that river is where new orleans is located, conveniently downstream from the bp oil spill & fema(katrina). Connect these dots NIGGA & stop thinkin that the place is CURSED bcuz of VOODOO practices. That area is MILITARILY STRATEGIC & if THEY choke there, EVERYONE in this country is locked down as the coast guard protects the waterways while THEY simultaneously make you come to them, as that area is the HEARTLAND where most u.s food comes from. The other aspect was that 70% of all FISH caught & eaten in this country was from the gulf of mexico & so THEY got almost TOTAL CONTROL of the food supply now. Check that S.510 law to see the rest. THEY WON'T BE SUCCESSFUL though so pushin along..........That imf dude seems to have got caught BUT..............check this link out & see what you would say about it now at I've been speakin with a lot of peepo lately who have told me that they are TIRED & when I say TIRED, they are not talkin about bein sleepy or needin relaxation. As time speeds up & more of US are enlightened, the upheaval in YOU INCREASES & that itself, manifests in CONFUSION bcuz these feelins are new. Whether ya  know it or not, ya body is risin in DIMENSIONS & if ya don't know what it is that you are feelin, ya can't explain it. Many will be called but the chosen will be few! If ya feelin that way, ya gotta HANG ON! Now some are sayin that may 21st is supposed to be the end day. Maybe that's the day the levies get NUKED & the country spits in half as predicted by Noble Drew Ali LONG AGO! edgar cayce did as well & it would serve y'all well to look these dudes up. Can you change? Well them laws of the police bein able to come into ya home without a warrant inna KraKKa ass state like indiana & ya CAN'T RESIST can! Oh man, the INHUMANITY! THEY not even tryin to hide anything & so again I ask, can you change? Let's find out if ya can.

Can you change? Do you know why you should change? Do ya think that you can change? Why would ya change? Why wouldn't you? Are you able to detect why ya might need to change before you are forced to? Given a choice, can you adjust to a change that would benefit you? Can you compartmentalize change? Is change comfortin or foreign to ya psyche? Do you like change in others? Do you know how to change? Do you real-eyes that persuadin others to ya version of events is changin others? Are religious peepo changed peepo? Do you change accordin to your settins? What would motivate you to change? What percentage of peepo do you think are REALLY ready for change? Have you ever changed someone? Would you like to change & if so, why would you? Is a mutation a changed bein? Would you acept change in a cup? Is change strange? What makes a change bad or good? If a rapper was a drug dealin thug & turned into someone who just rapped about it while sellin PRODUCT for the MAN & made lots of money doin so, would that be change? If a hustler turned preacher HUSTLED peepo the same way he hustled, would that be change? Did sotero give you the change that some of y'all are still lookin for? If you can't change the peepo around you would you change the peepo around you? Do you even know what change is? Do you need to change what your idea of change is? Would you agree that those who bcome GREAT are the ones who most want change? Is REVOLUTION change? Is stagnation the inverse of such change? Is it true that the more things change, the more they stay the same? Do you know how to change a tire? Is a change of mind temporary or permanent? Is it only a WOMAN'S PREROGATIVE to change her mind? Have you ever changed for somebodies love? Is change the only thing that's inevitable? When am I gonna change my......................................underwear? When WE get to know others closely, do WE change or do WE know each other better? Is ya DIET & SEX habits the 2 HARDEST things to change? How do you feel when someone says that you need to change? Do you think that Racist White White Supremacy changed after THEY allowed you to be a 14th amendment & a good NIGGA? When ya job changes supervisors, how long does it take for you to feel comfortable again? How far will you go to make change? Change is comin............can you change? Peace.

Y'all know what time it is! The Blak Smith seeks CHANGE & ain't ashamed to take it from you & yours in the form of DONATIONS. We accept as little as $5 & goin up to $20 & above gets ya my e-book entitled, I ain't perfect but take it from Me. Hey, you can even buy that Postal Money Order with alla that CHANGE sittin in ya car seats.....WE DON'T CARE! When ya HOLLA BLAK, hit me at for forwardin info or at Blak Smith (Blak Smiff) on FB. I hope from this point on that any CHANGE you make is GOOD! Peace.


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