How It Really Works
The only TRUTH that I will tell y'all today is that the world is still FAXED up! Haiti is still a mess. Blak people are still gettin it ruff & don't know what real LIBERTY is. I'm almost at a point where I don't even wanna speak to y'all no more bcuz y'all still believin in CRAP but U know.....I still luv y'all & that's why I'm still writin. Watitdo? Anyhoo, do y'all know how things really work? Do y'all even have the power to ENGINEER POSSIBLE scenarios as would a physicist or a lawyer? Do y'all take the time to CRITICALLY ANALYZE outside of the box, the things that happen in life & do comparisons? Do you know HOW IT REALLY WORKS? OK y'all, time to put on those thinking caps. Get all preconceived NOTIONS about GOD, RELIGION, MYSTICISM & anything else that may be described as BELIEF outta ya mind just for a moment or stop readin this NOW! Let's just deal with LIFE as we know it on this earth, that for now we know a...