
Showing posts from June, 2010

How It Really Works

The only TRUTH that I will tell y'all today is that the world is still FAXED up! Haiti is still a mess. Blak people are still gettin it ruff & don't know what real LIBERTY is. I'm almost at a point where I don't even wanna speak to y'all no more bcuz y'all still believin in CRAP but U know.....I still luv y'all & that's why I'm still writin. Watitdo? Anyhoo, do y'all know how things really work? Do y'all even have the power to ENGINEER POSSIBLE scenarios as would a physicist or a lawyer? Do y'all take the time to CRITICALLY ANALYZE outside of the box, the things that happen in life & do comparisons? Do you know HOW IT REALLY WORKS? OK y'all, time to put on those thinking caps. Get all preconceived NOTIONS about GOD, RELIGION, MYSTICISM & anything else that may be described as BELIEF outta ya mind just for a moment or stop readin this NOW! Let's just deal with LIFE as we know it on this earth, that for now we know a...

Holding On

Just like that old group, Simply Red used to say, "I'll keep, holdin on." Do U remember that one? Late 80's & anyhoo, watitdo my peepo? This is the Blaksmith hittin U with Blak News, Blak 100% with no compromise & if U or ya mama don't like it, so wat? I'm grown & this is YOUR blog & if ya can't take the heat in the kitchen, U already know! Haiti is still a big mess. A US Senate Report said that only 2% of the money sent actually went to relief. Oh, did I mention that the oil spill will affect there too? Wow methane, benzene, corexit(they wish to exit the core people there) & all these other CHEMI-KILLS is makin it bad to be anywhere near the southeastern portion of the US & 2 dudes already died there. BP doesn't want anyone wearin respirators to make it look like it ain't all that bad. As I wrote here previously, this SHIT just started & y'all is witnessing the DISMANTILIZATION of the US in REAL time & that'...

Now What?

The 2 Biggest Goin on's in the world now are not being talked about by my people in the United SnaKKKEs of AmeriKKKA & by that, I mean the BP oil spill & the Freedom Floatilla Ship thing in INTERNATIONAL WATERS. We ALSO ain't talkin about Haiti OR how the US is still trying to put Africom somewhere in Afrika & it just boggles my mind. Revelations is happening so slow/fast right in your face & most can't see it. I try not to write too much about things that are in the news that are over covered but I have questions & maybe y'all can enlighten me because even though I know all, I know that I know nothing. Let's get into it & see what it do! Ok, that Oil spill. 4/20/10. We still don't have a reason as to why this DISASTER happened, yet not 1 hour after the first plane hit during 9-1-1, the US intelligence agencies just knew that it was Bin-Laden & his crew of Merrymen that pulled it off FROM CAVES with walkie talkies. First question is, ...

Who WE Are

WE are the first & for sure, WE shall be the ONLY! We are Haitians, Jamaicans, Papua New Guineans, Negritos, Panamanians & anything new THEY been calling us since THEY dispersed MOST of us. WE are lovers of NATURE as in not making ANYTHING that would harm the enviorment we know as HOME but don't WE just luv or gas emitting cars? We are original in that WE started MATH & ALL is MATHEMTICAL EQUATIONS. We were the irrigators of the planet as we are the first to cultivate AGRICULTURE. WE are the soul controllers of the UNIVERSE who forgot who WE are. We are the Doctors that heal THYSELF! We are the lawyers who are the just. We are the simplest complexest forms ever in existence. We are the fighters of wars where NO ONE died. The embarrassment alone was mortifying. We are the lovers & the loved. We are the Gods that the Greeks spoke of when referring to the GODS in their books that somehow got suppressed & then THEY stole our legacy & you believe THEM. We are not...

Who THEY are

They are everywhere! They are in your mind pretty much putting thoughts in your head. You probably love them even though you act like you don't unless they specifically piss you off. They have you thinking that this how life is supposed to be. They have you thinking that English is the only language worth speaking. They trick you every time you turn around especially with religion & their devilish financial system. They got you in their schools & you voluntarily give them children up. They got you working 2 jobs trying to keep up with the Jonses, the Johnsons & the Jacksons. Then you don't understand THEM when they come home from school because they can't be disciplined. They got you thinking that they know it all. One diagnosis from their scientists send you straight to the insurance man & to they funeral homes. They got you thinking that I'm crazy. They got you thinking that the meat you eating ain't rotten because they spray it with nitrates. They...