Dr. Dwight "Malachai" York and his HTM OR AEO OR NAUWABIANS AND ALL SORTS OF OTHER NONESENSE, Clarence 13X SMITH/JOWERS and his 5% who called themselves TRUE MASONS, Malcolm X, Khallid Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan, Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey,Jomo Kenyatta, Kwame Nkrumah, WEB Dubious, Dr. Ben Jochannon, Chancelor Williams, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Barack Obama, Dr. Alfonso Sebi, Hon. Elijah Muhammad to name A FEW...ALL OF WHOM WERE AND ARE recorded FREE MASONS........taken from http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message929743/pg1 Its been a while so lets get right into it............as this is gonna have a Part II, I will be very brief with all this & go into it more with an ANALYSIS that will be WORDLY, personal while involving parts of my last year series named Operation Save Tito & YOU! As the REVELATIONS continue, I take SOLACE knowing that THINGS as WE KNOW them WILL SOON CEASE to EXIST with BREXIT & DJ Trump now in the GAME! Living BEYOND MONEY is w...