
Showing posts from January, 2010

The Weather Report

Hmmm, about 30 degrees in NYC rite now, quite sunny witta slight breeze & da outlook 2nite.....Nah hold up Blaksmith, dat aint da type of weather we talkin about here. Wat I'm talkin about is da weather we soon will all get used 2. U know like Tsunami's, earthquakes & hurricanes. I've written on these things previously & y'all need 2 STUDY geo-politics. Geo = wats in da ground & ology= study of. We all know wat politriKKKs is or do we? Anyhoo, oil has been found in nearby hated Cuba & da more important Haiti. Why is Haiti important 4 geo-politiKKKAl strategies? Because Haitians were da 1st Republic who fought & won, done by former enslaved Afrikans. They put fear in da AmeriKKKas & started da Southern Amerikkan revolutions as well thru inspiration. Cuba has 2 be nervous as well as there is plenty of oil there as da West sputters tryin 2 control it all b4 THEY totally lose they power. They are also a peepo who fought 2 be free & their revo...

We are all Afrikans!

911? Katrina? Haiti? Who, what or where is next? What needs 2 happen 2 Blak peepo 4 us 2 realize dat we are all DESCENDANTS of 1 Afrika? At this point I don't even know but believe me, it will get aLOT more worse b4 it gets better. U may ask why dat is but look at da handwriting on da wall. It seems like aid 2 Haiti got there b4 it did on da Gulf Coast of AmeriKKKa. WTF? $100Million overfuckingnite! U must connect the dots tho. As da media always reports, Haiti is da poorest country in da Western Hemisphere. It also occupies(like Ghana) a very strategic geo-political purpose as it is in da backyard of Miami. Remember, da island is 1(Hispanolia) & shares a border wit da Dominican Republic. They ain't feel shit in the DR. These places are near Cuba & Guantanomo Bay is in dat same country. They even housing Amerikkkan citizens there in the meantime. I have been tellin peepo 4 a long time about HAARP & weather manipulation 4 some time now. We must also remember dat Cli...


Yea, I'm BLAK in NY! As da plane descended on JFK, it was snowin & I thought 2 myself, what a way 2 be greeted BLAK in my place of birth, also da birthplace of HipHop. Imagine bein in da tropics 4 over a year & overnite bein in da snow? Da snow actually welcomed me blak & 4 once, I actually din't mind seein it. It's da cold dat I can't stand but it wasn't dat cold or at least not 2 me. Yeah da flight went from Accra 2 Dubai 2 NYC. Watta flight it was. Sittin in business class next 2 a beautiful woman while other beautiful women brought drinks & food. If U goin somewhere where Emirates Airlines flies, I recommend 'em over any airline out there bar none! Amerikkka, wat a site 2 behold! It's still here but da spirit I left it in seems 2 somehow be gone like someone stole da soul. Like peepo kno dat da 2nd shoe hasn't dropped yet. Like waitin 4 a spouse U will never see again. Like bein dat crab dat gets pulled BLAK into da barrel. Who knows,...