5 ways 2 tell Whats 2 Come!

....Other than a sexual encounter what else.......Look at some a y'all runnin cuz he's about 2 talk sex but - nahh, it won't be about sex. This 1 is about what 1 should expect when Things Fall Apart as our revered elder Chinua Achebe said so eloquently not so long ago. Y'all do kno that Things Fall Apart right? Well if they don't then why did a young Kunta Kinte get snatched from his HOMELAND? Why are most of the resources in Afrika outsourced? Why are you reading my commentary & why do Blak Woman look so beautiful? That last question was 2 see if U was still awake. Anyway, what's 2 come is what we speak of 2day & boy O boy is it comin! Why, it's already started! Let's look at 1. Town Hall Meetings being bombarded with Citizenry(read white) who are FUCKING HOPPING MAD & aint gonna take it anymo. They jammin in these places & shoutin out ANY politician who dares 2 speak NASTILY of Obama & his policies. As if the AntiKkkhrist gonna do antyhing 4 them. So much 4 political correctness. 2. The State Department has pretty much been silenced as Hilary is eerily VERY QUIET lately. Her bein quiet is as loud as Dick Cheney's(DC) loud ass quiet aggressiveness. U kno what it is! Bill goin 2 N. Korea a few weeks ago must have pissed her da F off as he has not that I kno of, OFFICIAL POSITION! So much 4 family ties. 3. The economy: Tho U are hearin all of these accolades about the Market & how it is in RECOVERY, any real 1/2 ass investigation will reveal how false that shit really is. Gold, whatever! Silver whenever! Food, priceless! U can't eat gold & silver is not even worth 1/8th of gold & so what! In Afrika, as cool as it has been lately, 1 can grow FOOD yearround. YIPPEEEE 4 me!!!! 4. The metaphysical impact of having MELANIN makes 1 kno that shit aint right & I don't care the level of sophistication, U can't deny it anymo. Shit is hectic & will continue 2 b so. How can U maintain in these times knowing that the proverbial 2nd shoe is about 2 drop unless U are TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS 2 your surrounding? It has been said that if something is not in the interest of the beholder, then THEY don't see the PROBLEM. On Youtube everyday now, I see white cops tasering & otherwise beating on those good ole white peepo & I'm sure that it happens alot but not at the level we see 2day. Did y'all know that ALL police dept's 2day have been PARAMILITARIZED? Voting is RIGGED! Blak Peepo are hated except by the other women who always state that they wish 4 some1 Tall, Dark & Handsome. That's the truth as I've been around a little bit. Aint nothin change aint nothin STRANGE! 5. Natural Disasters: Can any1 say the Tsunami? Fema or aka Katrina. Snow in Yonkers NY in JULY? Snow in Kenya last year? WTF? Watch as more Hurricanes & Earthquakes hit areas not usually hit. The earth is angry my friend as she is ready 2 cataclymically erradicate those who have disrespected her 4 so long. U kno, da makers of PLASTIC, ASPARTAME, High Fructose Corn Syrup & Monosodium Glutamate strictly 4 profit. Artificial Beings make ARTIFICIAL THINGS like PLASTIC SURGERY & SILVER FILLINGS 4 teeth laced with DEADLY ASS MERCURY! Your diet is a natural disaster but U don't hear me tho........That was jus a quickie as 2 what is 2 happen. Y'all betta at least b thinkin on som Bob Marley Exodus type shit. It's on & poppin whether U kno it or not. So, go get a late pass......STEP!!!!


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