Is Blaksmith a Spy or Not? (Part2 of the Series)

Guess who's BLAK!!! Yeah, letz get into it. Ok, I left off at October 2007. I had not been 2 Ghana since 2004 & I wanted 2 come over after workin 4 a year straight 4 da US Merchant Marine as a civilian employee workin 4 da Dept of Defense. Note dat Moringa already had his suspicions of me so da job dat I had when I got blak had nothin 2 do wit his said suspicions. I'm sure it fueled his suspicions & I'm very upfront about da fact dat I am still employed by this agency. Thoze Fed jobs pay well & tho itz blood money, it's what has allowed me 2 live good while makin no FUCKIN MONEY bcuz most peepo here are SHADY when it comes 2 dealin wit money!! A lil history on dat is I worked on US Navy ships dat send all kinda military provisions wherever it is needed in da world. I been all over da world as in Japan, S. Korea, Dubai, Bahrain, Scotland, Greece & Spain. I've been 2 other places as well but by now I think U get da picture. Anyway, I came blak 2 Ghana in late Oct 2007 with a tour group named Afrika 4 the Afrikans out of the Atlanta area. U see da guy runnin it is named Bomani & he & my very good friend, da Concious Rasta bring our peepo over 2 repatriate/invest or just plain old see Ghana & all of its potential. As I was in Spain when I found about da tour, I got blak 2 NY ASAP & signed on. I was da last 2 sign on & sent in my money & got 2 Ghana wit da tour. Upon arriving, we had a reception dinner in Aburi Ghana, a mountain community just outside of the capital city, Accra where I now reside . We were supposed 2 meet at Rita Marley's place but thru some difficulty dat din't happen & we moved on somewhere else. Who was I 2 meet but da infamous aforementioned, da so called Dr. Moringa. We had just travelled, placed our belongings down & basically got on da bus & went up there. When I saw him, I was conflicted as I now had 3 years 2 reflect on all dat had went on just 3 years prior. I try 2 be a straight dude & so I greeted him & asked him if he remembered me & he replied affirmitavely. He then went on after the dinner & gave a lecture & bcuz da man is a megalomaniac, they cut his mic off. He has a tendency 2 think dat bcuz he is a historian witta lotta knowledge dat he can just jack programs & everybody gonna go 4 it. In Modern Psychology, 1 would call dat, Childish Behavior. He is used 2 Afrikan culture wherein an older person can speak 2 U any kinda way & if U younger & U gotta eat dat. FUK DAT, we from da US don't get down like dat & be very respectful when U speakin 2 me whoever u are or get AIRED OUT!! The tour lasted about 2 weeks & b4 it ended, we had a summation meeting where he showed a movie of TERRIBLE quality yet packed witta lotta good info & I can't take dat from him but........b4 the nite ended, my man Jus Luv(R.I.P) asked me 2 help convene a meeting of peepo who wanted 2 start something in da vein of investing in Ghana which I quickly jumped on. We met in OUR hotel room as it wasn't 4 everybody & who was part of it? The said Dr Moringa! We had da meeting in da room & proceeded 2 da meetin 4 everybody in da Sun Lodge Hotel Conference Center in Tesano where Moringa showed da low quality movie. There, another AA Hater Extraordinaire dat has been here 4 some time also spoke on da dais. 4 now we'll call him & his spouse, Tattoo & Mr Rourke but more on them later. If U been here b4 or are goin blak & 4th, U kno who I'm talkin about! Anyway, after da meetins, da said Moringa was havin other programs & wanted those of us who stayed behind 2 participate. Bein dat Jus Luv had been here a few days b4 da tour & stayin wit Moringa, he had gotten close with him & asked me 2 come along. I advised him dat I had problems previously wit Moringa & din't tell him about him qerying me about my spying. He BEGGED me 2 come & said dat this appeal came from Moringa himself. I was aghast but Jus Luv can be very persistent & persuasive & in those 2 weeks we grew krazy close. Only bcuz of him, I agreed 2 do so & we even made a video featurin Moringa, myself & another homie who I knew from goin 2 da study group classes in 2004 named Musa who used 2 go with Moringa's daughter. Musa even recently told me dat when him & her were still 2gether, Moringa advised her 2 stay away from Musa bcuz me & him was tight. Moringa even asked me 2 send dat very same video 2 some1 in da US & I did as I am a Pan-Afrikanist. None of this spy shit came up until I got blak 2 da states when me & mybro Jus Luv were talkin on da phone 1 day & after hittin some brilliant ideas said dat b4 we could go 4ward dat he need 2 kno something. I told him 2 shoot & he put it 2 me dat he had heard dat I was a spy & I shut him down & said dat me & Moringa already had this discussion & he quickly told me dat it wasn't him, BUT he couldn't tell me who as he swore secrecy 2 dat person. Like any1 else who mite bleev this, I told him dat if he thought dat, he should question himself as 2 y he would let these talks get so far b4 dealing with his suspicions & further advised him dat if he din't call me anymore I would understand bcuz I would not be comfortable dealin with him under these circumstances. We got even closer as I met his 2 wives & children b4 his passing last April. I went 2 his funeral but dats another story. I was devestated by his death bcuz tho we ony knew each other 4 about 6 months, we spoke just about everyday. We basically crammed 6 years into 6 months. He came blak 2 Ghana in January got blak 2 LA in early Feb, was in da hosp all of March & died April 2008. May God rest his soul. Tho he never revealed 2 me who said dat, I knew who said it - Moringa! The 2 minute HATE would twist & turn & morph into a beast. Let the haters HATE! Thatz what they do.(To be continued)


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