Your Life's Higher Purpose by Djehuty Ma'at Ra

Hey y'all, decided 2 take da day off & give U som spiritual food. Don't we all need dat at least som of da time? Read & enjoy!

Your Life's Higher Purpose
by Djehuty Ma'at-Ra

I have come to discover over the past years that the majority of people in the United States are not living their life purpose and it's simply due to them not knowing what their life's purpose is in all honesty.

But there is a reason for this. We neglect the occult, arcane, esoteric, and metaphysical sciences in this country. Many of us are afraid of these subjects. Can you believe that certain people are actually afraid of subjects? A subject! They fear a subject!

We are spoon fed religion from day one and the truth of the matter is that religion, the majority of them, is anti the occult, the Arcane, the esoteric, and metaphysical.

Religion teaches us that these sciences are dark and evil and of the Devil, and the sad thing is, what most people are really desiring in many facets of life are to be found in these so-called dark sciences.

Religion cannot help you find your life's purpose and that's because your life purpose is not revealed or recorded in religion, but in the Wheel (astrological natal chart) and your name (numerology). Religion does not deal with the core or essential YOU! You have to study YOURSELF to discover the core and essential "you." Like the ancient Kemetics said, "Man, know thyself." You have to study self in order to know self. Just like you study a scriptural text or book, you have to study yourself - your natal chart, your name (full name at birth), and your palms. You have lines in your palms for a very good reason and you do know God made your hands and not the so-called Devil, right?

Your body can be studied. Your eyes (iridology), hair, face, hands, feet, frame, etc. can all be studied as they all reveal pertinent information about yourself. Even your aura can be studied (thanks to Kirlian technology).

It is not evil or bad to study and read yourself.

Religion is man-made so you can't discover anything subjective about yourself and life purpose in what man has made. Everything about you that you need to know is recorded in YOURSELF and in the Universe.

"As above, so below; so within, so without!"

Religion takes you outside of Self and have you focusing on someone else. All of your attention goes on someone else - a Jesus, a Muhammad, a Moses, a Buddha, etc. You can learn many wonderful and valuable principles of life, especially to live by, in studying these characters, but these characters can never teach you about YOURSELF, the wonderfully unique and distinct person that you are.

You are insignificant, on the subjective realm, as far as religion is concerned. Religion teaches you to be a follower, not a leader (a leader for yourself).

"But Djehuty, all I need is Jesus! Jesus is the Way, the Light, and the Truth!" Okay, fine! I have nothing against Jesus and Jesus being the Way for you as an individual but I do have an issue with how you represent this Jesus.

If Jesus is the Way as you say, how come you"re lost? Perhaps you weigh 300 pounds which is very unhealthy so how come Jesus hasn't shown you the way to release unhealthy and life threatening weight, or better yet, prevented you from gaining it in the first place?

Perhaps he did and you just didn't listen. Either he did or he didn't. If he did but you didn't listen or haven't, you are a poor example of someone who believes in Jesus' every word. You make people believe that Jesus' words aren't powerful enough to impact folks.

Jesus is not the problem. YOU are!

Religion leads you outside of Self, but what you desire to know about yourself, why you are here (on Earth), and what you are supposed to be doing while you are here, is hidden within Self, but also revealed within Self, so you have to learn to go more within Self, to place Self first, to revere Self more than any other person, including a so-called prophet, savior, messiah or messianic figure, etc. All focus must go on Self! You must learn to become authentically and quintessentially selfish. Religion teaches you and conditions you to sacrifice yourself, to be a martyr but you don't have to be a martyr and sacrifice yourself for another person or persons. Why should you? After all, everybody has a brain, and it is not your fault if other people don't use their brain.

The truth of the matter is: you got yourself into a world of trouble. YOU DID! Nobody else! So the truth of the matter is: YOU will have to save yourself. If Jesus or anyone else saves you, they deprive you of learning valuable life lessons. You save yourself when you become conscious and learn the lesson(s) of a challenge, problem, disease, trial, or tribulation.

I know many people who believed in God and they were saved and yet died from disease, diseases like cancer and heart failure. God has no law of disease because disease is the result from living contrary to God - God's laws (Natural law). This is the truth!

Another big reason why we don't know our life's purpose is because we are conditioned (brainwashed) in schools - conditioned to get a 'good job' which usually translates into getting a job that pays you good money. But hell, life is more than a good job! That good job may not have anything to do with your life's higher purpose.

If you get a good job or good-paying job while you remain a fool (unenlightened, unconscious), all you will do with all that good money is finance your foolishness as most people do and get yourself trapped in this Matrix.

So you may have a good job and perhaps a lot of money but you may be miserable as hell within. You may be depressed, lonely, frustrated (due to your past and/or present relationship situation(s)), suffer from a load of adverse health problems and afflictions, feel confused about life because you don't know what spiritual direction you're headed in, your love and sex life may suck!

Money and/or a good job doesn't guarantee personal happiness, a loving marriage and mate, successful relationships, good health, peace of mind, security and comfort in life, knowledge of spiritual purpose in life, a qualitative sex life, etc.

And just because you may have a so-called 'good job', are you a free and independent thinker? Are you cosmically conscious? Do you even think on your own at all? Do you think outside the box?

"No one can be a free and great thinker who does not recognize that his or her first duty as a free and great thinker is to follow their own intellect to whatever conclusion it may lead to."

You are not told that a job is only to satisfy the mundane aspect of your existence here in the Matrix. You work a job for money, for an earthly existence.

Money will buy your material goods for your material existence. But money can't and won't satisfy the cravings and desires of the soul and spirit, well, unless you know what to spend that money on (i.e. spiritual tools) and most people clearly don't and that's why we suffer as a nation collectively from spiritual darkness and disease today. We BS our lives off on a daily basis and then go to church, the synagogue, or mosque as though that will undo what we're doing the other 6 days and 20-22 hours of the week.

There is a big difference in "making a living" and "living your making."

Most people, unfortunately, are making a living. They work to make money to survive. They don't really enjoy their work but that's what they choose to do to make ends meet. Most have made the choice to forego their life's purpose so as to have a job so as to make a living so as to just get by. But this will not satisfy the lingering of the soul and the human spirit. This will not satisfy your desire to be free to create, to do all the things that you really want and desire to do. It just won't!

Most people are suppressing their creativity, especially their higher creativity. I tell folks all the time that the more you express your creativity, the freer you become and the more you tap into your life's higher purpose, because that higher life purpose has to do with you creating, creating from within, creating from your heart, creating from your very essence, creating from your higher chakras, and that creativity may be expressed in singing, dancing, writing, painting, serving other people, helping people and animals to heal, writing stories, the spoken word, or creating and perfecting certain healing modalities to name a few things.

The above is what most people want to be doing with most of their time but because they can't see themselves making enough money to take care of their earthly and worldly needs, most simply cling to a job to make sure their worldly and earthly needs are provided for. Your life's higher purpose has a lot to do with the things you love to do, or dream to do, and could do every single day and for free of charge.

If you love to do a thing and could do it for free (because the money doesn't matter and you don't do it for the money, but for the love and how you feel), then this is what you are supposed to be doing (or should be doing), or a big part of what you are supposed to be doing, and also getting paid for it simultaneously.

You see, most people forfeit their higher life's purpose because they don't believe that they can sustain themselves on it, that they won't be able to make enough money "living their making", so folks just choose to be slaves to some job for a false sense of security and comfort, but this just creates more misery, anger, frustration and sense of being 'stuck in life' because all you're doing is suffocating and suppressing the human spirit which desires to thrive, to be free, to express itself.

Is fear involved? You bet it is! Is confusion involved? You bet it is!

Many folks want a guarantee that if they take that big leap of faith into following and living their heart's desire that they will be taken care of and everything will work out successfully, but there are no guarantees before taking the first step. It's all risk, reasonable risk, and risk is where the excitement comes in.

Risk is exciting! Risk gives us a mystery. But risk is only one half of the equation. Faith is the other half of the equation. You must have faith that you will succeed. You must have faith that you will be provided for by the Universe (or God or if it makes you feel better, Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, etc.)

You have to take the risk and have faith. In fact, the faith comes before the risk. You first develop the faith and then you take the risk and then you go back to faith after the risk has been taken. So it's faith, risk, and faith!

And the more you gain knowledge while on the path, the more enhanced and magnified your faith.

You have a higher purpose of life and you know it! You can feel it! You may really appreciate your job and even enjoy it but you know you are here on Earth for something bigger, something more rewarding and satisfying to your soul, something that really makes you feel good for doing, something that allows you to make a positive change and impact in and on the world! Something that allows you to touch and motivate people, to genuinely help people!

Did you incarnate on planet Earth just to be a cop for 30 years and then retire?

Did you incarnate on planet Earth just to be a receptionist at some firm?

Did you incarnate on planet Earth just to be a computer technician?

Did you incorporate on planet Earth just to be a member of the U.S. military?

Did you incarnate on planet Earth just to wait tables or to bar tend?

Did you incarnate on planet Earth just to swing around poles and dance naked or half-naked for horny men (and/or women) at a strip club?

Did you incarnate on planet earth just to be a rapper?

Did you incarnate on planet Earth just to be a sales rep or a customer service rep?

Are you working a job just to retire at age 65 and receive retirement benefits, a pension, 401k funds, and/or Social Security benefits?

I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad in what they may be doing occupation or work-wise, on the mundane level, especially to earn money so as to make a living, but my goal and my intention is to stimulate you into thought pertaining to your life's higher purpose. These mundane tasks and jobs above are all okay for purposes of making a living to support yourself and your family, but they can't replace your life's higher purpose.

Are you really here on Earth just for these things named above? Just to help corporations make money and become more powerful than they already are?

"The basis of your life is absolute freedom, the goal is joy, and the result of that perfect combination is motion forward, or growth." - Esther and Jerry Hicks

Society as a whole will never foster the feelings and desires you have to be creative and to do all that you desire to do. It can't! Society (Matrix) is designed to only get productivity out of you so as to serve its best interests.

However, there would always be a balance because everybody is not going to want to be free. Many people will only want to work a job and have the illusion of fun on the weekends and on vacation. This works for many people! However, it may not work for you. You may have a spiritual bone! You may want more out of life. You may be aware (conscious)!

There are two types of people in this scenario: those that desire to be free so as to create and express themselves, and those that desire to be slaves and help others express their creativity and remain free.

It's always polarity or opposites. There are leaders, and then there are followers! There are those who do, and then there are those who don't do! There are achievers, and then there are underachievers. And it's all choice. People choose their fate and destiny in life whether they know it or not. People who believe that have no control over their destiny and fate create their destiny and fate by way of default or omission, thinking they have no control and thus allowing circumstances to control them and their fate and destiny.

If you just live and stand by idle while life passes you by, this is your destiny and fate that you have created, created by default.

Destiny and fate are created by thoughts and actions, and it doesn't matter how ignorant you are of this. Ignorance of law is no excuse.

Get busy on creating by consciously thinking and acting on those conscious thoughts.

You have a higher life's purpose. GO FOR IT!

Thank you for reading!

This article is compliments of and Djehuty Ma'at-Ra.

Additional articles by Djehuty available @


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