I'm a Dreamer

I'm dreamin now about writin this article. In da dream, I wished dat WE would get our act 2gether & do wat we must do 2 be FREE. HMMM, I dreamed dat I invited 100 peepo 2 tell 'em how 2 do so & only 4(not includin me) showed up when 30 confirmed dat they would be there(5%). I'm dreamin dat I was on da shores of Western Afrika on a clear beautiful day & all was well. Everywhere U went, fish was cookin, all kinds of music was playin & everyone was smilin a real smile, widely. I dreamed dat there was no 1 sellin food on da roadside & dat school fees were abolished as the resources were more than enuff 2 pay 4 all of da schooling needed thru college. While daydreamin in dat very same college, I dreamt dat I married my sweethearts, had beautiful children & was able 2 live on free land as I developed a jungle into a haven(heaven). Remember, in da beginning, I created da heaven & earth. While doin so, I dreamt dat 2000 Seasons & Things Fall Apart were jus books written wit vivid imaginations. I also dreamt dat U caught THEM sayin in dat Avatar movie dat they goin in NIGERIA & Venezuela & dat da 8.8 earthquake in Chile was da next phase of havin South America surrounded. Note dat I also dreamt dat both of these regions are full of OIL & dat they are both hostile 2 US interests! I dreamt dat medicine was a root, plant or herb dat was 2 be gathered up after a lion peed on it & it was not cleansed or rinsed off. I dreamt dat this was alchemy at its best. I dreamt dat marijuana grew wildly & 1 smoked it ceremonially 2 induce trains of thought 2 da stratosphere while building da pyramids. Da punishment 4 gettin caught not usin it ceremonially was havin 2 cut down a tree of it & spreadin dat LUV!!! I always dream about killin false prophets. U see, tho THEY don't like wat I say, they cannot refute wat I say bcuz THEY OVEREMOTIONAL like bitches(female dogs). I HATE when I dream of 'em but I learn from 'em. I dreamed dat HipHop Music was made wit positivity even when speakin on sex & realationships. I dreamt dat we were hip 2 all game & never let those LHITE Peepo BLAK into our GARDEN, east of Eden as we are doing now wit da addition of da Chinese. Wow, wat I really dreamt of was peepo doin they research instead of not likin da truth & turnin coat on dat truth teller. Malcom went thru it & he was famous so some modern day truth tellers don't get dat same credit as THEY label truth as hating. Besides, they done figured out 2 not widely publish OUR real messengers. I dreamt dat we all stood up 2 watever responsinilities we have goin on. I dreamt dat Blak Peepo greeted each other as in Peace God & Peace Earth & not a 1 asked, "Are U a 5% or a Muslim?" I wished all Blak Peepo knew dat all Blak Peepo ORIGINATED IN AFRIKA as all peepo in da world come from us but THEY ALL somehow got washed or bleached out. U kno dat Peter Tosh Song.....I wished in dat same dream dat WE would realize dat our history din't start wit slavery unless dats all U kno & if U don't, U wouldn't be able 2 draw from dat Ole Blak Magic dat we now use 2 only destroy each other. I wish I could make y'all kno dat some of these dreams I have became nitemares when I awakened. I wished dat I dreamt more of Martin & Marcus & Frederick & Harriet & Nanny & both Kwame's, Nkrumah & Toure. I dreamt dat y'all have those dreams 2 as some of us believe dat dreamin is 4 sleepin kids wit alotta time 2 imagine da imaginary dreams only. I dream like a Game song. I dream when I see ya potential. I dream wat U can kno but don't wanna kno bcuz maybe U are now an adult & put ya dreams away. So now dat I shared my dreams, will U dare dream on wat could be? Wat would U want? I dare 2 dream on wat is coming & all I see is Blue Skies. Don't wake me as I recreate da world like Tupac, da voice of a generation whose dreams live on thru peepo like US. I was dreamin about other shit when he was still alive; things like cars, houses & ladies but I would always wake up wit wet underwear. DAMN!!!! I dream 4 U! When U take dat LOOOOOOONG DREAM, other than ya family & close friends, who's life would U had made a difference in? Dream on dat & HOLLA BLAK!! I got more DREAMIN 2 do!!!


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