Fast Food Info - the Conclusion

Hey y'all, whatup? Let me first say that I luv all of y'all who are REAL! As I browse the web, I still see HATERS & DOUBTERS & they can do that all they wanna. We've been hearin of certain prophecies since forever & again, I don't ask that anybody believe in anything that I say. What I ask for is that you look at CURRENT EVENTS & base what ya see on what has RARELY or NEVER happened & see that NEW THINGS are happenin ALL of the TIME. They may not do the BIG THING (ie 911 or fema aka katrina) but ain't alla thesee stupid crazy laws havin the same effect? The scrutiny on the airplanes. The food restriction laws & the laws statin that you can't use rainwater fallin into YOUR catch sytems. The taxpayin public payin for the failures of BANKIN EXECS & another motherfuKKKin war front with US on the front lines. The way most of US are actin, WE forgot that there are THOUSANDS of troops in iraq & most of 'em went to afghanistan & WE don't hear the body count anymore. Ghadaffi as I stated before ain't goin NOWHWERE & ya gotta be proud of that as he stands for what HE believes in. I hope that those reactors in Japan don't give in bcuz it could affect the west coast that MAY fall into the pacific. Note the word MAY! For any DOUBTERS, please refer to the Final Countdown 2012 & as it is an archive, go in the searchbox, type in the title & watch it POP UP. Aristide is BLAK in Haiti & this izza pivotal time in this countries OURSTORY after ya nwo HELPER wyclef got shot in the hand last week or so THEY say. Burma aka Myanmar hadda major earthquake but they are POOR BROWN PEEPO so the media don't care too much. I saw it on the news one day! That phosgen pumped into the arkansas hinterland has caused over 500 earthquakes there & a big one came thru about 2 weeks ago. Look for them to get BIGGER as times go on. Ahhhh.....just waitin for that cataclysm is so orgasmic that I can hardly wait so as to force y'all dummies that just don't get it that LIFE AS WE KNOW IT IS CEASIN TO EXIST! 635 days to go y'all whether everything I say is TRUE or NOT & as they say in the hood, "WE'LL SEE!" For those of you who came in late, we got most of our material from eric schlosser & his classic book, Fast Food Nation. Lets conclude this Fast Food Shit once & for all now!

This is the Blak Smith speakin now. In Part I, it was established that the basic THINKIN behind Fast Food has become todays RETAIL ECONOMY, wipin out small biznesses, obileratin regional differences & spreadin identical stores thruout the country aka NON ORIGINALITY. We now know that mcd owns the MOST retail properties in the WORLD! They make most of they money on RENT after the origins of this biz was established by FEDERAL FUNDS aka your TAX DOLLARS. This goes into ya belief now but the only character more recognized than ronald mcdonald is satan claus aka santa!

What do you believe in? Do you believe that this system is sustainable? Do you wish to see it change or do you wish for it to stay the same? Are you really free? Do you think of what freedom is? As you are what you eat, when far away from home, what is it that you CHOOSE to eat if money is not an issue? Those questions need to be answered honestly to SELF if need be or shared with close ones & complete HONESTY must be the standard to answer 'em with. Your core beliefs were shaped in your formative years (0-6) & shape what you believe til this very day as you read what I type. This is why alotta y'all REWARD or PUNISH ya kids with threats of mcd or no mcd when they start cuttin up. For the most part, these threats are empty bcuz it's a LAZY WAY of puttin ya kids in line BUT y'all DESIRE that SHIT too & these kids lose respect for you when they see you makin threats they know you won't really carry out. It's really a reward for self bcuz you know your PARENT(S) didn't play & they deserve it bcuz you SUBCONCIOUSLY remember when you didn't get it & now you don't wanna DEPRIVE ya kids of that same feelin bcuz you ain't cookin tonite anyway. GROW UP as most of y'all is openin & HEATIN up canned GOODS anyway. You still belive in that dude named JC aka Super SKY SPERM Guy & even he is LESS FAMOUS than ronald mcd & satan aka santa. Do you still believe in him? Do you think after readin this series that these bizness men that sell y'all this SHIT believe in him over they PROFITS? I already told y'all, answer amongst you & ya loved ones. I don't believe you when you say you believe anyway. Look at how WE act.

In Part II, ray kroc said that "if you believe in it, it's impossible to fail. I don't care what it is, you can get it." If y'all remember correctly, kroc along with walt disney were the first two PRIVATE biz owners who mastered marketin to children & boy did they get rich beyond ya wildest dreams usin others but remainin the main brain. The first segment of this was for you & your beliefs but what of those children? They used every trick in the book to master that ARBITRARY OPEN PSYCHOLOGY & even I was shocked to learn that these dudes used all kinda shit to get their respective biznesses offa the ground. They used cartoon characters, charismatic leadership & started to FRANCHISE ideas to retain full control of their babies. These babies are YOUR BABIES, while THEY used ya own psychology against you with their relentless advertisin - primarily durin afterskool hours. This later lead to garnerin INFLUENCE at the PRESIDENTIAL level as WE go along innocently think that FF was an idea that was ALWAYS with us to provide adequate food atta moderate price while the kids enjoyed themselves inna private settin as the inner cities fell apart. NOT SO! For the most part & in my observations, children are gonna have the beliefs of they parents until they start puberty. In this dispensation of time, ya bullshit detector goes OFFA what they believe in & most boys start gettin in trouble in the streets based offa image from james dean (the rebel)while girls start becomin sexual bcuz that's what boys want. mae west started that SHIT. If the children are not OVERLY addicted to a substance, they then start to make sense of it all at about the age of 30. This is about the age where the MENTAL SUPRESSION ends after havin enuff ADULT EXPERIENCES. You then bcome ya parents witta TWIST & TWEAK what THEY did to suit ya children inna different time & the endless cycles continue. In knowin all of this, I'm tryin to BREAK that CYCLE by makin you AWARE of what it is. I ain't tellin y'all what to feed ya kids but STOP with all this Fast Food all the time! It ain't good for 'em is why!

My man Wise said that WE shouldn't even be WORKIN as most WORK feeds the BEAST that you eat from. In turn, this very BEAST eats away at ya psychology & ya body while payin ya peanuts on the dollar. You ask how: In Part III, WE told y'all that WORKIN at a FF resteraunt could be hazardous to ya health & in this case, WE wasn't talkin about eatin the food. Again, most of the food ASSEMBLED there is by peepo just over the age of childhood, handlin grills & hot fried grease who are somewhat experienced yet still immature. That makes conditions PERFECT for STROKING or a form of positive reinforcement & deliberate praise. As this world in this time is almost exclusively based on GREED, MANIPULATION of the highest sort as prescribed by Yacub in those mountains MUST take place. Kids who work don't usually make the best students but I'm about to take y'all somewhere y'all might not be ready to go to! What does strokin do to an adult who recognizes that they are bein STROKED by an attractive INNOCENT LOOKIN WHITE WOMAN with nothin but MANIPULATION on her mind? WE as in JUST US, have been taught to OBEY THEM & the educational system is there to REINFORCE that. The skool system is there to teach you on how to be a DRONE & work. What are you workin for? You are gonna tell me you got mouths to feed & alla that blah blah blah but WE know better. YOU AIN'T GOT NO CHOICE & inna system designed to keep it from you, the MONEY AIN'T WORTH SHIT bcuz everything in the universe is FREE! In GOD WE trust but what GOD are you trustin in? This system designed by the KraKKa made money necessary so that THEY can keep it from you bcuz he who pays the piper, plays the tune. WE grew up inna system that ONLY makes sense bcuz WE grew up in it & lookin outside of the box is TABOO for dreamers like me & a few others. Again, everything in the universe is free & this is why the KraKKa came over to indegenous lands & took over. US REAL PEEPO who have MELANIN in abundance knew that MOST THINGS are not for sale & couldn't OVERSTAND why THEY needed to be BRUTAL about just havin food & clean WATER. That wazza GIVEN wherever WE were & WE couldn't OVERSTAND why that wasn't same for them. Like I said, you SHOULDN'T be workin BLAK MAN unless you have REDEFINED what WORK is to suit YOU, YA FAMILY & THOSE WHO LOOK LIKE US! Workin FOR THEM gets you high blood pressure & all of the diseases associated with it & just look at ALL of the depressed BLAKS supposedly GREATFUL for WORKIN at lunchtime in any downtown area. Some of 'em is ready to KILL somebody who has been VERBALIZIN 'em. Ya LIFE ain't WORTH losin & I dare anybody to defy that statement. Do the HARD THING sometimes but DON"T let these jobs kill you man. WE got this shit BLAKWARDS & alotta US is figurin out that the BLAK MAN(GOD) has been MARGINALIZED & with the SISTARS gettin degrees in HIS SYSTEM, WE have been SHUT OUT so that SHE can look at US in contempt. WE ain't goin NOWHERE without each other & to my SISTARS who wanna keep it in the FAMILY, decide that you are gonna help a brother who has potential out. It is what it is y'all! Some of y'all is DYIN for ya job & they all the same; they gotta get done. They gonna get done whether you there or not & 98% ain't gonna get the lions share regardless of the size of ya contribution. Check the movie Jungle Fever & what Furious Styles went thru. DO YA OWN THANG & have the MOMENTUM for when things change. Anyhoo, things are fast changin so when that job is pissin ya off to the nth degree, QUIT..........& don't eat Fast Food. Quit that job.......that STRESS there is KILLIN YA!

In Part IV of our series, WE get into how Fast Foods are not good for ya. The author spoke of the french fries fried in BEEF TALLOW & how the chicKKKen mcnuggets basically reveloutionized how chicken was consumed in this country. But what about what the author didn't speak about? How at taco bell it was discovered recently that the ground beef used for the tacos is only 35% meat. About how they process these animals. About how the amount of sodapop/cola has quadrupled as well as portion sizes of the food. About how the movie Supersize Me came out & went over most peepos head & THEY don't even consider what it's all about. Shit, Good Hair by Chris Rock came out & WE STILL ain't learn so why should I continue tryin to teach? I don't even know my damn self. As said earlier in the series, with exception to the salad stuff, everything comes to those FF resteraunts frozen, freeze dried, packaged & processed. For the most part, even most of the veggies & fruits are bio-engineered. What about the ASPARTAME in the diet sodas? Aspartame causes Parkinsons & one of ya fave actors in michael j foxxx got it after drinkin that shit like it was WATER. What about all of the monosodium glutamate aka MSG that ain't nothin but concentrated SALT that contributes to high blood pressure? What about alla that high fructose corn syrup that is nothin but overtly CONCENTRATED SUGAR contributin to diabetes along with alla that white bread coverin them supersized burgers? What about alla those partially hydrogenalized oils they use to prepare these foods? Canola ain't so great either & if ya ain't askin what kinda oil they usin, you eatin plenty of it as it oh so lovely flavors ya favorite foods. WE could go on & on here but I would bore some of y'all to tears. The point here is that ya TASTES must change in order to give up this FILTHY HABIT! Anything you eat onna regular basis tastes good & WE all need to revisit what's GOOD for US. What ya may have not liked in childhood based on taste may taste different & be beneficial to ya now. It takes an average of 11 times for tastes to change but if ya don't make that MENTAL CONNECTION for what's HEALTHY or not well then............If ya eatin frozen veggies, it has NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE. Seedless the same. Let's read the labels on what WE eat & learn to keep ourselves alive longer. That Cosmic Party soon approaches & I don't PARTY alone.

The meatpackin industry in the us is BIG BIZ! Very big biz & plenty of previous comments to that effect have already been made. WE must OVERSTAND that those with big pockets have influence all the way up to the lobbyists in dc (district of CRIMINALS) who in turn have the ear of the president & pass laws in the name of those criminals. When UNIONS became an issue as WE have already seen, PEEPO DIED & whole companies were moved out to the rural areas where oversight was nil. On top of that, illegal immigrants started takin over these jobs & the destruction of great payin jobs for legal citizens started a whole trend of hirins ACROSS THE BOARD! All of ya life, you are taught to go to skool, work hard, get married, buy a house & along comes a group of illegal & marginalized peepo willin to do what WE legally know WE won't do regardless of the consequences bcuz these KraKKa's is doin THEY business as usual. It's all done wink-wink style witta smirk. They payin the illegals PEANUTS to do some death defyin SHIT & then when you can't find a job where you don't have to KILL yaself to keep it, THEY label you as FAKIN & LAZY & say that ya don't wanna work. I'm tellin all of y'all that you will survive if ya remain RIGHTEOUS & not slip into bein like those DEVILS! When THEY make you play someone out in order to keep ya job, you yourself bcome expendable as well. Those who know where the bodies are have to be expendable bcuz there is NO HONOR amongst THIEVES! Remember that a plant in mn promised immigrant workers housin inna pinch & dropped 'em off in front of a homeless shelter. A HEARTLESS SNAKE izza REPTILIAN! There is an END to this DEBAUCHERY & it will be soon! Retribution will be had by the downtrodden & so my question to you the reader is, "where are you in this equation?" When hitler & his army was runnin roughshod all over europe, alotta his officers pleaded with the courts that "they were doin their jobs." That excuse ain't gonna wash as the Earths Day of Judgement nears & ya won't have any excuses to hide behind. Some of US don't wanna give up that benz payment, that new 60 inch HD TV, that trip to Jamaica or bein able to live in the white parta town. FUKKK THAT, I'm drawin the line! When I have sway, the equivalent of throwin yo ass to the lions will be how you get dealt with if ya down with 'em. There ain't gonna be no kenny dobbins in the next dispensation. If ya don't luv ya peeps, I can't luv you!

Part VII of Fast Food Info went in on the various OUTBREAKS made possible thru the processin of how these foods get to ya plate. Bcuz of the way most meats are processed, this opens up a plethora of ways that you can bcome ill & not even know that it came from food borne pathogens like e:choli. There are SO MANY ways that one can get sick from food & as quiet as it's kept, most food pathogens are still UNKNOWN. The way WE at b2a see it, it's BEST to eat in & only eat out when necessary. Whether it be FF or Fine Cuisine, ya never know what this food you are about to put in ya body is goin to do to you or for that matter, where it came from unless you own a farm. With so much SHIT out there & peepo not washin they hands, can ya stand to take a chance on a constant basis? The meat ALONE has been considered a BIOHAZARD & the history was put down for alla y'all to see exactly what it is.  HAMBURGER, especially should be avoided & go back & remember that quote by Upton Sinclair who wrote the Jungle over 100 years ago. Ain't it funny that the more things change the more that they remain the same? They knew as an adult that you would find out & now they just made the kids luv that SHIT. Marvin Gaye said "save the babies." What are ya gonna do about it?

Part VIII is kinda special to me & ya may ask why; this part more than any other defined the time WE are now livin in with the REVOLUTIONS goin on in Northern Afrika especially NOW in Lybia with Ghadaffi & his military. The nato powers have imposed a no-fly zone & it's only a matter of time before ground troops go in in germany in the late 80's & early 90's, a revolution can be sparked by a CONVERSATION somewhere in the HOOD, grow into a gatherin & the next thing ya know, DEMANDS for CHANGE unlike soetero are bein made when the peepo are SIRIUS & ready to die for it. What a shame that FF resteraunts have now defined the beginnins of such CHANGES & for the most part, denote the MODERNIZATION of a new GLOBALIZED market. When a so called new market wants to DIVERSIFY, in come these FRANCHISES who train those in the west to seek oppurtunity overseas. This is what is called CAPITALISM as it must EXPAND or DIE. Competetion in the us is like a gladiator fight as FF is now accepted as normal & mundane. Again, like cigarettes, the only peepo they can market it to are the CHILDREN as they fuck with ya mind & make ya think of ya own childhood based onna subconcious punishment/reward system. Just think, the FF Industry even had a fallen president speak at their rostrum & he tanked out but I bettcha foreign investment there picked up like nobodies business soonafter. All in the cost of doin BIZNESS! And then what about the mclibel suit? Ayo, you would think that sellin food was a simple biz but after some activists got together & decided to target mcd in particluar..........Ayo, this case had all of the factors of a MURDER involved with spies, counterspies & SURVEILANCE. These KraKKa's play for KEEPS & will stoop as low as they gotta to keep that money machine goin. This case went up to as high as scotland yard yo! All that they OVERSTAND is money & some of y'all are so desperate, y'all became like THEM! WHERE'S YA SPIRIT? When you give into that NON SPIRIT, you become just like 'em & will do anything in order to keep ya ILL GOTTEN GAINS includin sellin me & other tellers of TRUTH, OUT! This is why I have this blog so that I can say what I please & not have to look atta lotta y'all FAKE ASS NIGGAS who would sell me down the river if ya could. The days of shuckin & jivin is over yo! Repressin ya true expression gives one HEARTBURN & headaches & just look at the job interview process for a clue if ya ain't already got one. You answer accordin to a script & any deviation is a non job........But if ya get the job & they catch you inna lie after you already started, they FIRE ya BLAK ASS! I call that goin thru the motions & Blak Men are tired of it but in order to stay up, ya gotta make up ya mind to do somethin DIFFERENT! This ain't just about color either as the mclibel 2 case showed that there are VERY FEW KraKKa's worth a pinch of salt & alotta NIGGAS who ain't worth the SHIT in the MEAT that may make ya ass sick. The Underground Railroad could not have succeeded without the help of some whites but Saint Harriet Tubman was the engine that drove that car. Plus she had the gat! Don't get it twisted that I'm flippin my switch but that needs to be acknowledged. Elevate with those who are AGREEABLE bcuz it's all about SURVIVAL of the whole. We atta time in OUR lives where WE have to consider EVERYTHING that WE do. The object is to STAY ALIVE! No mo FF!

As life goes on, WE see that this industry & this SYTEM that WE know azza whole  is UNSUSTAINABLE!  Almost all foods in the us today is not NATURAL & the processes are degradin the very enviorment that WE all need to live in. Look at Japan & the foodstuffs comin from the affected areas as a prime example. The bp oil scandal is another. These execs runnin the FF Industry & most others, care notta whit for ya safety or well bein. They are simply business men witta product to sell but at times, that product comes witta price & WE hope that that price ain't ya life. As b2a always needs to leave ya off onna good note as there are SOLUTIONS to this, eat better. If ya MUST eat FF, curb it to a minimum. If ya must eat hamburger meat, visit ya butcher & have them ground it from the best cuts of meat you can find. My mission here is not to make ya stop eatin meat but it would be great IF you took that on azza personal endeavor. 98% of US are vegetarians bcuz most of US would never kill an innocent animal especially when livin in the TROPICS, where abundant plant life izza way of life. WE got our MEAT BASED DIET from the KraKKa! You don't find many obese peepo there bcuz bein fat there izza BIG PROBLEM. Y'all also need to be sweatin more bcuz SWEAT gets rid of certain toxins that pissin, shittin & runnin mucus can't get rid of. Soda consumption should be lowered if not erradicated as it has sodium benzonate & lotsa high fructose corn syrup in it. Those white breads break down into SUGAR. As well, most of the corn & potatoes are bio engineered with who knows what? In the Supersize Me movie, Morgan Spurlock told US that the highest fat content of any mcd item was in the mcd's BIG SALAD & so what is that tellin ya? Overall yo, don't eat that FAT SHIT! At the end of the day, it's your call. So what are ya gonna do? Ya gotta start somewhere. WE now have 635 days to go.............this has been Fast Food Info - the Conclusion. Thanx & always remember, "you are what you eat." Peace.

The Blak Smith is HERE! As this concludes our series on the Fast Food Industry, we have MORE FIRE & still wish to release our book online. The name of that book is I ain't Perfect but take it from Me, a semi-autobio on how I see my life thru the lenses of HipHop. Also, I wish to keep this site goin but as the price of things go up, so do my costs. Again, we ask that those able to DONATE, send US a minimum of $5 & a $20 or more donation gets a copy of my e-book as mentioned above. For those of you SIRIUS, holla at me at or on FB at Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). Thanx & see y'all at the next installment. Peace.


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