Fast Food Info Part VII

Peace y'all & how WE doin out there? Y'all need to let me know by leavin a message in the box on ya right. b2a LUVS ya feedBLAK, negative or positive. Watitdo? Anyhoo, my beloved Haiti is hangin & they gonna be ok. Tryin to monitor Aristides return but with so much goin on....... new zealand is in big trouble bcuz they just keep gettin hit with earthquakes that just won't stop. That place is prolly 98% KraKKa anyway so whatever! Them tremors is scarin the hell outta 'em. The national security apparatus in egypt got stormed & like I been tellin y'all for a minute, that SHIT ain't goin NOWHERE no time soon. Those peepo are watchin & they ain't tryin to go back! Did y'all hear that charlie (no afro) sheen is tryin to join sean penn(is) in Haiti? WTF is that? Shit is crazy yo! Lybia is FIERCE right now & the uKKK military had to leave bcuz ghadaffi ain't tryin to go nowhere. The us is supposedly fomentin these wars & what will be, will be. We got 655 days to go & I'm gonna keep tellin y'all over & over, that WE gotta step aside when that shit comes here. wi rallies are startin to get violent & in ny, 17 protesters were arrested in albany for blockin the entrance to the capitol buildin. Us poor peepo on the other hand been so used to what WE dealin with that WE gonna let those who are with US(you know who you are), have the grandest of all when this shit SWITCH! Alla the NICEST SHIT will be YOURS! Ya head gonna spin when it happens! Y'all better get ready bcuz y'all ain't seen NOTHIN yet! Or maybe by now, ya have seen that Fast Food AIN'T where it's at. Let's get into this SHIT as Part VII is the SHIT!  

We are now in July 97, friday the 11th to be exact. lee harding was inna mexican resteraunt with his wife orderin soft tacos in pueblo co. The chicken seemed SLIMY & GROSS to him but they continued to eat it. An hour after leavin there, he felt terrible, as if the food inside his stomach were eatin him. He never felt this way before. After developin BLOODY DIARRHEA, he went to the hospital as the sickness overtook his fear. On that monday, he went in & was sent home witta summer flu. The next day, a knock on the door confirmed his worst fears as a notice left by the health department had confirmed that his sickness was esche - richia coli 0157: H7, a LETHAL FOOD BORNE PATHOGEN aka e coli. Two weeks later on the 28th of july, harding also found out that it had not been the tacos of the 11th. It was from hamburger meat from the "hudson beef patty" company that he had consumed a few days before. As others had also fallen ill & the meat was easily traced at that time, the BIGGEST RECALL of ground beef ever was started with 35MILLION pounds. Unfortunately by that date, most of it had already been eaten.

In the us, about 200,000 persons a DAY are sickened by food pathogens. 900 are hospitalized & about 14 DIE. About 25% of peepo suffer from food poisonin inna year. As these are unreliable stats, most don't report their illnesses if they even knew what to report. The effects can be long lastin leadin up to KIDNEY DAMAGE as suffered by morgan spurlock of supersize me fame. The nations centralized system is to blame & at the time that Fast Food Nation by eric schlosser was published, just 13 packin houses slaughtered most of the meat that you eat. The packin system of uniform ground beef makes it all taste the same & has proved to be an extremely efficient sytem of spreadin disease. The cdc even estimates that more than 75% of food related ilnesses & deaths in the us are caused by INFECTIOUS AGENTS that have yet to be identified. This bcuz the govt CANNOT remove contaminated meat from where YOU buy it. This also coincides with big biz republiKKKans as food tainted by these pathogens has more than likely come in contact with an infected animals stomach content or MANURE durin the slaughterin process. In fact, inna usda study, 79% of the ground beef contained microbes that are spread by FECAL MATTER. In other words, as the author stated VERBATIM, "there is SHIT in the MEAT!"

Do y'all remember when marie antoinette supposedly said, "let them eat cake?" Like cake, hamburgers were once thought of as food for the POOR. Shit, I'm poor & I been stopped eatin 'em. They were considered as INFERIOR & TAINTED. They were found around factory lunch carts & fairs as they were holdable, inexpensive & easy to chew. It was also widely believed that ground beef was made from OLD PUTRID meat & HEAVILY laced with CHEMICALS. One critic even said that "the hamburger habit is just about as safe as getting your meat out of the garbage can." WOWZER! This was the case until white castle dispelled those notions soonafter ww1. Even the name was used to SANITIZE the imagery of hamburgers with white havin a connotation of PURITY(these peepo got it all covered yo)! This made burgers popular but when our formidable friend in ray kroc started marketin mcd to the children, it blew the roof of this new & peculiar institute. Before ww2, pork had been the #1 meat but by the 70's, the average ameriKKKan ate 3 burgers & 2 were eaten in fast food resteraunts. CHILDREN between the ages of 7-13 were the biggest eaters.

e - choli is now the leadin cause of KIDNEY FAILURE among children in the us. As said earlier in this segment, some of these lingerin symptoms can have long lastin effects. e - choli is resistant to acid, salt & chlorine. It can withstand temps up to 160 degrees all the way down to freezin. If you are a burger lover, make sure & eat 'em WELL DONE but as a Blak Smith aside, WE know them DEVILS need BLOOD & so THEY eat 'em, pretty much RAW. Back to the book tho: a tiny particle of hamburger meat can contain enuff of this pathogen to kill you & the problem begins in the feedlots. Sorry y'all but got another aside from me. Ya see, these KraKKa's know who they are & this is how you know; schlosser interviewed a govt health official who put it this way to him. He said that, "the sanitary conditions there (the feedlots) are like a crowded EUROPEAN CITY durin the MIDDLE AGES when people dumped their CHAMBER POTS out the window. RAW SEWAGE ran in the STREETS & EPIDEMICS RAGED!"* These cattle live in MUDDY SHIT yo & at that, have lil room to move. The same official later said that, " you shouldn't eat dirty food & dirty water." I AIN'T DONE YET! About 75% of the cattle in the us are fed OTHER ANIMAL WASTE to ACCELERATE GROWTH. This was true until august 1997 & animal waste means DEAD sheep & cattle along with dogs & cats from ANIMAL SHELTERS. The fda banned this practice after an outbreak of MAD COW from same in the ukkk. However, as of the publish date of the book, the fda still allows DEAD horse, pigs & poultry waste (diseased SHIT) into cattle feed. WTF? A former editor of meat & poultry lamented this sayin that, "these cattle are ruminants. They're designed to eat grass & maybe grain. They're not designed to eat other animals." But HOLD THE FUCK UP; Waste products (SHIT) from POULTRTY PLANTS includin SAWDUST & NEWSPAPERS used as LITTER are also fed to the cattle. This does not break down when you cook it as their stomachs aren't built for protein & other stuff. As well, the grindin process passes on pathogens when the hide of the animal is removed. Chunks of DIRT & MANURE fall onto the meat. Again, the SPEED of the lines make it such that this is so. As well, illiterate immigrants workers work here & don't know proper sanitation or how to read in ANY LANGUAGE in alotta cases. To make matters worse, about 25% of the cattle bought in are called DOWNERS, old worn out dairy cows, the cows most likely to be diseased & riddled with antibiotic residues. Just think about it Y'ALL: A single Fast Food Burger now contains meat from dozens if not HUNDREDS of different cattle. Do the PROBABILITY numbers on that. You hungry?

Let Upton Sinclair tell y'all man. In the Jungle he said that, "this is no fair story & no joke, the meat would be shoveled into carts & the man who did the shovelin would not trouble to lift a rat even when he saw one - there were other things that went into the sausage in comparison with which a poisoned rat was a tidbit." Big Biz fights regulation every step of the way tooth & nail. The reagan & bush(1) administrations cut spendin on public health measures & staffed the usda with officials far more interested in govt deregulation than in food safety. Programs set by the industry allowed inspectors to say that "at the Streamlined Inspection Cattle System aka SIS-C, slaughetrhouses where visibly diseased animals, cattle infected with measles & tapeworms, covered with abcesses - were bein slaughtered." Poorly trained inspectors were allowin shipments of beef contaminated with fecal material, hair, insects, metal shavins & vomit! This program was scrapped in 1993 bcuz of the jack in the box outbreak & if ya old enuff to remember that one, plenty of peepo died.

This outbreak made jack in the box step up & take safety measures to another level as far as fast food was concerned. Slaughterhouses that continued to ship bad meat were eliminated as suppliers & a new system was implemented, a system whereby they checked the meat every 15 minutes. Though these changes were neccessary, as the DEVIL is ONLY interested in MONEY, the ca resteraunts association resented that the new methods raised the price of ground beef by about a penny a pound.

Do y'all remember when wild bill KKKlinton was call a demo-publiKKKan? The republiKKKans at the time had him in check as they had the house majority representin big boy biz.  A study of campaign contributions between 1987 & 1996 revealed that newt gingrich received the most money of all reps from the resteraunt industry. Most of that list was of conservative repubs & some of ya favorites as in messe helms, orrin hatch & phill gramm were up in there. gramms wife, sat on the ibp board. Also, under the law, the usda CANNOT demand a meat recall. If a company decided to VOLUNTARILY recall contaminated meat, it was under NO legal obligation to inform the PUBLIC or state health officials. Federal inspectors are under extreme pressure to not slow down the production lines & don't take the company records they work in, seriously. Instead of focusin on the primary causes of meat contamination, the meatpackin industry & the usda advocate technology as in wantin to IRRIDATE all of the meat. Ya see, when microrganisms are zapped, they are NOT killed but their DNA is disrupted & don't reproduce. This is nuclear atomic technology bein used on ya SO CALLLED FOOD! This is already in effect but most peepo are resistant to havin ALL of their food irridated. The way around that for the industry is to get rid of the word & replace it with COLD PASTEURIZATION. Before we move on tho, take this into account; do you want illiterate illegal immigrants usin high tech machinery, radiatin LIVE SHIT already in the meat that doesn't die for ya supper? Get a GRIP but WE still AIN'T DONE!

This shit still gets more disturbin! For years, the most questionable ground beef was purchased by the usda & distributed to SCHOOL CAFETERIAS countrywide. I remembe azza kid lookin at meat in skool that we labelled as MYSTERY MEAT & I'm sure that alotta y'all do too. A 1983 investigation by nbc news said that cattle king packin company at that time, the largest supplier of meat to skools & wendy's (my favorite ff rest way before I knew better), routinely processed already DEAD cattle, hid diseased cattle from inspectors & mixed ROTTEN MEAT that made it back from the supermarkets & resteraunts into their HAMBURGER MEAT. Their facilities were ROACH & RAT INFESTED! The owner was tried & convicted twice for these crimes. Two years earlier, he had been convicted of same & that still didn't stop him from supplyin 25% of all of the meat to these skools yo! Ya gotta remeber that the biggest group of hamburger eaters are kids between the ages of 7-13. SMMFH!

In April 1988, an 11 year old in danielsville ga got seriously ill after eatin a burger from the bauer meat company. Days later, the owner of the company committed SUICIDE when usda workers left the plant effectively SHUTTIN IT DOWN! This was a rare & unusual move bcuz when they leave, even tho THEY don't have the power to shut these places down, it means that the meat is OUTRIGHT UNFIT. This meat was already in skools, prisons & MILITARY BASES! In late 1999, a ground beef plant in dallas failed a series of tests lookin for samonella. Though 50% of the meat there contained samonella & this was 5 times the industry rate, the usda CONTINUED to purchase thousands of tons of meat from them to distribute to skools. THEY DON'T EVEN GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE KIDS MAN!

Durin the 1990's, the fed govt (which is supposed to ensure food safety) applied standards to the meat it purchased for skools that were LESS stringent than the standards applied by the fast food industry (which is responsible for much of the current threats to food safety). The fast food chains now get the best ground beef while the meat packin industry sells the general public the BULLSHIT(my pun intended)! When the author, eric schlosser gets really serious, again I have to quote him VERBATIM. On page 221 of his great book, Fast Food Nation, he says that, "anyone who brings raw ground beef into his or her kitchen today must regard it as a POTENTIAL BIOHAZARD, one that can carry an extremely dangerous microbe, infectious at an extremely low dose.** The current high levels of ground beef contamination combined with the even higher levels of poultry contaminants have led to some bizarre findings. A series of tests conducted by charles gerba, a microbiologist at the univ of az discovered far more fecal bacteria in the average kitchen sink than the average ameriKKKan toilet. He also said, "you'd be better off eating a carrot stick that fell in your toilet than one that fell in your sink." To finish this segment, to my peeps, especially my youngsters, watch those young, poor, disgruntled employees who are mad at the ff companies & taint the food just bcuz they're BORED! If the food ain't killin ya, what they puttin in there just might. As it is virtually impossible not to eat out in this day & age, kiss ya health up to the CREATOR & allow him/her to bless you bcuz you are what ya EAT! Does ya butt have a biohazard sign on it? I hope not & I hope ya live long - on to the next.

*chamber pots were used as toilets when europeans were in the peak of SAVAGERY. The RAGIN EPIDEMICS the official spoke of were the many plagues that THEY suffered thru THOUSANDS of years.

 ** biohazard - 1.a pathogen, especially one used or produced by biological research  2. the health risk posed by the possible release of such pathogens into the enviorment.                                             

The Blak Smith luvs y'all & wishes to maintain this blog. As WE aim to continue givin Y'ALL what ya want how ya want it, WE would also luv to release our new book, I ain't Perfect but Take it from Me. We ask that those of you who are able to, to send US a us postal money order donation witta minimum of $5 & any over $20, gets my e-book. Serious offerings can contact US at or on FB at Blak Smith (Blak Smiff).We look forward to FRYIN ya KITCHEN with this HEAT WE bringin ya. HOLLA BLAK!

                                                - to be continued - 


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