Fast Food Info Part VIII

Wow! Hey & again, WOW! Tsunamis took Lybia off the front page! Haiti is callin me. She still goin thru what she goin thru but I'm more than sure SHE gonna be alright! We kinda forgot about the Ivory Coast but gbabgo is still holdin 'em off. Could the tsunami be a DISTRACTION needed in the world for the us to go & nuke Lybia? Did y'all know that there wazza new moon on Fri the 11th & that most of the MAJOR MANMADE DISASTERS have been on 11th's? That moon was so close, I coulda jumped on it so if it was HAARP or not, I don't know. We must question EVERYTHING & remember when I told y'all in Hip Hop has gone WILD that the Japanese PM Hatoyama resigned bcuz the big issue there is for them to now be a SOVEREIGN NATION. There is alotta lil shit rumblin & as the Japs now embrace passiveness, the new guard (like in northern Afrika) are sayin FUKKK THAT! The Final Countdown 2012 & past articles posted here has been tellin Y'ALL to look out for all the shit comin down as THEY try to get this NWO shit on but THEY doin alla the crazy shit goin on! With already a confirmed 10,000 dead & a possible nuclear meltdown, SHIT IS MELTIN DOWN YO! I've been tryin to WARN Y'ALL & I don't know what's next but maybe ya might just wanna stop eatin BULLSHIT! Like Nas said on What goes Around, WE gonna get thru this but ya gotta HOLD ON! Time for the GODS to emerge & GOD don't eat FAST FOODS! Let's go in & do this!

We are now gettin opinions from eric schlosser. He was tellin peepo that he wanted to go to plauen in east germany. They didn't know & would ask amazed, "why?" He wanted to go bcuz plauen is located between munich & berlin inna part of saxony known as the vogtland surrounded by a forest. To berliners, plauen wazza sleepy backwater on the wrong side of the berlin wall. Though this may be true, to the author, the peepo there are unpretentious but CURSED bcuz they have been on the margins of history. Nevertheless, events here have oddly foreshadowed the rise & fall of great social movements. For centuries, plauen wazza small market town. At the end of the 19th century, a local weavin tradition gave birth to a vibrant textile industry specializin in lace that was for the most part, exported to the us. But then came ww1 & the loss for germany made this place less than ideal. The lace market dried up & social unrest came early. In the 1920's, plauen had the most millionaires per capita in germany & the most suicides. The unemployment rate was also the highest in all of east germany.

These conditions set the stages for the GREAT CHANGE dependin on where ya lookin at it from. Extremism thrived. plauen was the first city outside of bavaria to have its own nazi charter. In 1923, the hitler youth movement was launched & the followin year, the city became the nazi hq in the saxony region. hitler often visited along with goring & goebbels which made the place a favorite of the nazis. In Nov of 1938, a crowd destroyed plauens only synagogue. Soonafter, plauen was jude-in free or free of jews. Tho this was the case, plauen remained quiet & provided a safe haven to german refugees fleein already bombed out cities. In Sep 1944, plauen was placed onna list that included dresden.

plauen was largely deserted when on April 1945, more bombs were dropped on the city than on any other city in eastern germany. At the end of the war about 3/4ths of the land laid in ruins. plauen bcame part of the german democratic republik with the border only 9 miles away. Things remained boring & quiet until October 89 when the first mass demonstration took place. Tho other cities were protestin, the epicenter proved to be plauen where 25% or more than 20,000 took to the streets. The secret police aka the STASI were caught totally UNPREPARED as all of this combusted spontaneously with no organization or LEADER. By the time the stasi tried to break it up, it was TOO LATE. The protesters refused to budge. Thomas Kuttler emerged azza mediator & when he went to the town hall to speak with the leaders there, he found 'em all COWERIN in FEAR! Like the us now, the empire was meltin right before his eyes. The then mayor had worked up the nerve to speak to the peepo but that was quashed by a stasi official. A few months later, the berlin wall FELL! A few months later, mcdonalds enetered the stage. The news provoked a statement from the eastern german parliament that, "mcd & similar abnormal garbage makers should be banned." That fell on deaf ears as the buildin was the first erected in plauen at that time.*

* Alotta y'all out there MAY wonder what alla that had to do with Fast Food until ya got til the very end. I put as much as needed in to show y'all that WE should never judge a book by its cover. The recent REVOLUTIONS in Tunisia & Egypt shows US that the peepo together can NEVER be defeated & that if WE MUST, WE MUST fight & die together. The war in Lybia is bein fomented from the us & isnotreal & big RA SPECT to Ghadaffi for standin strong on this one. The us already attempted to kill him & will turn on ANYBODY if THEIR interests are at stake as WE have seen just usin Fast Food as an example. All books of prophetic fufillment say that the FINAL COUNTDOWN 2012 is goin down in NORTH AFRIKA & in babylon aka the us & I ain't talkin about that tiny town in long island ny. We talkin NYC & Washington DC. Japan just hadda tsunami & shit is haywire with BATTLE LA the movie comin out on the SAME MOTHERFUKKKIN DAY of that tsunami. I told y'all about the solar flares comin on MAY 11th of this year so get ready! I don't promise to know SHIT bcuz the man who knows somethin knows that he knows NOTHIN AT ALL so strap on my dude! These next 649 days is comin FASTER than hi-speed internet. Fast Food will be phasin out as FAST as it CAME! Let's get BLAK to the book now.

The Fast Food Industry has grown competitive & like CAPITALISM, had to expand outside of the US where MOST of the new resteraunts are. They now even use a phrase as in global realization to describe this phenomena. mcd has about 32000 stores & only subway now has more stores tho mcd still grosses more money. Competition in the us is tight as mcd is now the WORLDS most recognized brand! THE VALUES,  TASTES & INDUSTRIAL PRACTICES of the AMERIKKKAN FAST FOOD INDUSTRY are bein EXPORTED to EVERY CORNER of the GLOBE, HELPIN to CREATE a HOMOGENIZED INTERNATIONAL CULTURE that SOCIOLOGIST, benjamin barber has labelled, mcworld. These chains are often the first multinationals to arrive when markets open to ameriKKKan style franchisin. The us state dept even publishes detailed studies to help franchisors find overseas partners. In brazil, mcd's is the largest private employer by far! Classes at Hamburger Univ are taught in 20 languages. In order to diminish fears of ameriKKKan IMPERIALISM, chains TRY to purchase as much food as possible in the countries they operate in. Bcuz some of these methods are FOREIGN to the natives of these host countries, problems can ensue.

Y'all know about the money generated from the foods but check this out; in 1987, conagra took over the elders co in australia who at that time were the biggest & with that, conagra is now the biggest. cargill & ibp pretty much took over the game in canada. jr simplott of french fry fame opened the first french fry plant in china & also bought a 3Million acre farm in australia to grow other staples. To that he said, "it's a great lil country & there's nobody in it." This is the same dude that already OWNS more land than in the state of de in the us. Again, these FOODS are targetted to children & an ad exec said that these rules "apply to any kid in berlin, beijing or brooklyn" (shout out to BKNY yo). This is so serious that a Japanese billionaire, den fujita had this to say, "if we eat mcdonalds hamburgers & potatoes for 100 years, we will become taller, our SKIN will become WHITE & our HAIR will be BLONDE."**

** A Blak Smith aside says that alotta Japanese are already too white. When I say that, I'm talkin about they complexions.

germany is mcd's most PROFITABLE overseas market. It is also the largest country in europe & the most ameriKKKanized bcuz of the us's inclusiveness. english is taught in the skools (most peepo worldwide KNOW more than 1 language) & that facilitated ameriKKKan pop culture as the status quo pretty much wherever it is permissible to consume it. Even the TAKEOVER of prominent ameriKKKan corpations like kkkrysler, random house & rca records by german companies provoked none of the public anger unleashed when japanese firms bought much less significant assests in the 80's. We must also remember that the majority of white anglo's in the us are DOMINATED by peepo of german extract but as the BS already knows, that is a trick bag bcuz the ANGLOS(old English) & the SAXONS of SAXONY are germanic peepo who went to what is now known as the uKKK & conquered it. plauen is in saxony! So they share the same passions of science, technology & efficiency. mcd deutschland is the biggest resteraunt company bar none in all of germany. hamburg, the city credited with originatin the HAMBURGer is in germany but it didn't get its cachet until the devils of ameriKKKa added a bun to it.

On march 1, 1999, mikhail gorbachev, the former pres of the ussr & nobel peace prize winner, gave a speech in the grand ballroom of the mirage hotel in las vegas. This speech was for execs of the fast food industry & for his hour long speech, he was to be given $150,000 & use of a private jet. He appealed to investors to come to his country after the fall of communism but minutes into his speech, he bombed drastically. Author eric schlosser had this to say about the speech: "in ancient rome, the leaders of CONQUERED NATIONS were put on display at the CIRCUS. The symbolism was unmistakable, the submission to rome COMPLETE. gorbachevs appearance at the mirage seemed an ameriKKKanized version of that custom, a public oppurtnity to gloat..........."

The collapse of soviet communism led to the ameriKKKanization of the world. As Fast Food Nation has grown, so have the peepo where there are lot's of these resteraunts. In the us, the obesity rate is highest of all in the industrialized world. Today, about 50Million adults are obese with about 10Million bein super obese. Genetics is NOT a factor in the equation. More & more, the peepo are sedentary & skools have put physical education on the back burner. The portions of food especially at fast food resteraunts have DRASTICALLY INCREASED while bein just as inexpensive as ever. Per capita, consumption of cola drinks have QUADRUPLED since the 50's. A taste for FAT developed in childhood is hard to cure. They even puttin bacon in the game as two decades ago, 20% of all bacon was bought in resteraunts. Today it's about 73%. With the cdc estimatin that about 300,000 ameriKKKans dyin annually as a direct result of bein overweight, obesity is now 2nd to uneccessary deaths with smokin bein 1st. Obesity is linked to heart disease, colon cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, INFERTILITY & stroke. Severely obese children are routinely gettin HEART ATTACKS. In europe, the british eat MORE fast food than any other european nation. Over in Japan, overweight peepo in years prior were a rarity. The traditional diet of fish, rice & veggies is quickly bein abandoned for meat & potatoes since the OCCUPATION of ww2. All of the attendent factors of such a diet are now manifestin in the peepo. ameriKKKan children now get 25% of their veggie intake from french fries & potato chips! The eatin habits of ameriKKKans are widely considered a good example of what other countries MUST AVOID! WOWZERS!!!!!!

After the bombin of the chinese embassy by the us air force in belgrade yugoslavia, a banner hung in beijing univ sayin "RESIST AMERICA BEGGINING WITH COLA. ATTACK MCDONALDS, STORM KFC." Anti-ameriKKKan demonstrations were eruptin thruout china tho pizza hut was left untouched. "Maybe they think it's Italian", said a pizza hut official. This has happened bcuz the resteraunts have assumed the SYMBOLIC ROLE of IMPERIALISM. This led to Jose Bove, a sheep farmer & activist who became legendary for leadin the charge to demolish a then under construction mcdonalds. Ayo, the french DO NOT PLAY when it comes to food! He also penned a best seller entitled, I AIN'T PERFECT BUT TAKE IT FROM ME! Oh shit, the Blak Smith's sinister side took over in another silly aside & let's see if WE can get him BLAK.........oh, there he is! I was just pluggin MY BOOK! Ya want it? No, Bove wrote a book named The World is not for Sale - And nor am I. His basic message was that, "men should not be servile slaves at the service of agribusiness." He may have gotten his inspiration from the next segment.

A loosely formed group of activists in the uKKK, AFFILIATED but not tied with the international greenpeace movement decided to take on mcd in 1986 citin that "mcdonalds epitomizes junk culture & the banality of capitalism." This group soonafter decided to DISTRIBUTE a leaflet that they didn't write entitled, What's wrong with mcdonalds? Everything they don't want you to know. I the Blak Smith, read this way before I knew about fast foods & at that time, all I was eatin from mcd's was the french fries. That stopped that! The leaflet was TRUE & a bit of agitprop or PROPAGANDA to AGITATE. They distributed it for years & in 1990, mcd's hit 'em witta lawsuit. The case was labelled mclibel & 5 of them were in the soup. 3 decided to apologize immediately but 2 didn't. The names of the 2 were Helen Steel & Dave Morris. Tho poor, they were BOTH denied legal aid, defendin themselves in the process. Of course the oversensationalistic british press put this story on the front cover as mcd frothed thinkin that they would trounce this dynamic duo. Delay after delay ensued & after 4 long years, the case entered the court phase. It finally eneded in 1997 & the duo was found guilty & fined 60,000 pounds. They appealed. Ya see tho they lost, this case EXPOSED (much like this book) the inner workins of mcd & the fast food industry which was already known BUT also the companies attitude toward civil liberties & freedom of speech. Durin the trial phase, Steel & Morris also found out that they had been INFILTRATED by  informers on the mcd's payroll. The spyin started before the trial in 1989 & employed at least 7 agents. As mcd used 2 different agencies, some of the spies were even spyin on EACH OTHER unknowinly! Some of the relationships were SEXUAL! The mcd vp at the time wazza former south afriKKKan POLICEMAN & a SUPERINTENDENT of the London Metro Police! He used his connections to get intel on the duo from scotland yard! Ayo, you still thinkin that lil trip to a resteraunt is so innocent? There's more tho!

Morris felt that mcd & its arrogant behavior was just one manifestation of a much larger problem now confrontin the world: the rise of powerful multinationals that shift capital across borders with few qualms, that felt no allegiance to any nation; no loyalty to any group of farmers, workers or consumers. On march 31, 1999, judges in the case overruled the previous verdict & awarded mcd only 40,000 pounds. mcd had already announced that it would not try to collect it as this case FORCED A PUBLIC EXAMINATION on mcds & was a PUBLIC RELATIONS DISASTER. The duo then went on & sued the police & scotland yard winnin 10,000 pounds. To round out the case which was totally done with in 2005, check out MCLIBEL, a full featured documentary done by Fanny Armstrong. mcd didn't know who they were FUKKIN with!

We bringin ya home now! When mcd first opened in eastern germany in december 1990, the company didn't know how the food would be received. That now is a neither here or there thing as they now dot the vista. Statues of former russian leader v lenin were toppled & now statues of ronald mcdonald DOMINATE to the point that, a 3 story one can be seen from the highway miles away! Life in plauen now is not so easy. The hero of the 89 uprisin, Thomas Kuttler is disappointed by how FAST the idealism of of 89 has vanished. The population has dwindled but the town cannot break free of its past. Like alotta MEN almost EVERYWHERE in the world NOW, 40 somethin year olds, too young to retire but too old to fit in, stumble around drunk in the middle of the day. The middle class is basically dead & right wing extremism has declared eastern germany as OFF LIMITS to FOREIGNERS. We here at b2a share that same attitude as we believe in AFRIKA for the AFRIKANS as stated by the Most Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey! Once & for all before WE close out, CHILL with the FAST FOODS! Peace.

The Blak Smith is on the pulse for a true New World comin in. We wish to continue bringin you this FIRE
& ask ya assistance if Y'ALL out there wish to see US continue unabated. I ask that you send your DONATION inquiries to me at or to Blak Smith (Blak Smiff) at FB. I wish to release my book, I ain't
Perfect but Take it from Me & continue this site. I ask that you send a min of $5 & $20 up gets you my book online. See ya!


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