the Final Countdown 2012 - Revisited

Whatup peepo? Before I rant, a BIG SHOUT to Jendayi Nanyamka who makes my day, everyday. Also, gotta shout out Linda Rochon Bey, the inspiration for this piece, who said that I should REVISIT this particular column as it's the proper time for it. I hope that y'all OK like the beginnin, middle & end of a lil john song. WE still livin despite the fact that Y'ALL forgot that the us so called power elite is still at WAR with iraq & afghanistan. Actually, about now, EVERYWHERE is a HOTSPOT, kinda like foxy brown. These WARS are nothin more than POPULATION CONTROL WARS as everything THEY import/export is HARMFUL to ya & if ya don't think so, examine DRUGS, FOSSIL FUELS, NUCLEAR POWER, STEPPED ON FOODs & a lil somethin resource rich countries refer to as the RESOURCE CURSE. Do Y'ALL believe that THEY wish to get rid of MOST of US? Haiti knows a lil somethin about that & its proximity to the us makes it a perenial target for us interests. Not to mention that it was the first pseudo independent nation in the western hemisphere. Damn they need to be FREE! Where are alla my AFRIKAN PEEPO on these issues? WE are seein the EARTH CEASIN TO EXIST AS WE KNOW IT & some NIGGAS is still OBLIVIOUS! I want SHIT to change & this is why I had to REVISIT the Final Countdown 2012 bcuz peepo is too complacent lately. What moves are ya makin now? Some peepo talkin about growin old & bein SECURE in that pension & social security way! Well, there's a few words that start with an S & end with an E that I would rather use such as SURVIVE & be SAFE in these last 620 days. If ya under 60, you ain't never gonna see any of that old skool money but it's ok - we'll be in a whole nother dispensation of time & space. The COLLECTIVE CONCIOUSNESS is gonna take care of ya if ya even know what that is. Too many of Y'ALL is still believin in Super Sky Sperm Guy as if he gonna come out the sky to save us all.........I'm still waitin.......duh! Why do y'all think that you can rant & rave about your lord & savior but I can't have my thoughts on aliens & shit like that? Why can a man who lived at one time have more validity than the TRUE & LIVIN GOD who communes witcha onna regular basis? What's more important to a roach that needs a mate; you or its possible mate? The THEORY of RELATIVITY states that WE are not RELATIVES bcuz I'm DIFFERENT. How DIFFERENT? Well, let me show ya how!

I've HEARD that the earth may stop spinnin......that should knock ya socks off. The poles are supposed to shift 15 degrees & from what I OVERSTAND, that shift done been started. I've HEARD that alotta peepo who write on the right of the screen of my page HATE the fact that I write the way that I write. If ya don't OVERSTAND it, IT AIN'T FOR YA & I say that with all due respect. Thanks for the critique tho & I welcome it. The stages or degrees of spiritual acension go from the 3rd dimension which is material or matter which is just surface BULLSHIT. The next is the 4th, which MOST of these KraKKa's can't pass bcuz they have no SOULS, just spirits which can be good or bad. You know what MOST of them are! The 5th dimension is where ya wanna be now as that's where peace & luv start. The 6th doubles up the 3rd & is a higher plane than 5. 7 is aptly titled 7th HEAVEN & that is HEAVEN on EARTH but you can go on to the SQUARE ROOT of 69 which is 8 somethin.........I'm checkin on y'all to see if y'all woke. The 9th dimension or 9 ether is the etherical level ya may wanna raise up to to enjoy life in a spiritual body at all times after these 620 days. DO THE MATH if ya don't know & stop askin me when! This is the CHRISTLIKE state that only those heavily (HEVENLY) melinated can reach & this is why WE here say that the Blak Man is God & for alla y'all sayin that it is the Woman, I say, that the BLAK FAMILY is at our ACME. For me, there's no US without our COMPLEMENTS. I always tell Y'ALL that none of US is goin ANYWHERE without the other & I don't indulge Battle of the Sexes convos. Let's get it right!

WE got peepo livin inside the planet that know all & got these KraKKa's in check. Don't believe that THEY are as powerful as THEY say but always know that his very nature is from an EVIL SEED. The movie monster's ball was the concession to make some of y'all believe that some of them are good. Fukk that! The earth is gonna CLEANSE herself like when you get a stomach ache & ya either throw up what is bad in ya or ya get the runs. Upheaval MUST happen as the earth izza BODY inna UNIVERSE & at the present moment, she's sick & needs to THROWUP or SHIT those harmin HER. Her proper name is LADY GAIA! She feeds her CHILDREN from the FRUIT that she bears.What else have I HEARD? I HEARD that BLAK PEEPO are BEAUTIFUL & that y'all are gonna be kickin plenty of pink critters in the GUT when these 2 suns shine after the earth stops spinnin. THEY ain't got melanin & if WE have unlimited SUN that saps they energy for too long...........WOW!

I've HEARD that a so called dude named jehova izza back office clerk from the orion belt. He commissioned it so that these holy books were prostituted, bastardized & drug thru the mud so that WE could believe in 'em & carry on like the DUMMIES WE have for the most part bcome. I HEARD that alla this SHIT started in space EONS ago.The aliens already here (not all of 'em) have seen who WE are in relation to THEM & their superior FIREPOWER will soon be more than apparent. Check out a dude named george green on who speaks on alla this. I HEARD that y'all should have an alternate plan to all what I'm sayin as these KraKKa's look to salt the earth & all ya gotta see is alla these so called ACTS of GOD takin place that keep gettin bigger & bigger. I KNOW that the frequency surroundin the earth (FEAR) wil soon be done so that ALL PEEPO can be SELF DETERMINANT! At that time, all holy books will consist of SACRED MATHEMATICAL EQUATIONS! Worship of MEN not worthy of worship will cease. Shapeshifters aka REPTILIANS won't be able to take the SUN YO! I've also HEARD that the GODS will have plenty WOMEN as those who don't ASCEND will be stuck inna frequency that will make ya existence practically NON-EXISTENT. WE makin GODS & our women will have NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVE ORGASMS for bein freed by A-Alikes. Drug addicts, hotboys, pimps, pedophiles & con men NEED NOT APPLY as WE can determine what a FAMILY is. For you to be in the runnin, ya must RISE UP. When the choices are proper, why would ya want anything else? This goes for both sides of the coin. WE can show y'all that AIDS izza HOAX & ya won't HEAR it - you'll know that! Before I go, I HEARD that May 11th 2011 will have SOLAR FLARE ACTIVITY that MAY knock the electrical grids OFF & what are ya gonna do when it's time to eat? How ya gonna get ya nails did? Where's ya shower comin from? How am I gonna write an online column to ya? WE RAMPIN this SHIT UP! This is the Final Countdown 2011 & 2012 & alotta y'all gotta know that if ya with US, you will be the VANGUARD as you prepare for that time NOW. BUILD or get DETSROYED! I HEAR YA LUV b2a tho some of y'all silently is still hatin as WE go HARD! 620 days left! Where ya at? Don't say ya read it here though; say somethin like, I ain't perfect, but take it from Me. HOLLA BLAK!

The Blak Smith is at it again, takin this Final Countdown so SIRIUSLY. He is also takin his book & this site as siriusly & implores Y'ALL to help in this cause. WE ask that those of you who are able to, to DONATE if ya with us with a minimum of $5 & for any donation over $20, we send you our e-book, I ain't Perfect but take it from Me. You can reach US at or on FaceBook at Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). WE here at b2a thank you for alla ya luv & support. Stay tuned as we COUNT DOWN!


  1. "Infinite love is the only TRUFF, EVERYTHING else is an ILLUSION" -IB


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