What Whacky Weather We've been Havin!

 You can't paint a pretty picture but you can't PREDICT the WEATHER - Outkast on Ms Jackson from Stankonia.

Hey to alla my b2a FAMILY & welcome BLAK to another article. As usual, things are crazy & you know I do crazy. As the sayin goes, the SANE man in an INSANE world is INSANE. I think that I'm INSANE! If you read me alla the time, you must be too. I must apologize for bein late as I try to post as much as possible & I'm late this week. Thanks for ya patience & I hope that those of you who read me religiously DONATE some money like I ask y'all to. WE take this site very SERIOUSLY & when I say that ANYBODY with an interest in BLAK RIGHTEOUSNESS who wants to submit an article here with US, HOLLA BLAK at my contact info that I put at the bottom of each post. Ok, what of my dude Dominique Strauss - Khan, the head man at the imf who wanted to see Third World Nations aka US, come up from POVERTY & told these nations how not to sign bad loans. Every other day now, they twistin this story into somethin else & now THEY are sayin that he is tryin to bribe the FAMILY. The ny post even had the accuser's FAMILY on the front page to elicit sympathy from those of you too STUPID to believe that this is true. Check the link here at www.nydailypost.com/p/news/international/maid_offer_ya_can_refuse_joKw8dxbw6AkYOmJsEZiaN. As in the wikileaks case, when julian assange was brought in for justice, he was also accused of a rape charges so that these nwo NIGGAS could just continually keep US on Operation DISTRACT NIGGAS & just bcuz THEY put an AFRIKAN WOMAN on this, alot of US wanna believe this SHIT! Believe what ya wanna but you can find the link at Morse Donaldsons FB page, about a NUCLEAR FACILITY  destroyed by the superior WEAPONRY of the Pleidians aka Blak Peepo from Outta Space aka US! I just watched my favorite will smith move again entitled, enemy of the state & WE all need to stay VIGILANT. As I said before, THEY ain't got SHIT on US.........fuKKK maria shriver & the governator! Distraction after distraction all comin ya way just like osama been DEAD & sotero havin a code name, smart alec. isNOTreal & the us is bitchin about him sayin that THEY should respect the lines drawn in 1967 when all it is, is a hegelian dialectic thing all over again. Stay up & do you as these next 575 go by. WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS & always remember, THERE IS NO REST FOR THE WEARY!  Let's go OUT on the weather now & see what it do.

This WEATHER has been quite WHACKY lately! I don't know where you are but here in the northeast, this past may has looked like late march or early april. This means cloudy days, cool winds, rainy days & wearin heavy clothes. In all of my days, I have never remembered such a may & when it isn't rainin, it's overcast, makin it hard to know what time it is when ya wake in the mornin. I'm still usin a space heater & I don't ever remeber usin that at this late stage of the game. In my last article, I told y'all that may usually is the official - unofficial summer jump off month & damn, WE ain't have enough beautiful days to enjoy. I must admit though, the last 2 days were very nice tho cloud formations eventually formed. With all that WE goin thru, WE need to see the SUN as my peepo are TIRED & the SUN contrary to popular belief, is an ENERGIZER. You think it ain't bcuz you got used to air conditionin & fans aka white convenience devices that enabled 'em to live in enviorment's that THEY could have never lived in before. All of the FREON & COOLANT stuff is killin OUR MELANIN just like those florescent lights y'all so luv but you don't hear me though. They hidin the SUN from US & WE need it for.............the PINEAL GLAND to be activated to give US INNER VISIONS like Stevie Wonder when he made his BEST MUSIC! That gland holds the keys to who WE are & it is activated by the SUN as WE rise up in the DIMENSIONS. If WE can't get it, WE won't RISE up as high as the KraKKa knows that he is surrounded by the Pleidians & that his TIME IS UP! You also get vitamin D & don't believe that this pasteurized (processed) milk is the only source of this essential vitamin. You can check www.notmilk.com for that info. WE need that sun to grow vegetation. OUR MELANIN is like CHLOROPHYLL & the abundant vegetation that grows all is set off by  the SUN, OUR FATHER, who art in HEAVEN. As WE know it, no SUN, no LIFE but wait.......that SUN is gonna kill these KraKKa's & more on that later. Get out there & get in that SUN as he is OUR FRIEND. He gave you that BEAUTIFUL Chocolate Skin WE luv so much! Well at least, some of US like me.
Rain! Clouds! Overcast skies! Tsunamis! Hurricanes! Earthquakes! Sinkholes! How about those volcanoes eruptin again in iceland? How about these tornadoes in the ameriKKKan mid-west? This weather is whacky yo! The reason why is bcuz the EARTH is a body & if ya read this blog religiously, you know that I always say that the BLAK MAN is GOD aka the CREATOR & our bodies contain every element known to the Un I Verse. Ya body suffers as a result  as it mimics the earth & it will soon stop. YOU came from the EARTH! I have also said that this constant rain makes 1 lethargic & ya don't wanna do anything as ya body responds to the cycle of the SUN & by may, it should be HOT most of the time. That same SUN is gonna FRY these Krakka's as they RECESSIVE aka WEAK skin cannot keep out the UV rays that literally cooks 'em! Now how UNNATURAL is that? OUR ANCESTORS live accordin to the day/nite life cycle & all of this FALSE LIGHT aka LUCIFER is killin US! The moon only lights the night bcuz of the SUN aka the orange moon reflectin light like Erykah Badu says. THEY playin that HAARP & even the Japanese had to pay a whole lotta money to not get HAARPED again by the us & I leave it to you to believe...or NOT! For that info, check this link out at www.ebookcashstreams.com/HotNewsBlog/2011/05/japanese-government-pay-60-trillion-yen-to-stop-h-a-a-r-p-attacks/. I've also been tellin y'all about GEOPOLITICS & that the us is tryin to police the world & are responsible for pretty much......100% of all the WARS goin on in the world. If it ain't oil, it's drugs or natural RESOURCES. As well, the Japanese were about to put out a car that ran on WATER & WE can NEVER underestimate what that would do to the big oil interests. All of the worlds peepos who know they history know that the BLAK FAMILY is GODLY & therefor GOD & like US, waitin for that clock to tick & THEY ain't gonna have no mercy on 'em either. They doin this SHIT & ya have to read these articles slowly & absorb what is bein said here. LIFE AS YOU KNOW IT WILL SOON CEASE TO EXIST & dependin on who you are, this type of statement will excite or scare you, just like the weather. Do you know that the bp spill has changed the WEATHER PATTERNS of the world? The chilean earthquake sped up time! Why don't ya hear about it anymore? More tornadoes hit joplin missouri directly & pretty much destroyed it. Them rulin KraKKa's don't give a care about them HILLBILLIES either! The more that THEY try to use them nukes, the more them Blaks from the Galactic Federation is gonna fukkk 'em up & so.......have FAITH in you! Keep ya spirit & mind up so that ASS can follow.

Who is the WEATHER? You are the WEATHER! Not just you but EVERY LIVIN THING is such as the animals, from the biggest whale to the tiniest plankton that they eat tons of every day! That upheaval that WE must go thru can be likened to LAVA spewin from a volcano. Don't you erupt when you bust that nut? Or when ya hungover from drinkin too much vodka like I used to do & THROW UP all over the place? Or when someone insults you & you unleash a bunch of HOT AIR or what WE know as AIRIN A NIGGA OUT? WE gotta talk like them streets do so get off that bull yo! Be a SAND STORM takin human form & read my MESSAGE like you read them skies before you go onna long walk. Eat your foods when they are in SEASON! The foods eaten in the proper time frame have frequencies that speak to ya vibe & psyche. When eaten outta the right season, it's like callin a wrong number. ALL BLAK PEEPO should be livin in the TROPICS but we have acidation oxidation which enables US to live ANYWHERE! A lot of US ain't gonna be in the wilds of ameriKKKa til our dyin days & the northern cities ae losin populations as PEEPO wanna be communal all year as BLAK PEEPO are. They are also hidin these SOFT METALS with these weather patterns via CHEMTRAILS. Don't think that bcuz ya don't see 'em that THEY ain't there. This weather is whacky & so are WE! Ya supposed to be that.

Alrite y'all, WE have given Y'ALL just some of the symptoms of what whacky weather can do. WE want y'all to know that all you need to do thru out this is remain BEAUTIFUL, PRO ACTIVE & BLAK! The KraKKa is shook & is on his last leg so he has to lie & say shit like Blak Women are not as ATTRACTIVE as Blak Men & that the worth of OUR MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN is $5! WTF? As the propaganda machine ramps up, be CAUTIOUS as the are VERY DANGEROUS bcuz THEY know THEY time is up. He gonna tell you that the WORLD is over & not say that HIS world is over. He's gonna FLOOD the ms valley but WE been thru worse. He's gonna try & control the FOOD SUPPLY but WE always find OUR WAY to survive. WE are actually exhaustin him bcuz bein outta a job never hurt nobody & WE all eventually find OUR WAY. Not workin (at times) like prison can actually work to PRESERVE some of US. Their backs are up against the wall & THEY are shittin bricks. Ya can't get tired now bcuz TIRED PEEPO GIVE UP & I gotta party with ya at the Cosmic Party. Do somethin constructive. Already, Too many have DIED too YOUNG & I sent y'all a MESSAGE that was dead on serious as well as necessary. Get yo ASS UP & help me fight this BEAST however you know how bcuz he ain't goin lightly BUT TRUST, he will go! WE now at 575 days & if ya hear me, HOLLA BLAK! What Whacky Weather We've been Havin wants you to WEATHER the STORM that WE have been experiencin for over 2000 SEASONS! Peace.

The Blak Smith just went in PRETTY HARD! The harder WE go, the HARDER WE need y'all to come with those DONATIONS! WE still comin but it's hard out here onna Blak Man! A $5 DONATION is the least that WE accept & $20 or more, gets you my new book entitled I ain't perfect but Take it from Me. You know the drill & those SIRIUS should contact US at bennyblacko@yahoo.com OR on FaceBook at Blak Smith (Blak Smiff). Thank y'all & if ya think WE worth OUR weight in gold, spread the word to friends & fam alike! Peace.


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